Do Job Boards Work? 13.2% of jobs are found through job boards (many of which are low level) Less than 1% of executive jobs are filled through job boards.
70% of jobs are found through networking. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics LinkedIn: Like Facebook for Professionals Facebook: Your friends are your network. WordPress and Blogger: Allow you to create your own web site (for professional blog, portfolio) YouTube: Can deliver video of you performing on the job (e.g., presenting, training, teaching, etc.) Twitter: for professional tweets and networking.
What Social Media Does That Resumes Don’t: Show Personal Presence (Image, Professionalism, Personality, etc.) Demonstrated Skill (Social Skills, Communication Skills, Live Performance, Portfolio) Develop and communicate with your network. The 6-D Job Candidate
Get richer now. Your Public Persona is a Form of Capital
Social Web Persona (public) Personal Life Professional Life
Remember to separate your public persona from your private personas. Video
1) Clean up your online presence 2) Use tools strategically to deploy a campaign Take flight.
Know the “WIFM” Understand Your Audience and Their Goals
Google yourself.
What image does this photo project? Tweak those privacy settings Clean up galleries and posts (even among friends) Remember your friends ARE your network. Remember 6 degrees of separation (at MOST)
(IF you’re going to show yourself at all) Get a Professional-looking Headshot
What messages are these photos sending?
Clean up your posts. After my brother went to rehab... (personal drama) I love motorcycles (dangerous hobbies) I Barrack Obama (politics) Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? (religion) I couldn’t go to work because the baby was sick (home life responsibilities overshadowing others)
Top Business Networking Tool Collect contacts. Share your resume and web links. Ask your contacts to recommend you. Use posts to network. Use “Job Seeker” (but don’t rely on it) Save articles (LinkedIn is trying to become full service)
Linked In
How to get updated content regularly
Linked In
LinkedIn Tips Complete your profile 100% Include all info that’s on your resume. Use key words throughout your profile that relate to your industry/profession of interest so that your profile is searchable. Avoid using slashes between critical keywords, for example, "sales/marketing.“ Most experts believe users with more connections and recommendations show up higher in search results. “Dress for the job you want” (your photo) Create a strong headline (Social Media Specialist) Keep your posts professional.
Join Professional Organizations & Networking Clubs Research Companies
Need to be embedded in a web site to be found Trebor Scholz YouTube Videos
Your Tweets
Keep it professional No TMI (personal drama, insignificant detail, dangerous hobbies, politics, religion) Practice your “elevator pitch” and carefully craft your profile statement. “Tell us about yourself.”
Sample Bio Blurb (Profile) VERBAL: I’m a graduate of _______ (institution) where I majored in _______ because I wanted to ________. I’ve been fortunate to intern at _________ and learn ___________, which are skills I’ll be able to bring to a job. If you think your business could benefit, please feel free to check out my online portfolio. Here’s my business card. TEXT: Interactive media marketer and content developer specializing in: - Social Media Communications - Web Development - Corporate Blogging - Copywriting - Public Relations - Integrated Marketing Communications Verbal Spiel (Elevator Pitch)Web Blurb (Concise Statement)
Sample “About” Statement: Be Audience-Centered, not Self-Centered Unprofessional: I was born in a snow storm in Montana in WE DON’T CARE— EVERYONE WAS BORN SOMEWHERE. Professional: Growing up on a farm in Montana snow storms made me a resourceful problem-solver.... (etc.) NOW WE CARE. Self-Centered BioAudience-Centered Bio
Your Web Site
$9.00 per year Forward your domain to any page you want. Hosting space: $4.95 per month Your Domain
Your Blog