Le Crédit Coopératif The bank of the Social Economy sector in France GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
Le Crédit Coopératif: Banque coopérative nationale Crédit Coopératif was set up in the end of 19 th century by its cooperators in order to get access to credits. Since 2003, Crédit Coopératif is a banking group under the umbrella of the Group of French Popular Banks (Groupe Banque Populaire). Its mission is determined as follows: « A specific Popular Bank with the nationwide focus to invest in particular into the sector of Social and Solidarity Economy.» GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
Individual clients sector Classical banking products Ethical and solidarity banking products Some examples: The affinity card Carte AGIR The microcredit agreement in Gironde county The mutual savings fund Faim et développement The investment fund Choix solidaire The mutual guarantee fund Garantie Solidaire GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Carte AGIR » … is an affinity card … is a classical banking card (Visa/Carte Bleue) that provides add-on solidarity benefits. … costs its card holder as little as a traditional card of Crédit Coopératif (without any extra costs). … makes Crédit Coopératif donating a fixed amount of 3 EUR plus 6 eurocents for each cash withdraw at any ATM on the benefit of a NGO of the card holders choice. GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Gironde microcredit agreement» … is an agreement of the Secours Catholique (Caritas) and Crédit Coopératif in Gironde county, France. … aims to provide access to loans to persons in difficulties (conditions: applicant may not have any debts, a salary between 500 and 1000 EUR). … offers loans between 500 and 3000 EUR with an interest rate of 4-8%, installments <100 EUR and no insurance necessary. The loans are backed by a guarantee of the Secours Catholique (Caritas). Loan decisions are commonly taken by Crédit Coopératif and the Secours Catholique. GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Faim & Développement » … stands for Hunger and Development. … is a mutual saving fund. It is the first investment product in France dedicated to solidarity. … was set up in 1983 by Crédit Coopératif on initiative with the French NGO Catholic Committee Against Hunger and for Development (CCFD). … makes the subscriber donating 50% or 75% of his/her earnings to an NGO. … allows tax deductions to the subscriber. … has generated >20M EUR in donations. GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Faim & Développement » 2 GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE The tax advantage: Basket 1 donation of a part of the revenue Example 1: coupon distributable 2005 = 2 (50%) 1 reinvested into the fund 2 tax: ~0,27 1 donation to CCFD Real cost for the subscriber : : 0,52 tax deduction: 0,75 Basket 2 portfolio donation (donation of shares => no immediate tax imposition) Example 2: performance 2005 = 2 (50%) 2 1 donation to CCFD tax deduction: 0,75 Real cost for the subscriber : 0,25
« Choix solidaire » 1 … is a mutual fund which combines a solidarity-based approach and a socially responsible investment policy … is available to everyone: private individuals, corporate bodies and save-as-you-earn schemes Performance objective: basic savings account rate (Livret A + 1.5% per year, i.e. 4.25% at the moment) Recommended period of investment : 2 years GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Choix solidaire » 2 Outstanding portfolio: 35M EUR Almost 10% of the fund is invested in European solidarity-based organisations (currently 2,3M EUR invested into 13 projects) A maximum of 35 % of the portfolio is invested in listed Euro zone equities The rest of the portfolio is invested in bonds Securities within these two latter asset classes are selected according to the criteria of a social responsible filter GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Choix solidaire » 3 The solidarity-based economy is a dynamic sector composed of firms, NGOs, co-operatives and mutual insurance companies. The French Administration grants Solidarity agreements to firms that meet at least one of the two following requirements : They employ at least 1/3 of disabled persons or long term unemployed people The firm chairman is elected, with a maximum compensation level In Europe, Crédit Coopératif relies on the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA) to find potential solidarity investments. GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Choix solidaire » 4 Main solidarity-based investment themes : Micro finance (ADIE, NEF) Non-profit healthcare organisations (Pierre Angulaire, BFS), Real estate for the very under-privileged (Habitats Solidaires), Help to small business creation (BGP, Garrigue), Help to disabled people (Websourd), Fair trade (Alter Eco) GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Garantie solidaire » 1 … was created to support the credit activity of FEBEA members … is open to non-members structures, involved in the field of social economy … aims to support a large number of social, ethical and alternative credit institutions … is a flexible and adaptative multi-level mutualisation system: Mutualised fund (section A) Sponsorship deposits (sections B) Multi-sectoral and multi-country tool, to ensure a good statistical diversification of the risk Initial funding: EUR GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE
« Garantie solidaire » 2 GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE B B B Initial grant a aa a a a a a a Sponsorship Subscriptions a for each project covered Sponsorship
« Garantie solidaire » 3 Figures – 31/12/2006 Section ASection B Initial grantSubscriptionsdeposit GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE Figures by Beneficiary – 31/12/2006 Beneficiaries# LoansGuarantee Amount BFS Hefboom Nef Tise Sefea Credal SIDI Total
Titre générique du document CREDIT COOPERATIF …as its name indicates GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE End