Tutor Networking Meeting Monday, March 11, :30 – 3:30 pm
Agenda Welcome Introduction to PAACE Member benefits Member interest survey Sharing tutor ideas New website My Account Info, webinar on Tuesday, March 19 11:30 – 12:30 and 7-8pm Regional Reps Questions Wrap-Up
PAACE Membership Benefits
Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s)
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars Membership in COABE which includes: Product discounts with Pearson Longman and GED Academy
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars Membership in COABE which includes: Product discounts with Pearson Longman and GED Academy Access to a member’s only repository of best practices
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars Membership in COABE which includes: Product discounts with Pearson Longman and GED Academy Access to a member’s only repository of best practices Advocacy alerts for the federal level
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars Membership in COABE which includes: Product discounts with Pearson Longman and GED Academy Access to a member’s only repository of best practices Advocacy alerts for the federal level Member discount on COABE conference registration and the potential for grants, awards and scholarships.
PAACE Membership Benefits Member benefits include: Discounted fee for the annual Adult Education Conference PAACE quarterly newsletter, PAACE News PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning Membership in program division(s) Membership in a geographic regional group Membership in PAACE list and the LinkedIn group Opportunity for involvement in the advocacy, professional development, and leadership activities of the organization Advocacy messages with action steps Free PAACE webinars Membership in COABE which includes: Product discounts with Pearson Longman and GED Academy Access to a member’s only repository of best practices Advocacy alerts for the federal level Member discount on COABE conference registration and the potential for grants, awards and scholarships. Discount on journal subscription
PAACE Membership Benefits Annual dues for tutors are $ All memberships begin on December 1 and end on November 30 of the next year. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN FROM PAACE!!! Life Membership for only $300. You receive all membership benefits FOR LIFE and never worry about paying dues.
PAACE Member Survey
Roles Choose all that apply Administrators Case Managers CHE, please specify role(s) Instructors/Classroom Aides/Tutors Learners PD Staff Support Staff Tutor Coordinators Other, please specify Divisions - Current ESL ALBSE FL CHE Interest Areas Choose all that apply ABE ASE Case Management CHE Corrections ESL FL GED Transitioning Tutoring Workforce Other, please specify My Account area on PAACE website and questionnaire
Tutor Sharing
Keep it simple Keep it real Walk a mile in an adult learner’s shoes Take time to build rapport Begin again Strong math skills require good reading skills Use resources Acknowledge and normalize test anxiety
Tutor Sharing Penny – pre-literacy poster Melissa Gutierrez
Webinar: Tuesday, March 19 11:30 – 12:30 and 7- 8pm
PAACE Regional Representatives
Thank you for all you do! Feel free to contact us! Lori Como, Kim Rossman,