Copyright iT4C 2009 [Presenter Name] [Job Title] Mentoring Project
Copyright iT4C 2009 Programme overview Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Identify Mentors Mentees Charities Kickoff workshop 1 Kickoff seminars 2 One-to-one mentoring Mentor peer networks 3 Mentee peer networks 3 Interim feedback to iT4C 4 from mentors from mentees Interim feedback to iT4C 4 from mentors from mentees Final feedback to iT4C 4 from mentors from mentees from charities 1 Kickoff workshop The mandatory workshop provides all mentors, regardless of their mentoring experience, with the knowledge and skills they need to deliver effective mentoring. Training will be provided by experienced professionals. 2 Kickoff seminars Mandatory seminars (up to 3, depending on demand) provide an opportunity for mentors, mentees, and charities to meet. Discussion and presentations cover best practice in IT volunteering projects suitable technologies to support basic admin functions, eg database development of websites, networks, social networks 3 Mentor and mentee peer networks Networks have 6-8 members who meet, usually virtually, every 3 weeks to share lessons learned, best practice, issues, and successes. Meetings are self-organised around members’ availability. Network meetings are a critical part of personal development and expertise acquisition. Participants’ feedback is a critical part of monitoring the effectiveness of the programme and allowing corrective adjustments to be made if required. When joining the programme, mentors and mentees commit to providing feedback every 2 months. Every effort will be made to keep the feedback process simple and streamlined. 4 Feedback
Copyright iT4C 2009 Next steps: May 2010 –more matches - projects, volunteers & mentors matched target 15 –mid point project review and decision to pursue funding post July June 2010 –final seminar Ongoing 2010 –activity on LinkedIn – project questions and answers –ongoing evaluation of the individual projects and the project as a whole July 2010 –full evaluation & case studies
Copyright iT4C 2009 Contacts Anne Stafford Jason King Tel: LinkedIn Group