March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside1 MOM Report m. apollonio – Imperial College.


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Presentation transcript:

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside1 MOM Report m. apollonio – Imperial College

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside2 ApollonioOctober 17November 2 CecchetNovember 2December 1 GametNovember 29December 11 HanletDecember 10December 18 Kyberd/RogersDecember 17December 24 SmithJanuary 4February 1 HartJanuary 31March 1 ApollonioFebruary 28March 29Current MOM SolerMarch 28April 24 MOMs since CM25 … CM25 talk

Summary March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside3 February to Now - BeamLine and Decay Solenoid - DAQ / OnLine - Control & Monitoring - Luminosity Monitor - Target - Running Practice - Network and Access to Data - DATA quality - Conclusions

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside4 TGT Q Q Q D DKSOL D Q Q Q Q Q Q TOF0, BPM1, TOF KL CKOV BL AVAILABILITY >0 criticality readiness Beamline … a simple system? 21 elements, some of which critical to transport/study a beam e.g.: no Q1 no beam no TOF0 = no (e,P) study when a critical element is in a RED status the BL is declared unavailable in fact it does not mean we cannot run it BUT it is a limping line... high: needed to run the line medium: desirable but not jeopardizing the DT, unless in special cases low: desirable but acceptable if not present ON-flawless: no real problem with the system ON-regular: generally OK with some remarks OFF: system unavailable due to serious issue DK sol OFF – N2 contamination BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions HV issues on TOF0 unit (channel minicom) temperature issue on BPM-large

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside5 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions At CM25 we had a great news: the BL was completed with DK solenoid finally operational 2010 did not bring good luck … DK Solenoid suffered after Linde service work in January … to be clear: the problem is NOT in the SOLENOID, rather in the cooling system - Large concentration of N2 found in the DS cold box - search for leaks - trials to reach <10 ppm level of impurities all unsuccesful - cooling impossible - culprit finally found in a charcoal trap used to filter N2/H2O - it is believed Linde intervention determined that more recent (Matt’s communication) - attempts to bake the absorber failed - probably due to not achieving the required flow rate by using boil-off gas from a N2 dewar - pack of N2 order and arriving (Tue) - Linde expert arriving on site (Tue) - hope this could eradicate the problem

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside6 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions A long story short: BL w.o. DS for ~3 months. This poses severe limitations to our run plans Any characterization of the BL (emittance, momentum) postponed Optics different and rate reduced We tried to get the most of it by running calibrations and testing the proton absorber

BL - performance March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside7 feb/march run period BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside8 For the DAQ: A mirror system with upgraded OS and DATE software version has been tested successfully. The migration is scheduled for the next shut down. It should release the limitation on the number of particle triggers per spill. Detailed documentation on the installation procedure for DAQ PC has been produced. Software repository has been installed in the online cluster. BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside9 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions - Significant upgrade of the CAM computing infrastructure: 1) reorganized infrastructure to final configuration - computers & monitors -- Have installed 2 additional Operator Interface PCs, a second general purpose EPICS server PC, a backup for the critical 'EPICS client' server and a general purpose NAS drive. All Operator Interface PC monitors have also been upgraded. 2) All regular CAM PCs have been moved to the Rack Room. 3) Operating Systems and Desktop environments of all PCs have been Standardised. 4) One single version of channel archiver -- All Channel Archiver duties have now been officially transferred to the 'EPICS client' server PC. A new web server enables local retrieval of data via the EPICS Java Archive Viewer. This server will be moved to the PPD web services PC (when available), to allow off-site access 5) All CAM software is now managed via the Bazaar Version Control System. Central repositories are hosted on the backup 'EPICS client' server. 6)A Google Docs account has been set up to act as a repository for CAM-related information, facilitating collaboration between members of the Online Group. 7) Soft IOCs for monitoring CKOV/ magnet water temp/ beamstop -- one water leak detection became evident after leak in trench -- MICE hall temperatures

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside10 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions - The hardware and firmware for Stage 1 of the Target Controller electronics upgrade are complete. The EPICS software is in development and should be finished by the end of March. We expect to carry out a soak test of the new system in R78 during May. MOM’s naïve question: - will this control system provide an automatic version of the Target Integrity Test ?

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside11 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions Documentation available (MICO web page)

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside12 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions - Target works well - as of today ~ pulses - all TIT passed - for progress on T2/T3 see relevant talk(s) - Only one remark: - when running at MS delays < 3s we notice the tgt counter misses every second count - a time lag between dip/beep and count is built up - it recovers if MS delay > 3s, otherwise it causes the system to miss a count - ball to experts … - HOWEVER: running at 5s delay = 0.2 Hz is a no way

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside13 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions Since NOVEMBER 2009 we agreed with ISIS on a procedure to request a RUN A form is filled in specifying the kind of run needed and it is sent to the MOM: The MOM sends the document to A. Stevens (ISIS) and gets permission to RUN. The DO is informed. The good practice is to hand in the request one week in advance.

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside14 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions Some flexibilty from the MOM is expected, however a good practice from requesters is appreciated There is a clear flaw here: - If a required run is cancelled - there is not a unique recipe out the MOM should try to repeat that run ASAP. Sometimes this can take months … info is not passed to the next MOM - I suggest a list of pending runs keep tracks of requests... I expect this practice to improve with a more established system

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside15 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions Hi All The results of the 2Vs activation run show that there was a slight increase in activation in straight 7. With this in mind we have agreed to set the new beam loss limit for MICE operations at 2Vs for two 8 hour shifts per week and any further shifts at the 1 Vs level. I enclose an documents with the last two surveys and analysis. Regards Dean Adams

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside16 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions MOM BLOCShifter perfect shift - the trinity MOM / BLOC / Shifter seems a good combination - needless to say the perfect number of persons in the MICE LCR is 3

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside17 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions Summary … of the Run Summary dategoal# target pulses triggerpolaritynotes 7/2/2010Lumi-mon commissioning ~ /2/2010On Line monitoring test ~ /2/2010TOF2 calibration~ /2/2010OnLine reconstruction~ /3/2010Test run500Test run after interruption 5/3/2010Test run1000“ 10/3/2010TOF / KL calib /3/2010TOF / KL calib /3/2010Proton Absorber Test /3/2010TOF calib …0 !ISIS down for 10 hrs ~30000

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside18 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions RUN 1525 – NO p-absorber (1000 pulses)

19 RUN 1520 – 10cm p-absorber (780 pulses) BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside20 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions GOOD - We know how to run - (MOM/BLOC/Shifter) - LumiMon installed - Proton Absorber tested - Slew Rate for MPUs imminent - DAQ running - Data Quality (started) - OnLine Mon running BAD - DS status: anything else behind the corner? - Network/Data: analysis for commissiong data not facilitated by nw and data saving structures - Data Quality … need feedback from experts - LogBook: when it fails we can even wait a day before it’s back … - Need a better communication between parties We have learnt a lot, we keep learning and spread “knowledge” (new MOMs) With it the awareness of the growing complexity of the system: it looks more and more fragile and prone to errors … Personal concern for a near future scenario

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside21 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions

March 24th 2010MICE CM26 - Riverside22 BL /DS DAQ/OL CAM Luminosity Monitor Target Running Practice Network/DATA Conclusions    Thanks to … a lot of people expecially the ones who helped subbing me during this MOM time (Willie, Ken, Pierrick …) As usual I wish the best for the next to come, Paul.