Stem Word Review Game Identify the missing Stem word & define it A visual clue will be given Example: ____ + phone Telephone Tele=Far Each team is given 45 seconds to write down their answer
____ + attractive
____ + erous
____ + ify
____ + obook
Meta +____+ osis
____ + arm
Ver + ____
____+a potty
______ + vene
____+ tive ____+ tive
Photo +____
Con + _____ + ution
______+ nemesis ______+ nemesis
____ + mite
____ + ar
____ + bole
Ex +____+ atory
Con + ____
____ + icure
Andr +____
____ + onyms
____ + cede
Omni +____+ ent
Lun +____
____+ ivorous plant
____+ ate
____+ ifier
Il +____+ ible
Cas +____e
Gradu +____
____ 1) un=not2) Pond=weight3) magn=great4)audi=hear 5) Morph=shape6) dis=away7) dict=say8) port=carry 9) inter=between10) cap=take11) graph=write12) trib=pay 13) arch=chief14) dyna=power15) son=sound16) hyper=over 17) clam=cry out18) tort=twist19) man=hand20) oid=appearance 21) onym=name22) se=apart23) sci=know24) ar=relating to 25) carn=flesh26) ambu=walk27) pac=peace28) leg=read 29)cad=fall30) ate=cause to be