Chapter Title Goes Here Your Name Goes Here
Exploration BeginningsAmerica Spanish Endeavors Africa & Asia Christianity, general trade and agriculture
Beginnings 100 What impact did the travels of john mandeville have on european exploration? A: It’s fantastical portrayal of the unknown world raised questions of what the rest of the world is like.
Beginnings 200 What impact did the renaissance have on exploration? A: Many hoped to find resources in which they could trade.
Beginnings 300 What is the work “Geography” and what impact did it have on Europe? A: A map by Ptolemy regarded for its time accurate geographical representation of the world and helped Europeans “discover” Asia.
Beginnings 400 What was the motives behind expansion and exploration? A: Money and to spread Christianity.
Beginnings 500 What role did Christianity have on exploration? A: It had secondary role of introducing christianity to foreigners and helped explorers gain support from the church.
America 100 How did the Aztecs stand out to other civilizations in Mesoamerica? A: They were fantastic warriors whom also could keep order and thus an efficient empire.
America 200 What are and how did the good intentions of Queen Isabella’s system, Encomienda, backfire? A: It was supposed to financially support the native peoples under the Spanish Empire, but it gave too much freedom to the Spanish settlers and thus they used natives for their own interests.
America 300 What settlers were originally in New York and who took it from the original settlers? A: The Dutch, Great Britain
America 400 What settlement did the French have in America and how did they lose part of it? A: Canada, losses of The French Indian War. DAILY DOUBLE!!
America 500 What did the middle passage of triangular trade show us how Europeans thought of Africans and natives in general? A: By their poor treatment, it shows that they view them as less than human.
Spanish Endeavors 100 What is an example of a group of people that show a majority of European sentiment on exploration? A: The Spanish Conquistadors.
Spanish Endeavors 200 What does the conquest of Mexico show about the Spanish motives for their explorers? A: They are mainly interested in wealth and the spread of the church, as shown by their treatment of natives, is second.
Spanish Endeavors 300 How is the rivalries of exploration, such as Spain and Portugal, positive and negative for Europe? A: It will help increase trade and better their economy, but competition can create competition and can result in tense relations and eventually events such as war.
Spanish Endeavors 400 Whom wrote The Tears of Indians and what can be said about his account? A: Bartolome de Las Casas, his described mistreatment of natives is said to be exaggerated.
Spanish Endeavors 500 How did Incan civilization help benefit the Spanish Empires? A: Their skills in construction helped make Peruvian trade more efficient and their presence better known through easier ways of travel.
Africa and Asia 100 What was the primary market for African slaves? A: The Middle East.
Africa and Asia 200 Why did the Portuguese seize Malacca? A: It provided useful ports that could be use as stopping points and could help their economic gains significantly with arab spice trade.
Africa and Asia 300 Whom ended up having most control of Southeast Asia and ended up as a major threat to Portugal? A: The Dutch, because they were better financed.
Africa and Asia 400 How did mainland China’s sentiments on western expansion speak for the rest of asia? A: It affirmed the sentiment of Europeans not being wanted in Asia.
Africa and Asia 500 How did Christianity play a role in Asia? A: It spread Christianity obviously and in some cases hurt western relations by interfering with their culture likewise destroying idols and shrines.
Christianity, general trade and agriculture 100 What role did Christianity have on exploration? A: It had secondary role of introducing christianity to foreigners and helped explorers gain support from the church.
Christianity, general trade and agriculture 200 How did the Catholic church help spread their faith in occupied European lands? A: They provided resources such as hospital and orphanages in exchange for spreading their message.
Christianity, general trade and agriculture 300 How did trade affect European agriculture? A: The introduction of imports and exports of new foods and spices and whatnot creates a new culture and interest for a country's people and thus the demand for said product is in demand and it becomes a primary crop.
Christianity, general trade and agriculture 400 How did Joint and Stock companies and Mercantilism benefit each other? A: Merchantilism focus on the state’s prosperity and Joint Stock companies help expand European trade, economy, and banking. Joint Stock Company’s shares help provide opportunities to use Mercantilist policy.
Christianity, general trade and agriculture 500 How does the invention of the sugar mill help European countries? A: There is significantly less work needed and is more efficient and thus will help Europe grow its economy and agriculture.