Mateusz Radzimski (ATOS) The Sentify Portal
Sentiments + Finance = Sentify
Sentify portal Assisting financial analyst by providing overview of sentiment data from different perspectives Exploration of the FIRST sentiment dataset Document navigation and sentiment drill-down Comparative analysis of crisp and fuzzy sentiments Company reputation analysis
Sentify in a context
Sentify underpinnings Based on Sentiment API (WP5 services) Fine-grained API access to the sentiment data storage Providing over 20 methods ranging from aggregated sentiment data… …to fine grained sentence-level sentiment information Documentation: Source code: git://
Two kinds of sentiment on Sentify Tied to the blog and post sentiments Showing crisp sentiment (Aggregated from the sentence level) 5-level fuzzy sentiment (for positive and negative sentiment), aggregated from the document level
Reputation analysis Reputation sentiment analysis for 5 reputation topics (crisp sentiment subfeatures): - Business Behavior - Social Responsibility - Exposure on Critical Markets - Human Resources - Corporate Governance
Document drill-down Navigating to the news document starts document drill- down going from the document level to the sentence level.
All thanks to the underlying infrastructure
Demo Demo
Steady decrease of sentiment from and a sharp sentiment decrease on the Positive sentiment trend from the onwards. Sharp sentiment increase on the 11. and Crisp sentiment example
Sharp price decrease on the because of an announced loss increase. Sharp price increases on the , and PS4 launch. Crisp sentiment analysis (cont.)
Currency trading scandal. Fuzzy sentiment example
Intel – expected price change
Open source Sentify portal can be downloaded from:
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