SOAR Social Media Strategy April 12, 2012
Why Social Media? Social media brings dialogues, interactions and interconnectedness to a new level. By applying a strategic approach to SOAR’s social media campaign, we can engage and interact with a broad audience in the Streeterville community. SOAR Social Media Objectives: Attract new members and maintain existing members Publicize events and accomplishments Increase attendance at SOAR meetings and events Increase engagement with existing SOAR members, in order to avoid 10% yearly fall out
SOAR Current State Twitter 68 Followers 132 Tweets Last Tweet: 9/8/11 Facebook Streeterfest FB Page Newsletter ed monthly Great information! Linked In 7 Followers
Evaluation Criteria We can evaluate our Social Media strategy based on five criteria: CriteriaSupporting QuestionsHow Does SOAR Rank? Locatable How easy is it to find your Social Media capabilities? Does your website have a Social Media page? Do you show Social Media brands on your website for quick reference? Integrated Are you using off-board social channels and on-board social capabilities? Do you cross-reference them? Do they compliment each other? Do you embed social content within and/or social channels? Segmented Are you segmenting your channels? How are you segmenting? Do you segment across more than one channel? Incentive Are you encouraging users to “like” your Facebook page? How innovative are your incentives? How meaningful? Do you use social media to incent customers to buy? Interactive Do you know what people are saying about your brand? Are you responding? Quickly? Are you personalizing the response? Do you keep your followers/friends engaged? Have you retired inactive accounts? Estimated CapabilityLeading Above Average BaselinePoor Non-existent
Improvement Opportunities and Priority Based on the evaluation criteria, we identified improvement opportunities and prioritized based on benefit and effort. Benefit Effort HighLowMed Highly desirable Potentially desirable Least desirable Quick hits High Low Med Initial Recommendations 1.Build out Facebook group. 2.Build out LinkedIn group. 3.Include Facebook and LinkedIn icons on website. 4.Respond quickly to users. 5.Encourage users to “like” our Facebook page. 6.Create incentives for interaction with Social Media channels. 7.Retire inactive accounts in a timely manner. 8.Integrate social media channels with each other. 9.Segment the channels
SOAR Future State Twitter Tweet daily about SOAR and Streeterville events, deals, meetings, neighborhood information Increase number of followers to 500 Incentivize people to retweet by tying in deals Tweet newsletter content, in addition to Frequently mention local restaurants, businesses, and organizations to increase awareness Facebook Create SOAR facebook page Increase number of ‘likes’ to 200 Incentivize people to ‘like’ our group by tying in deals and publicizing events Create posts about newsletter content and events Frequently tag local restaurants, businesses, and organizations to increase awareness LinkedIn Increase number of followers to 50 Utilize LinkedIn as networking driver of SOAR In the future state, SOAR’s social media will be interactive and engaging. It will become a tool for the SOAR committees to utilize to publicize events, drive membership, and negotiate deals with local businesses.
High Level Timeline and Path to Future State AprilMayJune Activity Week of 4/16/12 Week of 4/23/12 Week of 4/30/12 Week of 5/7/12 Week of 5/14/12 Week of 5/21/12 Week of 5/28/12 Week of 6/4/12 Week of 6/11/12 Week of 6/18/12 Week of 6/25/12 Twitter Get access to account Begin tweeting based on Newsletter Interface with other areas for tweeting Begin to incentivize people to retweet Facebook Create SOAR Facebook page Begin updating based on Newsletter Interface with other areas for updates Begin to incentivize people to "like" LinkedIn Update LinkedIn page Build out LinkedIn strategy
Open Questions and Next Steps Open Questions: Who do we interface with about SOAR events? Do we only want to promote SOAR events? Who currently manages our Twitter account? What are the demographics of our current members? Next Steps: Determine upcoming SOAR and Streeterville events and openings Determine Twitter responsibility, tweets, and begin tweeting daily Create Facebook page Update LinkedIn group Refine social media strategy based on demographic data and response Continue to build out detailed timeline