НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine 1 The major operating results of domestic and international money transfer systems in 2010 Vera I. Rychakovsckaya Vice Chairperson of the Board, National Bank of Ukraine 21 May 2011
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine 2 Domestic and international money transfer systems in Ukraine As of the systems operating in Ukraine were created by: - banks of Ukraine 4 systems ( 2 of which are international ) - non-bank institutions 3 systems ( including USEP UKRPOSHTA ) - non-residents22 systems In 2010 funds were transferred: - within UkraineUAH16,378 million USD14.3 million RUB0.25 million EURO0.9 million - to UkraineUSD 3,250 million (2.3 % of GDP) - from UkraineUSD 591 million
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine 3 Money transfer systems created by banks of Ukraine Domestic money transfer systems: Aval-Express created by АG Reiffaisen Bank Aval resident participants - 10 SOFT created by PJSC Ukrsocbank resident participants - 10 International money transfer systems: AVERS created by JSC Finance and Credit Bank resident participants - 25 non-resident participants - 5 Privat Money created by CJSC CB PRIVATBANK resident participants - 25 non-resident participants - 26
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine In 2010 the funds were transferred: (Aval-Express, Soft, Privat Money) within UkraineUAH10,812 million USD14 million EUR0.8 million to UkraineUSD420 million (12.9 % of the total amount) from UkraineUSD81 million (13.7 % of the total amount) Money transfer systems created by banks of Ukraine
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine Money transfer systems created by non-bank institutions As of there were 3 non-bank money transfer systems registered with the NBU including Post Transfer (USEP UKRPOSHTA), which allowed funds to be transferred: within Ukraine UAH 5,232 million to UkraineUAH 215 million from UkraineUSD 213 million
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine Money transfer systems created by non-residents There are 22 international funds transfer systems operating Members: 150 banks of Ukraine JSC Ukrainian Financial Group USEP UKRPOSHTA In 2010 the funds were transferred: to UkraineUSD2,615 million (increased by 16 %) from UkraineUSD378 million (increased by 27 %) within UkraineUAH148 increased by
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine 7 Money transfer systems created by non-residents Breakdown of the money transfer market by the volume of funds transferred to Ukraine and residency of money transfer systems in 2011
НаціональнийбанкУкраїни National Bank of Ukraine 8 Thanks for your attention!