Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University Department of Environmental Health and Safety Radiation Safety Refresher Training
On completion if this training you should have: Goals On completion if this training you should have: Knowledge of the specific and general requirements for working with radioactive material A renewed understanding of hazards associated with the different forms of radiation The information to choose the best instrument for detecting radiation in your lab The ability to provide a safe working environment for staff, students, and faculty
Lesson 1 Forms of Radiation
Forms of Ionizing Radiation Ionizing radiation includes emissions with energies greater than 20 electron volts that cause ionizations when interacting with matter. Sources of ionizing radiation at Einstein include: Particulate Radiation Alpha Beta Photon Radiation Gamma X-Ray
Particulate Radiation ALPHA RADIATION Consists of two protons and two neutrons (helium nucleus) Massive size, moving at 80% the speed of light Internal Hazard BETA RADIATION Consists of an electron Very small size moving at up to 99% the speed of light Hazard depends on decay energy of isotope
Examples of Beta Emitters H-3: Energy max = 19 Kev: Internal Hazard C-14: Energy max = 160 Kev: Internal Hazard S-35: Energy max = 170 Kev: Internal Hazard P-32: Energy max = 1700 Kev: Internal and external hazard The lower energy beta emitters are less penetrating and present less of a hazard. The concerns with these isotopes is primarily associated with internal exposure due to ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption Higher energy beta emitters are more penetrating and present both internal and external hazards
Photon Radiation GAMMA RADIATION X-RAYS A wave radiation consisting of a photon Travels at the speed of light Created in the nucleus of the atom X-RAYS A wave radiation consisting of a photon Travels at the speed of light Created in the electron shell of the atom
Examples of Gamma Emitters I-125: Energy max = 35 Kev: Internal/External Hazard Cs-137: Energy max= 662 Kev: Internal/External Hazard Gamma Emitters have no mass and are very penetrating All gamma emitting isotopes and are considered both internal and external hazards
Bremsstrahlung Radiation Literally: breaking radiation Electromagnetic radiation produced when an electrically charged particle is slowed down by the electric field of an atomic nucleus Example: The beta particle emitted by a P-32 atom will interact with lead to give off an x-ray Bremsstrahlung production must be considered when planning the shielding of high energy beta emitters e- X-ray
Lesson 2 Units of Radioactivity
Units of Radioactivity The Becquerel (Bq) - International Unit 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second 1 MBq = 1,000,000 disintegrations per second 1 GBq = 1,000,000,000 disintegrations per second The Curie (Ci) – Commonly used in the United States 1 Ci = 3.7E10 disintegrations per second 1 Ci = 2.2E12 disintegrations per minute 1 Ci = 1000 millicurie (mCi) = 1,000,000 microcurie (uCi) 1 Bq = 2.7E-8 mCi
Units of Radioactivity The RAD is the unit commonly used in the United States for Absorbed Dose (D) It is determined by the Energy that is actually deposited in matter 1 Rad = 100 ergs of deposited energy per gram of absorber Gray International Unit for Absorbed Dose 1 Gray = 100 Rads
Units of Radioactivity REM The REM is the unit commonly used in the United States for the Dose Equivalent Determined by Multiplying the absorbed dose (D) times a quality factor (Q) Q equals 1 for beta, gamma and x-rays, 5-20 for neutrons, and 20 for alpha Sievert International Unit for absorbed dose 1 Sievert = 100 REM
Units of Radioactivity It is anticipated that only beta, gamma and x-ray emitters will be used in research at Einstein The Quality factor for these forms of radiation is equal to 1 Therefore the Rad is equal to the Rem Exposure reports are documented in mREM 1 REM = 1,000 mREM
Lesson 3 Half Life
Half Life The half life of a materials is the time required for 1/2 of the radioactive atoms to decay The half life is a distinct value for each radioisotope
Half Life of Selected Radioisotopes Flourine-18: 109.8 minutes Phosphorus-32: 14.3 days Tritium: 12.3 years Carbon-14: 5,730 years Uranium: 4,500,000,000 years
Example of Half Life You receive a shipment of 250 µCi of P-32 The half life of P-32 is 14.3 days If you do not use the P-32 until 14.3 days after receiving the material, you will only have 125 µCi left If you wait 28.6 days, you will only have 62.5 µCi left It is important to consider the half life of the radioisotope when planning a study that includes the use of radioactive materials
Lesson 4 Background Radiation
Background Radiation Natural and man-made sources of radiation everybody is exposed to in their daily lives Typically 20 to 30 mRem per month
How Might I Be Exposed?
Average Annual Exposure to the General Public Cosmic Terrestrial Radon Medical Total 30 mRem 40 mRem 230 mRem 90 mRem 390 mRem
Lesson 5 Biological Effects & Risk
Biological Effects Data is largely based on high exposures to individuals within the first half of the 20th century Biological effects occur when exposure to radiation exceeds 50 rads over a short period of time All occupational exposures are limited by city, state, or federal regulations
Radiation Damage Mechanical: Direct hit to the DNA by the radiation - Damages cells by breaking the DNA bonds Chemical: Generates peroxides which can attack the DNA Damage can be repaired for small amounts of exposure
Radiosensitivity Muscle Radioresistant Stomach Radiosensitive Bone Marrow Radiosensitive Human Gonads Very Radiosensitive
Radiation Effects Acute Effects: Nausea, Vomiting, Reddening of Skin, Hair Loss, Blood Changes Latent Effects: Cataracts, Genetic effects, Cancer
Dose Required for Acute Effects If an individual receives a dose in excess of 50 Rem (50,000 mRem) in a short period of time, he/she will experience acute effects
Risk of Cancer The level of exposure is related to the risk of illness While the risk for high levels of exposure is apparent, the risk for low levels is unclear It is estimated that 1 rem TEDE of exposure increase likelihood of cancer by 1 in 1000 The likelihood of cancer in ones life time is 1 in 3 from all other factors
Factors Affecting Risk The amount of time over which the dose was received The type of radiation The general health of the individual The age of the individual The area of the body exposed
Lesson 6 Occupational Exposure
What are the Occupational Exposure Limits ? Whole Body Extremities Skin of Whole Body Lens of Eye Thyroid 5,000 mRem/year 50,000 mRem/year 15,000 mRem/year
Other Occupational Limits ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable. This is our policy AND the NRC’s: Don’t expose yourself to radiation any more than absolutely necessary.
Exposure to the General Public Annual limit of 100 mRem to individuals This includes anybody in the laboratory who does not work for EINSTEIN Examples: salesmen, vendors, family members, etc.
Prenatal Radiation Exposure In the embryo stage, cells are dividing very rapidly and are undifferentiated in their structure and are more sensitive to radiation exposure Especially sensitive during the first 2 to 3 months after conception This sensitivity increases the risk of cancer and retardation
Declaring Pregnancy Additional dose restrictions are available for the pregnant worker Receive a monthly Luxel dosimeter Limited to 500 mRem during the term of the pregnancy Also, limited to 50 mRem per month
Exposure to Minors Individuals under the age of 18 Must not receive an exposure greater than 10% of occupational exposure for adults Wholebody Exposure Limit: 500 mRem Minors will wear dosimeters in laboratories licensed for radioactive material use Minors should not work with radioactive material
Lesson 7 Minimizing Exposure
How Do I Protect Myself? Reducing the dose from any source radiation exposure involves the use of three protective measures: TIME DISTANCE SHIELDING
Time The amount of exposure an individual accumulates is directly proportional to the time of exposure Keep handling time to a minimum
Distance The relationship between distance and exposure follows the inverse square law. The intensity of the radiation exposure decreases in proportion to the inverse of the distance squared Dose2 = Dose1 x (d1/d2)2
Shielding To shield against beta emissions, use plexiglass to decrease the production of bremsstrahlung radiation. If necessary, supplement with lead after the plexiglass To shield against gamma and x-rays, use lead, leaded glass or leaded plastic
Internal Exposure Only a few commonly used radionuclides at Einstein present an external exposure potential All radionuclides present a potential for internal exposure if taken into the body. Entry into the body can occur by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through the skin
Minimizing Internal Exposure Wear personal protective equipment If required, use a fume hood No eating, drinking or applying cosmetics Clean up spills promptly Routinely monitor work area Secure radioactive material
Minimum Protective Equipment Laboratory coat Gloves Safety Glasses Dosimeters
Bioassay Requirements Thyroid scan when working with volatile forms of I-125 in an amount greater than 1 mCi Urinalysis when working with tritiated water in an amount greater than 100 mCi Urinalysis when working with P-32, S-35 or Cr-51 in amounts greater than 100 mCi
Lesson 8 Regulatory Requirements
EINSTEIN’s License Broadscope license issued by The New York City Department of Health Permits the use of radioactive material in medical research Specifies limitations and requirements for using radioactive material Must be renewed every 5 years
Radiation Safety Requirements Radiation Safety Officer Radiation Safety Committee Licensed Principal Investigators Radioisotope Users
Records to be Kept on File In the Laboratory - Receipt of material - Utilization of material - Waste disposal - Monthly Wipe tests - Sink disposal - Training certificates By Radiation Safety -Principal Investigator -Isotope limits -Receipt of material -Waste transferred -Lab inspections -Exposure reports The New York City Inspectors will look specifically for these completed documents in the lab Radiation Safety notebooks which should be stored in every radiation lab.
Records (Continued) If radioactivity is not used or stored during a month, a signed statement may be substituted for a wipe test Example of Signed Statement: “There has been no radioactive material use or storage in lab ____ during the month of ____”.
Radiation Safety Inspections Inspections are conducted quarterly Review isotope use records and wipe test records Confirm appropriate postings and labels Personal protective equipment and dosimetry Shielding and survey instrument available Contamination and radiation dose rate survey
Where Will Isotopes be Found? In labs labeled with “Caution Radioactive Material” signs at the entrance Usually stored in freezers, refrigerators, or fume hoods Waste stored in labeled containers Radioactive waste storage rooms
Postings and Labels Entrance to laboratory Refrigerator/freezer Equipment/instruments Radioactive waste containers Laboratory benches Fume hoods for use Sinks for disposal
Labeling Containers All containers used for storing radioactive material or radioactive waste must be stored in labeled containers The label displays the radiation symbol with the words “Caution Radioactive Material” The isotope, activity in uCi or mCi and the start date should be included on label
Lesson 9 Radiation Detection
Detecting Radiation and Contamination Personal dosimeters are used to detect the occupational exposure to employees from external sources of radiation A survey meter may be used to detect large quantities of high energy beta and gamma emitters on a surface For smaller quantities of contamination on surfaces and low energy beta emitters, use the wipe test method
Luxel Dosimeter Required when there is a possibility of receiving greater than 10% of exposure limit Monitors for gamma, x-ray and high energy beta Worn for 3 months These are individual specific - Do not loan out Return promptly after receiving a new one
Ring Dosimeter Monitors exposure to the hands Used for high energy beta, gamma and x-ray radiation Worn when handling > 500 µCi of P-32 or I-125, or x-ray machines
Survey Instruments Geiger Mueller (G-M) - Detects alpha, beta, and gamma radiation - Best option for detecting beta contamination Sodium Iodide Detector - Gamma and x-ray only
Survey Instruments Operational Check Check calibration date Confirm calibration date within past year Check batteries Check response to radioactive source to confirm that the meter is operational
Survey Instruments Geiger-Mueller Detector Sodium-Iodine Detector Used for beta, gamma and x-ray emitters Best for P-32, S-35 and C-14 Will detect I-125 and Cr-51 Sodium-Iodine Detector Detects gamma and x-ray emitters I-125 and Cr-51 Do not use to detect beta emitters
Wipe Test Method The Wipe Test Method is a means of monitoring for small amounts of contamination It is the only method in the lab for detecting H-3 Wipe test surveys should include both areas where contamination is expected to be found and areas where it is not expected
Wipe Test Choose equipment and surfaces to wipe Use a filter paper or Q-tip to wipe approximately 100 cm2. Place filter paper or Q-tip in scintillation vial and add scintillation fluid (use enough fluid to fill at least ½ of vial) Place sample in scintillation counter Set scintillation counter to detect radioisotopes used in laboratory Include a standard or sample containing a known amount of radioactive material Include a background or control sample
Determining Activity of Wipes If the scintillation counter only provides results in counts per minute (cpm) it will be necessary to convert those results to disintegrations per minute (dpm). This can be done by including a control sample with your wipes that contains the isotope of interest. dpm = cpm / counting efficiency Standard (cpm) / Standard (dpm) = Efficiency 1 uCi = 2.22 X 106 dpm Decay of the standard’s activity must be considered.
Lesson 10 Contamination Control
Contamination Definition: Radioactive material in an undesired location Undesired locations: Surfaces, skin, internal, airborne Types: Removable – Decontamination is possible Fixed – Unable to decontaminate
Contamination Limits <200 dpm/100cm2 b/g in unrestricted areas (hallways, offices, and labs not licensed for radioactive material) <1,000 dpm/100cm2 b/g in restricted areas (radioisotope laboratories) >1,000 dpm/100cm2 b/g immediately clean up to below 1,000 dpm/100cm2
Frequently Contaminated Items in Laboratories Radioactive containers (stock, flasks, beakers) Laboratory benches Laboratory apparatus and equipment (Centrifuge, Freezer, Waterbath) Radioactive waste containers Refrigerator door handles Laboratory door handles Gloves and laboratory coats
Contamination Control Work in areas designated for radioactive material Use absorbent pads Wear appropriate protective clothing Change gloves frequently Perform a dry run of the procedure without radioactive materials It is recommend that you set up well-defined, clearly labeled radioactive material work stations and restrict radioactive materials use to those areas
Spill Response Notify people working in the laboratory Control access to the affected area Wear gloves, lab coat, and safety glasses Clean spill from the outer perimeter inward Avoid spattering and generating aerosols After initial clean up, monitor for contamination Repeat process if contamination remains Call the RSO (x2243) if you need help or if the spill is greater than 100 µCi
Decontamination of Skin If the radioactive material is a high energy beta, gamma, or x-ray emitter, monitor with a survey meter and record reading Gently wash the affected area for 15 minutes with lukewarm water and a mild soap If you continue to find contamination, repeat washing and monitoring for up to 3 times Record final survey meter readings Contact Radiation Safety at x2243
Lesson 11 Obtaining Radioactive Materials
Ordering Radioactive Material Orders are placed electronically through the Jacada Ordering System All orders must be approved by the Radiation Safety Officer When purchasing radioactive material from a vendor provide the following: The Radioisotope Amount of material Name and phone number of P.I. All packaged must be addressed to the Environmental Health and Safety Office in Forchheimer 800
Receiving Radioactive Material Ordering Typically, orders arrive the following day Ensure that somebody is available to pick up the Package Wear lab coat and dosimeter to pick up package Sign receipt log prior to leaving Safety Check Contents Check box for contamination using a Geiger counter or wipe test. Confirm that content of package is not contaminated. If it is contaminated contact Safety. Deface or remove any radiation labels on the box and discard as regular waste.
Receiving Radioactive Material Checking package for contamination (Left) Defacing labels (Right)
Lesson 12 Radioactive Waste
Radioactive Waste Disposal Minimize generation of waste Identify and segregate waste - long term (H-3 and C-14) - intermediate (S-35 and I-125) - short lived (P-32) Adhere to sink disposal limits Complete a waste ticket for pickup Keep disposal records
Do Not Mix Waste Types Do not place scintillation vials into dry solid waste containers Do not place dry solid waste into liquid scintillation vial waste Do not place liquid waste container into dry solid waste containers
Holding Radioactive Waste for Decay Provide appropriate shielding for the waste Seal the container to prevent individuals from adding to the waste Label the waste container with the isotope, amount of radioactive material, and date the container was sealed Hold for 10 half-lives (see table)
Minimum Decay Time Isotope Half-life 10 Half-lives Rule of Thumb P-32 14.3 days 143 Days 6 months Cr-51 27.7 days 277 Days 1 year I-125 59.6 days 600 Days 2 Years S-35 87.4 days 874 Days 2.5 years
Discarding Decayed Waste After 10 half-lives survey the waste with a Geiger counter If no residual radiation, complete a Radioactive Waste Ticket and send white copy to Safety Place yellow copy of waste ticket on the waste to discarded Safety will pick up the decayed waste
Radioactive Waste Containers DO NOT dispose of radioactive waste in: - medical waste containers - general waste Use only approved radioactive waste containers supplied by Radiation Safety which contains a warning label “Caution Radioactive Material”
Scintillation Vials Place in a separate container from the dry solid radioactive waste Separate scintillation vials containing long lived isotopes (H-3 and C-14) from those containing shorter lived isotopes (P-32, I-125) Ensure the lids are secured tightly on the bottles Do not overfill the container Complete a Radioactive Waste Ticket and send to Safety when container is full
Contaminated Sharps Syringes Pasteur Pipettes Scalpel Needles Radioactive sharps must be segregated from other radioactive waste and placed in a radioactive materials labeled sharps container.
Collecting Liquid Use a durable plastic bottle Attach a radiation warning label to the bottle Document the isotope, activity and date on the container Secure the lid on the container at all times Place bottle in a secondary container
Sink Disposal Permitted for small amount of radioactive material in aqueous solution Discard only in a radioactive materials labeled sink Disposed activity is limited to specific monthly and daily averages May need to hold short lived isotopes for decay prior to discarding down the sink
Sink Disposal Limits Isotope Monthly (uCi) Daily (uCi) P-32 360 12 Cr-51 1500 50 H-3 360 12 C-14 900 30
Sink Disposal Limits All radioactive material disposed through a designated sink should be recorded on the posted Sink Disposal Log
Lesson 13 Clearing Equipment
Clearing Equipment For repair by Engineering or Vendor: Ensure equipment is empty of all samples, containers, and radioactive material Conduct wipe test and present results to RSO Monitor with survey meter Decontaminate equipment if required
Lesson 14 Review
When Working with Low Energy Beta Emitters Examples: H-3, C-14, S-35, P-33 Follow General Safety Requirements Use a GM survey meter for large quantities of C-14, S-35 and P-33 Isolate, label, and dispose of waste Secure material in refrigerator/freezer
When Working with High Energy Beta Emitters (P-32) Use Plexiglas shielding for storage Wear Luxel dosimeter and extremity dosimeters if required Handle material behind a Plexiglas shield Regularly monitor work area and gloves for contamination Use a GM detector or liquid scintillation counter
Working with Gamma or X-ray Emitters (I-125) Store in leaded containers Pre-experiment thyroid scan for work with large quantities or volatile forms of I-125 Wear Luxel dosimeter and extremity dosimeters if required Use leaded glass/Plexiglas shield Regularly monitor surfaces gloves Use NaI detector or liquid scintillation counter Post experiment thyroid scan for work with large quantities or volatile forms of I-125
Telephone Numbers Radiation Safety: x2243 General Safety: x4150 Fax: x8740 Environmental Health & Safety website: