Science fair
Big Question I want to know how to make a smoke bomb so I don’t need to spend money on the 4th of July
Hypothesis My hypothesis is that the smoke bomb will smell like candy.
procedure you need stump remover, pan, oven,sugar, aluminum foil, a match or lighter, table spoon. Ok first you heat the stump remover then pour some 3 ½ cups of sugar in the pan then stir it up stir until it turns yellow then put it in the aluminum foil and light it.
experiment data The smoke bomb took a little while to light. My best guess would because it did not have a fume at all.
CONCLUSION My hypothesis was wrong unfortunately. It smelt nothing like candy. One of my ?’s was why don’t the army use these kind of smoke bomb.
REFENCES – to figure out how to do my project Me, myself, and I Google images.