Mrs. Mansberger Chemistry Lab Safety Rules (R80-R81)
Location of Safety Equipment Fire extinguisher- side wall above computers Eye wash- back center sink Goggle cabinet- back, left side corner along wall There is no safety shower, safety blanket, or fume hood in room 208.
Use Fire Extinguisher 1. Pull the pin 2. Squeeze the handle 3. Sweep at the base of the flame
Wear safety goggles at all times Eyeglasses provide very little protection When wearing contacts, make sure to wear non-vented protective goggles.
Tell the teacher immediately if you: 1. Have asthma (need to watch for breathing issues) 2. Develop a headache 3. Get an itchy feeling on your skin 4. Notice any equipment does not work
If a substance comes in contact with your skin or you burn yourself: 1. Wash it off with plenty of water 2. Then let the teacher know
Chemical Spill on the Table 1. Flood it with water 2. Push it into the sink with a paper towel 3. Throw the paper towel in the trash can 4. **Get the teacher if highly caustic substance or if you are uncomfortable cleaning up yourself.
Chemical Spill on the Floor 1. Absorb the liquid with kitty litter 2. Sweep it up with a hand broom and dust pan
If you get a small cut from glassware: 1. Let it bleed for a short amount of time 2. Wash with plenty of water 3. Tell the teacher what happened
Flammable material Should never be used near an open flame!
When heating a test tube: Always point the open end away from other people.
Caustic vs. Corrosive Caustic- to eat away at skin Corrosive- to eat away at metal
To smell something in the lab Always waft some of the odor towards your nose with your hand Never inhale deeply
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