Sustainable Professionnalisation CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki 15 & 16 December 2010 George Asseraf
PD : European Pilote Project in 2000 A Common Methodology / Process for Diplomas and Construction of two Diplomas (Certificates) The Methodology has been implemented in the construction of other common or single Diplomas from 2002 to 2010 (based on a Guide)
PD Methodology : Diplomas Construction based on a two Stages Architecture A Stage under national responsability Training Organisation and contents How and who in the assessment process (certification process) Who issues the Diploma A Common Stage shared by Stakeholders Activities targetted (what you have to do in a job) Inventory (référentiel) of vocational Competences (what you must be able to do in order to accomplish what have to be done) Inventory of Certification (what you have to certify)
national Competences / or regional Competences PD Architecture Ways of Learning TrainingVnil Certification How Who Common Stage Activities vocational Competences Certification What to assess
Certificates/Diplomas elaborated with PDEQF referencing Levels Responsable de lhébergement 5 Technicien de logistique5 Responsable de valorisation des produits du terroir (PRO TERRIS)5 Technicien de plasturgie5 Licence professionnelle de Rénovation du bâti6 Technicien du design dans la chaussure (LESCARPE) Formateur à lEurope (CRYSALIS)7 Supervisor in Cleaning services5 Supervisor in Logistics services5 Professeur de lenseignement professionnel (2 référentiels)6 Technicien supérieur de gastronomie5 Coiffeur-Esthéticien4 Gestionnaire de la formation professionnelle7 ou 8 Aide aux personnes fragiles5 Other projects are in process for example : Peintre en finition 5 Vet Safety Trainers in Construction Sector 6 BEATRIC ( Focus on description of competences). Each diploma was elaborated with different stakeholders from different countries 4 to 10 by project, coming from : Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Tchec Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Salvador, Mexique, Switzerland, Nicaragua, Paraguay, UK, France.
PD AD VALUE : Certificates / Diplomas Process Linking academic point of vue whith labour Market needs Acces through different Ways Previous Learning Continuing Learning Validation of non formal and informal Learning
PD AD VALUE : Certificates / Diplomas Process Inventory (référentiel) of Vocational Competences linking vocational Competences (S+C EQF) and associated Knowledges (K EQF) - « Learning Outcomes » Logical (precising the Outcomes of knowledges in Terms of vocational Competences) - EQF Logical Inventory of Certification leading on to Modules of Certification - ECVET Logical
PD AD VALUE : Rules of certification implemented in France based on PD principles Guidelines to elaborate vocational Certifications (« by demand ») to be registered in the RNCP – French national Qualification Framework Common Diploma Construction following a Prime Minister mission
PD AD VALUE : The Guatemala Experience (5 Stages) C onstruction of a common Diploma of Teacher in vocational Training : Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua (2008) Guatemala : Pilote Project focused on the Construction of a Cosmetology Diploma Construction of the Teacher in Cosmetology Diploma Organisation of the Construction of 90 vocational Diplomas and related teacher Diplomas At the end of the Process all the concerned Teachers could be evaluated (through a Va NI L process) in order to increase their competences