Recruiting Marketing CRM Integration
Maximize Your Candidate data collection SF RMK / CRM integration allows your Recruiting Marketing Talent Community to communicate candidate information with your CRM or sourcing applications Automatically updates predetermined data for consistency data integrity
Workflow Visitor on RMK Client Site New Member Created (Join or Apply) RMK Sends XML File to CRM with new Member Data CRM Imports Member Data 1 Returning Member on RMK Client Site Member Applies to a Job RMK Sends XML File to CRM with Updated Member Data CRM Imports Member Data 2
Client CRM / Sourcing Tools Why integrate Problem: Companies using multiple systems to manage sourcing have difficulties managing data RMK Client CRM / Sourcing Tools Candidate
Client CRM / Sourcing Tools Solution Real Time Integration: New Talent Community member’s data sent to CRM Automated update when returning member applies for a job Delivered Member Information: Detailed information about the member is sent to the CRM providing rich content to assist with sourcing activities. RMK Client CRM / Sourcing Tools Candidate
CRM Integration Process PM creates a task indicating client would like CRM integration turned on. Assign to Web Development. Web Dev. emails Client Company Name and client Site ID # for CRM set up integration on their end. CRM confirms that client is ready to have integration turned on. SuccessFactors RMK turns on respective integration in Command for client. Web Dev. will confirm with CRM that Jobs2web members are going into client CRM system. Web Dev. will Close case regarding CRM integration for that client. For additional details regarding the inclusion of the new fields in SourcePoint please contact your AIRS SourcePoint representative
CRM Integrations CRMs supported: SourcePoint and Avature Integrating with CRM tools is an add-on product for the SuccessFactors RMK. Please contact your Jobs2web Client Strategy Director for pricing and implementation questions.
Supplemental Slide Data Sent
Activating CRM: RMK side
Data Sent from RMK Contintued on Next Slide XML node Description Field Properties (Max Length) MEMBER NODE <userID> Unique numeric identifier that identifies the member Integer <firstName> Member first name 50 characters <lastName> Member last name <email> Member email 100 characters <interestLevel> Level of interest the member has in job search (i.e. Passive interest; Just starting to look; Actively looking, but employed; Available immedia 30 characters <currentEmployer> Member current employer <currentTitle> Member current title <phoneNumber> Member current phone number 20 characters <custom1> Answer to a client configurable yes / no question Bit <custom2> Answer to client configurable multiple choice selection field associated to Custom1 <status> If a member is active or inactive 10 characters <created> When member is created Date <lastModified> Last time (date) member record was modified <lastLoggedIn> Last time the member logged in <userType> Numeric value indicating what type of user the Member is <userTypeDesc> Description assigned to the numeric value of userType <emailEnabled> If member email is active or inactive (values: 0 or 1) <referringEngine> From where the member was routed from (i.e. Google, Yahoo, About, etc.) <referringType> The kind of Referring Engine the member came from (i.e. Email, Search Engine, Career Site, etc.) <campaign> A code that represents a promotion of a grouping of jobs AGENT NODE <location> Job match for a specific location the member is interested in 130 characters <keywords> Job match for a specific category or type the member is interested in <frequency> The number of times a week the member wants to be notified of matching job agents CLIENT NODE <id> Unique numeric identifier that identifies a client <name> Name of the client COUNTERS NODE <applyCount> Number of times a member has started the apply process for a job <emailSentCount> Number of times an email has been sent to the member <jobsSentCount> Number of jobs that have been sent to the member Contintued on Next Slide
Data Sent from RMK XML node Description Field Properties (Max Length) IP INFORMATION NODE <country> IP address location at the country level 64 characters <domainName> IP address location at the domain name level 128 characters <isp> IP address location at the Internet Service Provider level 255 characters <region> IP address location at the region level (i.e. State, Province, etc.) JOBS NODE <externalID> Client unique identifier of the job 50 characters <applyDate> Date the member applied for the job Date <jobTitle> Job title 95 characters <category> Applicant tracking system category the job is in <facility> The store or location name where the job is located 75 characters <shiftType> Shift - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, weekends, etc…. <location> Job location in the format city, state abbr, iso code, zip code <city> City the job is located in 30 characters <state> State the job is in (2 character state abbreviation) 2 characters Country the job is in (ISO Country code) <zip> Postal code of the job location 10 characters <customfield1> Repeats up to 5 times. Contains additional information about the job Nvarchar(50), null RECRUITER NODE <name> Recruiter name associated to the member <email> Recruiter email address associated to the member 100 characters <notes> Notes the recruiter has made about the member 2000 characters <okToContact> A flag that indicates the recruiter is allowed to contact the member Integer <linkedin> Recruiter entered LinkedIn URL of the member 512 character <facebook> Recruiter entered Facebook URL of the member <recontactDate> Date the recruiter should contact the member again <source> Source of the member as documented by the recruiter (i.e. Jigsaw Recruiting Event, Indeed, Careerjet, etc.) <status> Status the recruiter assigns to the member (i.e. Setup Interview, Interview, Follow Up, etc.) (Note: this is a free form field)
Supplemental Slide Avature
Avature Field Mapping J2W Field CRM Field First Name Last Name Email Current Employer Employer Current Title Job Title Phone Number Home Phone Number of Cell Phone Number This table represents the standard fields that are common in both systems and have a direct 1:1 mapping between systems. If additional fields from RMK need to be mapped into individual fields in the CRM, clients will need to work with their respective Integration Manager.
Technical Notes RMK sends data to the CRM when… A new member is added to the Talent Community An existing member applies to a job Data is sent automatically to the CRM No visual identifier is available in RMK showing the member data was sent Clients will need to work with their CRM to create field mappings from RMK into the CRM (Avature)
Supplemental Slide SourcePoint
SourcePoint Implementation SourcePoint will accept the new fields with SuccessFactors RMK. This information will be displayed in their ‘Right Side Panel’ For additional details regarding the inclusion of the new fields in SourcePoint please contact your AIRS SourcePoint representative
New Fields for SourcePoint as of Members Node Created Date Last Modified Date Last Logged In Date User Type User Type Description Email Enabled Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Campaign Code Referring Engine Referring Type Agent Node Agent Keyword Agent Location Agent Frequency Counter Node Apply Count Emails Sent Count Jobs Sent Count IP Node Country Domain Name ISP Region
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Does The Data Go?
Where Can The Data Go?
How Can They Use The Data?
How Can They Use The Data?