2014 Editors’ Symposium Thursday, September 18, 2014 The Omni Hotel Nashville, TN
Promoting Content Using Social Media Presented By: Haley Maple, Social Media Committee Cochair Todd Holleman, Social Media Committee Cochair Seth Row, Content Management Committee Member Emily Kirk, Solo & Small Firms Web Editor
Social Media for Committees The Section has an active social media presence on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook Audience of over 20,000 combined Used for: – Communicating with committee members – Finding authors – Promoting Section content Articles, news & developments, newsletters, and book releases Sound Advice podcasts Video tips Upcoming CLE Events and Roundtables And more
Updated Social Media Policy – Ensures that a regularly updated social media presence is consistent with the Section’s goals and image Create a LinkedIn Subgroup under the Section’s LinkedIn Page – A committee may work with the Social Media Committee to set up a subgroup under the Section’s LinkedIn page – Leadership Portal under ‘LinkedIn Subgroup Setup’ or visit Social Media for Committees
The Social Media Committee encourages committee newsletter editors to get involved in Section social media in several ways: Social Media for Committees
Participate and Promote – Join in the discussion through your individual user account – Like and comment on tweets and posts – Use meeting hashtags – Tag The ABA Section of Litigation Social Media for Committees
Submit – Promote a new article or your recent newsletter Send tweets and LinkedIn and Facebook posts to your staff editor Tag authors in your posts on Twitter – All other of types of post submissions Send to the Section’s Marketing Specialist Meg Woods at Social Media for Committees
Committees are using social media. Here’s what they’re sharing: Social Media for Committees
LinkedIn for Committees
Use the Section’s LinkedIn page – Discussion questions on noteworthy topics – General trial practice tips – Information on developing business – Updates on CLE opportunities and networking events Promote Content—Submit to be Posted – Newsletter articles – Committee Sound Advice podcasts – Video tips – Upcoming CLE meetings and Roundtables – Membership information – Promote your LinkedIn Subgroup Participate in discussions and get helpful practice tips on LinkedIn LinkedIn for Committees
Create a LinkedIn subgroup. Invite committee members to join your subgroup in a listserv message and announcement on your webpage or through the Section’s social media channels. Provide a link to your LinkedIn subgroup page in your committee newsletter and on your webpage. Use your subgroup to find authors to write on a specific topic. Your LinkedIn subgroup can act as a community and resource for group members. LinkedIn Subgroups for Committees
Solo & Small Firms Subgroup Used for: – Post relevant and timely articles – Find authors for the Solo & Small Firms newsletter and webpage – Promote events, such as roundtables and upcoming meetings – Recruit committee members – Share practical tips with subgroup members
Twitter for Committees
Let your followers know when new content has been posted or a newsletter has been published. Tag authors and link to their recent article. Live tweet during Section CLEs or events. Retweet Section posts or other posts that would be interesting for your audience. Tag the Section of Litigation in your posts and use meeting hashtags.
Facebook for Committees Share newsworthy content on Facebook; submit your post to your staff editor. Promote upcoming programs, CLE, or roundtables. Interact with the Section on Facebook with weekly word scrambles, discussions, and more.
Hootsuite for Committee Editors 1.Post a new news & development to your committee page. 2.Schedule post in Hootsuite. 3.News & development is shared on different platforms of your choosing.
Next Steps Create a LinkedIn subgroup page for your committee to host discussions and share content. Send a listserv message inviting committee members to join you on LinkedIn. Send content posts for Facebook and Twitter to your staff editor. Participate on Twitter by sharing committee content, tagging authors, and retweeting Section posts.
Questions? Social Media Committee Contact Info Haley Maple Todd Holleman Marketing Specialist Meg