CLSIG Debate Web 2.0: The truth behind the hype held at Hammonds, Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2JR 1 st March 2010 Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services Photo: Edmund Street B3 taken by Robin Stott and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Stott This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 LicenseCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This is me! Web site: Blog: Twitter: Flickr: Facebook: Slideshare: LinkedIn: 17 May 2015Karen Blakeman
Get rid of the Web 2.0 label 17 May 2015Karen Blakeman Social and professional networks, the Web, electronic information –boundaries are disappearing –multiple platforms and delivery mechanisms Sources of information Marketing and promoting your services You are already using “Web 2.0” without realising it
Authoritative? Reliable? Peer reviewed? 17/05/
Correcting the Record - Times Reporter Who Resigned Leaves Long Trail of Deception - /05/
Beatles Myths –started by British journalists in 1969 from an unverified assumption 17/05/
Piltdown Man Wikipedia Man Man The Piltdown Men, Ronald Miller Publisher: Ballantine Books (12 Feb 1974) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: /05/
The Wicked Bible Typographical error –"Thou shalt commit adultery" In a 1631 edition of the King James Bible published by Robert Barker and Martin Lucas Wicked Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – 17/05/
Social media can be used to correct errors A chemistry search engine aggregating & indexing chemical structures and their associated information into a single, free of charge, searchable repository Errors from peer reviewed journals, patents, FDA etc. Users encouraged to help correct errors ChemSpider Blog Does ChemSpider Have Millions of Errors? /05/
So you won’t be using any of these unreliable resources 17/05/
Aleksandr Orlov – Comparethemeerkat /05/ = more traffic to web site = MORE BUSINESS!
12 Social Media From a presentation given at Internet Librarian International 2009, London, by Jeremy O’Hare. Traffic to BL’s BIPC Web site from these second only to Google Now also have a wiki!
Why you should be using social media Use every opportunity to reach existing and potential users of your services Social media is where an increasing number of people feel comfortable asking questions and sharing information Communications with users Respond to positive/negative feedback Marketing/advertising The search engines now include social media in their results You are already using social media without realising it! 17/05/
Google search Blogger profile Twitter profile Facebook profile LinkedIn profile 17/05/
A publican is hiring new bar staff. Because many of the applicants are students and probably have Facebook pages he uses Facebook to pre-screen candidates A high school student uses YouTube to find videos to help them with their essay on the life cycle of the duck billed platypus A community newsletter editor is looking for images of autumn leaves of a specific colour for the front page. They used Exalead’s Chromatik ( to search Flickr photos by colour and keywords Twitter and blogs are now used by all types of organizations as an essential part of reputation monitoring, competitive/industry intelligence Follow a conference in Twitter using the conference hashtag, view the slide presentations on Slideshare, watch live video streaming of the event, listen to podcasts of the sessions, view photos on Flickr... 17/05/
You choose what works for you 17/05/ Day 1Day 2Day3 YesStart pages, tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, LibraryThing, YouTube, blogs, wikis, podcasts, presentation sharing Tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, Google Reader (for RSS), Google maps, presentation sharing, podcasts RSS, wikis, shared calendars, social bookmarks, presentation sharing, sharing screencasts (Camtasia), start pages, Google maps, Twitter MaybePodcasts, Twitter, YouTube, presentation sharing, social bookmarks, Facebook LibraryThing (for book clubs), Facebook (for short term campaign and discussions), wikis, YouTube Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LibraryThing, NoSocial bookmarks, Twitter, YouTube Twitter, Second LifeLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, tag clouds, Flickr “You cannot be serious!” Twitter, Google Docs/AppsLinkedInSecond Life, Twitter, Facebook Feedback from participants attending a Web 2.0/social media workshop. The same one day workshop was delivered to three separate groups of people (mostly public and academic sector) over a two week period
You go to where the conversations are, where the chat is, where the buzz is, where the serious information is It is where an increasing proportion of the population grow up It is where you find up-to the minute information You can’t ‘gag’ social networks –BBC NEWS | Politics | When is a secret not a secret? – For serious research and marketing, social and professional networks are not optional extras - they are an essential part of your search strategy 17 May 2015Karen Blakeman
This presentation can be downloaded from.... RBA Information Services Web Site – Slideshare – authorSTREAM – But of course you won’t because it is unreliable, untrustworthy, user generated Web 2.0 content! 17/05/