Follow Surface Warriors on: Facebook Twitter YouTube Flickr WordPress Ombudsman Social Media Training Updated 1/25/12
What can Social Media do for you? Stay in touch with deployed family members Provide informative updates in a timely manner Establish tone and help new members identify with the service Keep your finger on the pulse of the command
It’s bigger than just Facebook…
Keys to Social Media success Sharing other people’s/page’s content –Facebook share, Twitter retweet Establishing your page as a credible news source –Frequent posts, breaking news updates, engagement with fans, response to questions Positioning yourself as an official site –Including official verbiage, appropriate privacy settings, listing as government organization
Which site does what? Finding the best fit for YOU Facebook Staying in touch Twitter Instant text updates Flickr Photo sharing YouTube Video sharing WordPress Blog posts LinkedIn Prof. networking
SURFPAC Social Media Directory
What not to post Remember OPSEC! –Troop movement schedules –Current & future locations of military units and ships –Descriptions of overseas bases –Unit morale –Results of operations –Discussions of areas frequented by service members overseas –Daily military activities and operations –Technical information –Operation plans –Details of weapons systems – Equipment statuses –Meeting times and places –Names and relationships –Do not tag individuals, even if you know them! –Remember: OPSEC applies to , too!
What kind of Facebook page should I have? Facebook fan page –Surface Warriors, U.S. Navy, ship pages Facebook account –Personal pages, add friends, “like” pages Facebook group –Members added manually or request permission to join, can be set to private Community pages –Wiki pages (unofficial and cannot be edited) Facebook Timeline –Will be mandatory in a few weeks, previous activity more accessible, time oriented, very visual
What should I post? Stories, photos, videos! Engaging content! Look for content on, SURFPAC website, official ship websites, other command’s social media pages Pages to follow –Surface Warriors, U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, sister ships
Tweets, Twitter dialogue Twitter handle Tweets (140 character max.) Retweets (reposting others’ tweets) Hashtags (#SNA12) Shorted links ( or
QR Codes Quick Response code Embedded URLs Good for shortening links Do not use with secure information Can be scanned with smartphone Scan with NeoReader/Lynkee Easy & free to create
Going viral YouTube videos Create a Google account to log in All videos are public Great to share on Facebook Should be somewhat short (2 min. max) Appropriate for christenings, commissionings, farewells, homecomings, exercises, etc. Flips on Ships program
A picture is worth a thousand words Flickr Free online photo gallery Create a Yahoo! account Organize collections & sets Write captions Make public or private Share photos with URL
Blogging Creates an archive of stories Creative freedom of topics Hyperlink to other sites Can have guest bloggers, share content w/other blogs Can embed photos & videos into posts
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Questions? Contact: Kai Oliver-Kurtin SURFPAC Social Media Director *These materials will be online