Model Cornerstone Assessments A Nationwide Initiative (MCAs): A Nationwide Initiative Based on a 2/20/15 Keynote for the International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education Scott C. Shuler, Ph.D (860) 325-ARTS 1
National Core Arts Standards include: Philosophical Foundations Lifelong Goals (= vision of Arts Literacy) 3+ Artistic Processes (CPR +) Enduring Understandings (paired with EQs) Connections Common Core (ELA, Math) 21st Century Skills/College & Career Ready Cross-Arts Connections Opportunity-to-Learn Guidelines Model Cornerstone Assessments with Student Work
Organizational Structure: Framework Matrix
Music Standards Levels (reflecting differences among 4 “strands”) Elementary Middle School High School Beyond High School PK-2 3-5 6-8 +1 year +4 years +5 years or more General Music Novice Intermediate Proficient Accomplished Advanced Ensembles Harmonizing Instruments Composition / Theory Music Technology
New National Core Arts Standards envision students learning all 3 Artistic Processes in all classes But the relative emphasis on each Process varies, depending on class type
Cornerstone Assessments Curriculum-embedded Engage students in applying their knowledge and skills in an authentic and relevant context Anchor the curriculum around the most important performances that we want learners to be able to do (on their own) -- Jay McTighe (and Grant Wiggins)
2015 Music PrePiloting MCAs General Music Artistic Process Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 Creating ♫ Performing Responding Ensemble Artistic Process Novice Intermediate Proficient… Performing ♫
MCA Characteristics Focused on one Artistic Process Multiple Process Components Embedded in Unit Parallel across Grades/Levels Analytically Scored
MCA-Like Units from CT Common Music Assessments Artistic Process Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 Creating Improvisation Composition Performing Singing Prompt More at:
Music MCA Leadership Structure Fred Burrack (Kansas State University) A. Kelly Parkes (Virginia Tech) Team of Research Advisors Scott C. Shuler (National Standards Co-Chair) Glenn Nierman (NAfME President) Ching Ching Yap (past South Carolina arts assessment leader) Richard Wells (National Standards Co-Chair) David Weatherred (Spokane, WA Music Supervisor) Tim Brophy (University of Florida Assessment Guru)
Music MCA Development Timeline Grades 2, 5, 8, and Ensemble STEP TIMING 1st Public Drafts June 2014 (with standards) Refinement June 2014 – February 2015 2nd Public Drafts Mid-February 2015 PrePiloting February – April 2015 Revision April – August 2015 3rd Public Drafts September 2015 Piloting September – December 2015 December 2015 – January 2016 Repiloting (as needed) February – May 2016 Final Revisions and Benchmarking Summer 2016 Final MCAs September 2016
How will we manage nationwide piloting and benchmarking?
beta Site: (final name will be circa May 2015)
Site enables Multiple Teachers/Piloters to Upload Student Work to Same Task
Manage Student Work and Scorers Basic Statistical Analyses + Export to Excel for Further Analysis enables any user to: Create standards-based units with embedded assessment tasks; Upload and insert links to files in various formats, including video; Make units public, private, or accessible only to designated users; Assign others varied levels of permission (access) that allows them to – provide threaded feedback and suggestions for improvement; participate in editing; and upload student work to the task and enter their scores. Select benchmark (anchor) student work to illustrate levels of achievement on units/tasks; Assign work – specifically or randomly – to scorers for blind scoring, a crucial step in benchmarking and calibration processes; Manage groups of scorers, monitoring which have completed their assigned task and communicating with those who have not; Perform basic statistical analyses on scores and scorers, to identify outliers and determine inter-rater reliability; and Clone existing units/tasks and scoring scales for future use or editing.
Where can you find National Core Music Standards and PrePilot MCAs?
Where can you find Conceptual Framework and Background Research? Scott C. Shuler, Ph.D. Arts Education Specialist, CT SDE (ret.) Co-Chair, National Core Music Standards Past-President, NAfME (860) 325-ARTS