Science Safety By Ali Richter
Fire Always have a teacher present when using fire in an experiment. If there is a fire, notify a teacher immediately. Know where the fire blanket and fire extinguisher are in case of an emergency (use P-A-S-S procedure for fire extinguisher). Don’t wear baggy clothes in the lab. Pull long hair back during the experiment.
Chemical Ask a teacher for permission before using chemicals in a lab. Read the label on the chemical container twice before removing it. Never point a heated test tube with a chemical in it towards yourself or others. Never directly smell, touch, or taste any chemical unless instructed by a teacher.
Equipment Ask an instructor before using any special equipment. Don’t play with the equipment, treat it with respect. Never leave your equipment out. Put it back up when you are finished using it, or when the class period is over. Know where the safety shower, eye wash sink, safety goggles, and fume hood, fire blanket, and fire extinguisher are located. They are all very important equipment.
Procedures Make sure to read and understand the directions before starting a lab. Follow the instructions CAREFULLY. Keep trash, books, and other objects off the table or desk where you are performing the experiment. Wash your hands with soap and water after every experiment or lab.
Behavior Don’t play around in the lab, especially not during an experiment. If you can’t behave, then you can’t participate. Pay attention while doing the experiment. Don’t talk with friends or distract others. Don’t eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab.
Other ALWAYS wear safety goggles and apron while doing a lab. Also wear closed toed shoes and clothes made of natural based fiber. Don’t wear jewelry or sandals while performing an experiment. Notify a teacher if something goes wrong, a chemical is spilled, a test tube breaks, etc.