Developing a Marketing and Recruitment Plan Improve your applicant pool and enrollment numbers Mackenzie Buxcel, Director of Admission Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions (402) Christine Stumm, Registrar and Assistant Director of Admissions & Advisement University at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (716)
Stages 1.Planning 2.Attract and Recruit 3.Enroll and Retain Resources 1.Human 2.Technology 3.Financial
Planning Define Your Targets Who do you want, where are they from, how many? Define Your Brand What is your program known for, what do your targets want? Assess Recruitment Needs Compared to Resources What do you need to accomplish recruitment and marketing goals? Utilizing Your Most Important Resources Faculty, staff, advisors, students, alumni, other departments Develop a Communication Plan Electronic and “old school” communications
Attract and Recruit Travel Graduate Fairs, Career Fairs (careful), Health Science Advisor meetings, Pre-Rx Clubs, Information Sessions, Class Presentations Print Media Publications….are they current? Relevant? Do they make an impression? “Traditional” Means of Communication Calling Campaigns, , Mailings Campus Events Open House, Discovery Day, Orientation, Interview Sessions Electronic Communication Websites, Social Media, Online Advertising, Webinars, Search Engine Marketing, E-Newsletters, Virtual Chats, Automated Responses and Referrals
Content Include top benefits wherever possible Admissions and cost/aid Audience-specific content Student and faculty blogs Directory and FAQs Navigation Search function Consistent global navigation on all pages Two clicks or less to admissions and cost/aid Search Engine Optimization Functionality Inquiry/more information form Visit request/event RSVP Application checklist Live chat/IM Tuition/aid/scholarship calculators or estimators Student and faculty blogs Student and faculty profiles with contact information Interactive features Your website: The Most Comprehensive Communications Resource in your Recruitment Marketing Plan.
Social Media Start a Facebook page and MAINTAIN it Maintenance is the key to keeping prospective students coming back for more “Find us on Facebook” Before creating the page, it must be decided who will maintain it and how often Encourage faculty, students, staff to get involved Facebook Pages vs. Advertisements
Social Media Twitter Link Facebook posts Frequent tweets Hashtags Retweets YouTube Create Videos Share Relevant Videos LinkedIn Create a Closed Alumni Group Notify Alumni Affairs with New Members Auto Welcome Message Subgroups (different types of pharmacists, alumni volunteers) Post Jobs Pinterest Info Graphic ( Text on Pictures ( Original Content (not just repins)
Enroll and Retain Be Helpful and Informative Be Timely Be Receptive Engage
Students will change their minds at various points in the enrollment funnel
Other Resources IT Departments Other Health-Related Schools PCAT Search Service Summer Research Programs Professional Organizations and Publications AACP Undergraduate Admissions and Undergraduate Advisors Graduate Admissions and Graduate Advisors SWOT Analysis
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