Lab Safety Symbols
Open flame Open flame may ignite flammable chemicals, loose clothing, or hair
Toxic Chemical Sign Substance may be poisonous if touched, inhaled, or swallowed.
Radioactive Materials sign This symbol appears when radioactive materials are used.
Biohazard (Biological) Sign Organisms or other biological materials that might be harmful to humans
Eye Safety This symbol appears when an eye danger exists. Safety goggles should be worn during the experiment.
Disposal This symbol appears when care must be taken to dispose of materials properly.
Clothing Protection This symbol appears when substances could stain or burn clothing
Animal Safety This symbol appears whenever live animals are studied. The safety of the animals and the students must be taken into account
Extreme Temperature This symbol appears when you should use caution handling hot objects.
Sharp Objects This symbol appears when you will be working with sharp objects and your skin could get cut.
Fume This symbol appears when chemicals or chemical reactions could cause dangerous fumes and possible damage to respiratory tract.
Chemical This symbol appears wehn chemicals that you will be using can cause burns or can absorb through the skin and cause harm.
Electrical Safety Possible danger from electrical shock or burn.
Irritant Substances that can irritate the skin or mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.