The Positive Behavior Support Initiative in North Carolina Cultivating the Flower Garden Behavior Support & Special Programs, Exceptional Children Division North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Sowing the Seeds The beginnings of PBS in NC
NC State Improvement Program Funded through IDEA Five year program Began in August Reading Centers 1 Mathematics Center 1 Behavioral Support Center
NC State Improvement Program One Elementary School selected as the Positive Behavioral Support Center Given $85,000/ year for a part of two positions to implement the program.
Additional Regional Positive Behavioral Support Programs Four additional schools selected in the winter, 2001 Five more schools selected in winter, 2002 Six schools selected in spring, 2003 These schools were given $10,000 / year.
Connected to OSEP Technical Assistance Center Contracted with Lucille Eber to provide PBS training in February, Invited to the implementers PBIS Leadership Forum in September, Began to receive information from the National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Sprouts PBS Pilot Sites
PBS Leadership Team North Carolina Participants in the PBS Leadership Forum met to create a PBS Leadership Team in November, Expanded group to include parent and LEA representation. Developed first implementation plan.
Statewide Training Initiative Investigated PBS training curricula in Selected modules developed by Dr. Tim Lewis from Missouri Dr. Lewis trained 12 coaches/trainers with 12 new school teams Added coaches/trainers from existing sites
NC PBS Training Initiative school year trained 40 trainers 31 were from LEAs, including 1 Charter School These trainers agreed to train 110 new schools from their LEAs and other LEAs in
Formal Action Plan PBS Leadership Team completed Self Assessment Tool from the PBIS Implementers Blue Print Developed three year North Carolina PBS Action Plan.
NC PBS Training Initiative new schools received training 65 school teams completed all 3 modules 4 Youth Development Centers trained 50 LEAs had schools and trainers
Seedlings Nurturing Systems Change
Development of Resources 2005 Exceptional Children Assistance Center Developed North Carolina PBS Brochure Filmed “School-wide Positive Behavior Support in North Carolina”
NC Positive Behavior Support Initiative Traditional LEAs 4 Charter Schools 5 Youth Development Centers Eastern School of the Deaf More than 76 PBS trainers in the state
NC Positive Behavior Support Initiative schools in some stage of implementation 12% of the schools in the state 6 Regional Coordinators to support implementing schools/districts
PBS Regional Coordinators Five positions for traditional LEAs One Charter School position Hosted by LEAs that already have PBS school to be a demonstration site. 2/3 time coordinating PBS training and efforts in region of the state or for Charter Schools
Blooms & Blossoms Supporting Implementing Schools
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative Participating Schools 532 Traditional Schools 9 Charter Schools 5 Youth Development Centers Two Schools for the Deaf 81 School Systems!
Traditional School Breakdown 302 Elementary Schools 148 Middle Schools 53 High Schools 29 Alternative Schools
Implementation in new schools participating in training Additional LEAs New trainers Development of in-school coaches Exceptional Children Assistance Center creating middle school implementation DVD
Legislative Support Positive Behavior Support Coordinator position was created by the Legislature. It is a new state position. Heather Reynolds began January 14, 2008.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative Currently, about 85%of the counties/local education agencies in the state have at least one school participating in the North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative Steady growth has been evident.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative Improving and sustaining the effort has been supported with continued state funding and local education agencies are kicking in to support the effective programs in their schools.
Annuals & Perennials Capacity-building & Sustainability
Implementation Plan for PBS Three Components Training – Awareness, Training of School Teams and Coach/Trainers, and Advanced Training Visibility and Political Support Evaluation
Leadership Team Funding VisibilityPolitical Support TrainingCoaching Evaluation Active Coordination Local School Teams/Demonstrations PBS Systems Implementation Logic
State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
State Leadership Team Assessment & Evaluation Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Vision: All schools in North Carolina will implement Positive Behavior Support as an effective and proactive process for improving social competence and academic achievement. Mission: To provide leadership, professional development, resources, and on-going support in order for schools to successfully implement Positive Behavior Support
Goals Maintain an up-to-date PBS Website. Coordinate and inform all depts./divisions at DPI regarding PBS updates Increase awareness of North Carolina’s mission and vision for PBS Facilitate networking among all PBS stakeholders State Leadership Team Visibility & Political Support
Goals: Current registry of trainers/coaches Current registry of participating LEAs, contact people/coordinators, & schools Provide Training, Support, and Networking Opportunities for Trainers, Coaches, & Coordinators Fidelity of Training & Implementation Inclusion of IHEs Inclusion of PBS in standards for Education Leadership Candidates, preservice/graduate personnel Support Creation of Durable Systems State Leadership Team Training & Coaching
Goals: Determine specific data to be collected statewide Create a plan for obtaining a thorough evaluation of the PBS Program in North Carolina State Leadership Team Assessment & Evaluation
State PBS Consultant Position now filled by Heather Reynolds Solone, as a result of legislative action. The PBS consultant is part of the Behavior Support & Special Programs Section of the EC Division, led by Chief, Diann Irwin. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Regional Coordinators Regional responsibilities include the following: 2/3 of the time working with PBS implementation in the region and state (14 or 15 work days per work month). Attend PBS coordinator meetings and training. Host state and regional meetings for implementing schools. Coordinate regional PBS training. Provide PBS Awareness Presentations in the region. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Regional Coordinators Regional responsibilities include the following: Work with PBS LEA trainers to complete School Evaluation Tools. Help plan PBS summer institute and conference presentations. Visit implementing schools in other LEAs, as possible. Provide PBS technical assistance and support in the region. Coordinate data collection for the region. Assist local PBS trainers with using and understanding data. Stay informed about national PBS research. Coordinate with Behavior Support Consultant from the region.
Regional Coordinators Expected LEA responsibilities for the position include: Coach participating schools in LEA. Help train new schools in LEA. Direct data management and program evaluation. Chair School System PBS Leadership Team. Work with PBS trainers and chair persons in LEA. Link between schools, leadership team and leadership of school system. See that School Evaluation Tool is completed for each implementing school in LEA. Manage school system action plan.
LEA Coordinator Coordinate with PBS Regional Coordinator from the region. Attend PBS coordinator meetings and training. Coordinate LEA PBS training. Provide PBS Awareness Presentations in the LEA. Provide PBS technical assistance and support in the LEA. Host LEA meetings for implementing schools. Visit implementing schools. Work with PBS coaches, trainers, and chair persons in LEA. Assist local PBS teams with using and understanding data. Stay informed about national PBS research. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Direct data management and program evaluation. Chair School System PBS Leadership Team. See that School Evaluation Tool is completed for each implementing school in LEA. Coordinate data collection for the LEA and send to Regional Coordinator. Link between schools, leadership team, and leadership of school system. Manage school system action plan. LEA Coordinator
External Coach Coordinate with PBS LEA Coordinator. Attend PBS Coach meetings and training. Attend LEA PBS Leadership Team meetings Coordinate LEA PBS training. Provide PBS technical assistance and support in the LEA. Facilitate LEA meetings for implementing schools. Attend implementing school team meetings. Work with PBS trainers and school teams in LEA. Assist local PBS teams with using and understanding data. Stay informed about national PBS research. Complete School Evaluation Tool for each implementing school in LEA. Coordinate data collection for school teams send to LEA Coordinator. Link between schools and LEA Coordinator. Assist schools with action planning. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Trainer Work with PBS Regional Coordinator & LEA Coordinator to plan trainings. Complete the train-the-trainer process. Participate in all 3 Modules as a team member. Co-train all 3 Modules with an experienced trainer. Achieve competence and train independently. Attend Trainer refreshers and updates. Provide support and technical assistance for school teams. Complete annual self-assessment and competency requirements. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Team Leader (In –School Coach) Coordinate with LEA/External Coach & LEA Coordinator. Attend PBS coach meetings and training. Facilitate team meetings for your school. Assist teams with using and understanding data. Stay informed about national PBS research. Coordinate completion of School Evaluation Tool. Coordinate data collection and send to LEA Coach. State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
School Administrator Recorder Data Manager Time- keeper Communication Coordinator School Staff Parents Community Students State Leadership Team Training & Coaching Visibility & Political Support Assessment & Evaluation State PBS Consultant Team Leader (In –School Coach) School Administrator Recorder Data ManagerTime-keeperCommunication Coordinator School Staff Parents Students Community LEA Coordinator Regional Coordinators Trainer External Coach
Positive Behavior Support Training Opportunities and Support Regional and LEA Trainings PBS Summer Institute PBS Workshops – Training for LEA Coaches and Coordinators DVD for principals new to PBS schools
Adding Vegetables to the Garden Braiding Initiatives
Integration with Other Efforts Systems of Care –Meeting hosted by Charlotte/Mecklenburg –Discussed integration of PBS and SOC –SOC Coordinators requested additional information about PBS –PBS presentations at SOC regional meetings Has led to PBS/Behavior support participation at local SOC meetings
Integration with Other Efforts Preschool Behavior Education –Joint meeting 2/13/08 at DPI –Connection between people who work with Preschool Children and School- aged Children around behavior and social skills –Grant for Preschool Training –Additional meetings planned to increase collaboration
Integration with Other Efforts Family Involvement –Help PBS teams determine ways to involve and support families at all levels of the continuum –Epstein’s Model of parent involvement: Parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, community collaboration –Training will ask teams to identify a task/project to address each of the six areas at each of the three levels of continuum –Pilot training 08-09
Integration of DPI Efforts School Improvement –Responsiveness to Instruction –Positive Behavior Support –Instructional Consultation –Reading Initiative –Etc.
Whole School Effective School Organization Positive School Climate Effective Staff Development Data Based Decision Making Culturally Responsive Practices Parent and Community Partnerships Effective Instructional Practices Classroom Effective Instructional Practices Positive Classroom Management Culturally Responsive Instruction Universal Design/ Differentiated Instruction Ongoing Screening and Assessment Classroom Coaching and Consultation Struggling Students Progress Monitoring Behavioral Group Strategies Mental Health Assistance Focused Research-based Academic Instruction Individuals FBA/BIP Mental Health Services Consider- ation for Eligibility EC Specially Designed Instruction Behavior Interventions Related Services School Improvement Targeted Group Interventions Small group instruction Focused academic help sessions Intensive, Individual Interventions Tutoring Academic Remediation Plans Specially Designed Instruction Intensive, Individual Interventions Functional Behavior Assessment & Behavior Intervention Planning Targeted Group Interventions Social Skills instruction Reinforcement of specific skills Group Behavioral Strategies Classroom Coaching Universal Interventions School-wide rules and procedures Systematic reinforcement Social Skills Instruction Culturally responsive practices Data-based decision- making Parent & Community Partnerships Universal Interventions Effective instructional practices Recognition of academic achievement Culturally responsive practices Data-based decision- making Parent & Community Partnerships AcademicBehavior
Fruits & Bouquets Implementation Data
Evaluations Annual evaluation with Bob Algozzine from UNC-Charlotte Duke University has started evaluation of eight schools Positive Behavior Support Consultant will work with others in NCDPI to analyze relevant data.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative More elementary schools (77%) had SET Total scores of 80% or higher than middle (44%) or high schools (25%). Higher levels were also evident in elementary schools for the SET Expectations Taught subscale.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative Office discipline referral data from schools implementing PBS in North Carolina compare favorably with national averages.
North Carolina Positive Behavior Support Initiative There has been a consistent decrease in suspensions across schools implementing PBS over the past three years.
Asheboro City Schools 8 out of the 8 schools ( about 4700 students) have teams trained in PBS. Out of School suspension occurrences for the entire system: – OSS occurrences – OSS occurrences – OSS occurrences – OSS occurrences (Increase in , but reduction since beginning of implementation)
Pine Valley Elementary School New Hanover County Schools
YearTotal # Referrals Administrator Time Instructional Time hours = - 36 days 708 hours = days hours = + 11 days 483 hours = + 35 days hours = + 6 days 360 hours = + 19 days hours = + 6 days 241 hours = + 18 days
While achievement differences were not statistically significant across schools with different levels of implementation, effect sizes reflecting practical differences were large (.55 for reading and.98 for mathematics).
Charlotte/Mecklenburg Implementation Data Elementary PBIS schools increased the number of students passing the EOG reading test as they progressed from grades 3 to 5 by 13.9%, compared to 7.7% for similar non-implementing schools. Elementary bus behavior decreased by 5.73% between first and fourth quarter for
Charlotte/Mecklenburg Implementation Data West Charlotte High school reduced suspension days by 39% between and Mountain Island’s enrollment grew by 17.6% between and 06-07, but the average referrals per day only grew by 3%. Hidden Valley Elementary reduced office discipline referrals by 68% and suspension events by 77% between and
Cultivating Your Garden Essential to Plan for: Seeding Time for germination Dealing with fertilizer Expect some plants you’ve never seen before Insurance for floods/droughts
Helpful Information Diann Irwin Heather