How to gain traffic and exposure using LinkedIn. LinkedIn is first a networking tool. The principle of networking is to give without expecting something automatically. If you give, you will certainly receive something on day or another.
Showing the Added Value you can provide to customers for being part of Kompass (Add Value to your service and build customer Loyalty) Offer Free Trials And Long Guarantees If you offer your customers free trials of your service, and say they don’t have to put a credit card on file for the free trial, you will get a big response, because they haven’t given any form of billing information over to you, so they know that however the trial goes, they have nothing to loose. If your product shines, people will buy it. Outstanding Support There is no point in having an amazing product if when your customers get stuck you can’t offer outstanding support. If you offer free support via or phone, come across friendly, and care for your customers needs, your customers will love your service even more, and even refer friends. Evaluations, Feedback and Testimonials Ask a select few customers for feedback on your service, how to make it better and testimonials of their experience. Then why not display them on your site. New customers will read the testimonials, and it may persuade them to sign up to your service. Add Video Tutorials If you add a collection of video tutorials on how to use your product, fix problems etc then you will 1) receive less support s, and 2) customers will think you have gone the extra mile, and it will help to sell your product even more. PayPal do it and look at how well their company is doing. Case Studies As well as displaying testimonials, you could also do whole case studies with a few select companies that use your product. Show how the product plays a part in their company, and how they go about using it. Build Partnerships With Big Clients If you build partnerships with big client companies, then you can display who uses your product on your homepage. New customers will see that so and so use it, and it will encourage them to buy.
The Recommendations & Endorsement get from our customers. LinkedIn can add credibility to your business in other ways as well. Ask some satisfied customers or colleagues, either former or current, to write recommendations. These recommendations will appear on the profile page of other members causing your brand and name to gain some exposure. Source by Source by As you build your network, you will want to consider which members of your network would be most likely to recommend your work. Typically this will be colleagues or customers who you are connected with. You have two options to build your recommendations. The first is to go to your Profile menu and select Recommendations. Here, you will be able to see a list of all of the job positions listed on your profile. Send Recommendations
The Recommendations & Endorsement get from our customers. LinkedIn can add credibility to your business in other ways as well. Ask some satisfied customers or colleagues, either former or current, to write recommendations. These recommendations will appear on the profile page of other members causing your brand and name to gain some exposure. Source by Recommendations & endorsement From our customers
The Testimonials (Massage ) get from our customers. LinkedIn can add credibility to your business in other ways as well. Ask some satisfied customers or colleagues, either former or current, to write recommendations. These recommendations will appear on the profile page of other members causing your brand and name to gain some exposure. Source by Publish Testimonials From our customers
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Posting to the Q & A ( Related to our up coming blog / article / Press Release / news etc. Using LinkedIn Answers The other great area to build authority within your industry is in LinkedIn Answers. LinkedIn Answers is a professional question and answers community where you can find information in topics from Administration to Technology. You can even help others with their questions about LinkedIn in the Using LinkedIn category. What Are the Ways to Conduct B2B Market Research? Finding B2B Marketing Agencies for Successful Business Content on B2B market Role & improvement in Industries like Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries etc... Share Related to our up coming blog / article / Press Release / news etc. Used Q & A related to industry people. like
Create an event page, fill out all the information you can, and invite others to attend.
Aggressive LinkedIn Marketing Posting regular status updates. Talk about what you're working on and who you're working for. Include updates that would be of interest to your target customers and clients. Active group participation. Join groups related to your business and your interests and participate in discussions there for increased exposure. Discussion participation can help establish you as an expert in your field.
Aggressive LinkedIn Marketing Try LinkedIn advertising. Paid advertising on LinkedIn is still a relative bargain. In fact, from time to time LinkedIn sends out offers for a free month of paid advertising. You may as well take advantage of it, try it out and see if it works for you.
Aggressive LinkedIn Marketing Consider upgrading to a paid LinkedIn membership. This will give you additional contact options and other benefits that may be a good fit for what you're trying to accomplish. Just click the Basic Account Upgrade link from the top left of any LinkedIn page after you've logged in to get more information on the benefits available exclusively to paid members. There are three levels of membership available, the first two fairly reasonable, and the third quite expensive.
Requirement for this.... Kompass Presence in India as well as International Market Why companies must be listed on How Kompass helps them to promote their product / company on international platform? Why Kompass is defer from other B2B portal?