The Gene Pool Population – group of the same species living in the same area.
The Gene Pool In a population, organisms tend to show small variations of a trait EX:
The Gene Pool In a population, organisms tend to show small variations of a trait EX: Gene Pool- total genetic information stored in a population
The Gene Pool In a population, organisms tend to show small variations of a trait EX: Gene Pool- total genetic information stored in a population Allele frequency- Each allele exists at a certain frequency
Variation of Traits in a Population Histogram- graph showing frequencies of each trait. Usually displays a bell curve.
Variation of Traits in a Population Histogram- graph showing frequencies of each trait. Usually displays a bell curve. Bell Curve – shows that most members of a population have a similar variation of a trait. Only a few individuals display extreme variations of the trait. EX: A few fish are very short and a few are very long, most are of average length
VARIATION OF TRAITS IN A POPULATION What causes these variations? Mutations- Random change in DNA passed to offspring
VARIATION OF TRAITS IN A POPULATION What causes these variations? Mutations- Random change in DNA passed to offspring Recombination- reshuffling of genes during Meiosis Independent assortment crossing over
VARIATION OF TRAITS IN A POPULATION What causes these variations? Mutations- Random change in DNA passed to offspring Recombination- reshuffling of genes during Meiosis Independent assortment crossing over Random pairing of gametes
Hardy-Weinberg Genetic Equilibrium Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium describes populations that are not evolving Genotype frequencies stay the same over time as long as certain conditions are met: Very large populations No emigration or immigration No mutations Random mating No natural selection