North Carolina’s Integration of 511 and Workzone Information Jo Ann Oerter State Technology Implementation and Maintenance Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation
511 - national North Carolina NCDOT’s 511 System: – Goal – Features – Content NC’s 511 System Where your travel information begins
D.C. = 511 Operational (“Live”) = Planning Funding = Expect 2004 Launch Currently Accessible by 24% of Population Accessible by 31% of Population in Deployment Status as of September 7, 2004
Congestion Worsening on NC roadways Additional ITS Tool Enhanced current ITS system Connection of all transportation modes Foreseeable Benefits to our transportation users WHY DID NCDOT IMPLEMENT 511?
Existing Trav Info Services in NC 103 Urban and Rural Public Transportation Agencies (Voice automated or live Operator) NCDOT - Ferry Division (I-800 BY FERRY) NCDOT - Rail Division (I-800 BY TRAIN) NC Tourism (1-800 VISIT NC) NCDOT Customer Service (I-877-DOT 4 YOU) NC State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) (*HP) NC Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) Traveler Information Management System (TIMS)
Goal of NC’s 511 Program Ferries Public Transportation Rail Tourism NCDOT CUSTOMER SERVICE NCSHP NCDMV Road Conditions 511 Great Smoky National Park
511 System Features Multi-modal Voice activated/recognition system Points to 800 toll free number therefore, it is a free call to users Phased Statewide - all information available pertaining to Highways, Trains, Ferries, Tourism, NCDMV, & NCDOT deployed in the initial deployment. Transit will be deploy one region per FFY of the project until all regions deployed.
511 System Features Allows for Floodgate messages No Busy Signal to the caller 72 ports 96 ports for queued calls Local Road Condition Content for the major metropolitan areas. Impacts to road conditions that are due to weather Forecasted weather that could affect travel Call persistence Call interruption
511 Content Provide direct transfers to the following agencies: North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Rail Division North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division North Carolina Division of Tourism North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Customer Service North Carolina Transit Agencies (Transit information will be deployed regionally each year) Provide contact phone numbers for the following agencies: North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) Great Smoky Mountains Park Service ** The North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) will be added in the next phase.
Traveler Information Management System (TIMS) 511 Traffic Content
Using 511 for Work Zone Information Information Resources: –Real Time: Construction/Maintenance Personnel TMC personnel Incident Management Assistance Patrols Smart work zones (under development) –Static: Construction/Maintenance Personnel TMC personnel
Workzone Data Dissemination
Other Methods to Disseminate Work Zone Information –Real Time: Kiosks Dedicated Websites Pager Services Media DMS –Static Highway Advisory Radios Safe Workzone Guide I-95 Corridor Coalition Publication Press releases Door Hangers Tray liners
US 1 Project Overview: –4 lane divided roadway –Heavily congested corridor –Major arterial into Raleigh from the south Project goals –Widen Roadway and Install ITS with minimal disruption providing real time information to the public Timeline –Project Began: March 2005 –Completion Date: September 2007 incentives/heavy liquidated damages - Fall 2006
Impact to the public: –150,000 +/- –Nightly lane closures –Curiosity Factor during day –Alternate Routes: Daytime: –no good detour due to alter routes already at peak Nighttime: –several local arterials –some NC routes Notification to public: –Smart Workzone –DMS –Dedicated Webpage US 1 Project – 511 – Media – Public Workshops
US 1 Project
Type of Information Conveyed via 511: –Area of Closure –Begin/End Times –Severity of Impact –Detour info ( if available) –Travel Times/Delays (under development) How data is entered: –Static information: field personnel/contractor –Dynamic Information: field personnel/contractor Smart Workzone (under development) Other outreach strategies: –Media releases How we know people are using 511 in WZ: – Comments to Contact Us - website – 24 live operator for US 1 project As an outreach tool – Public Workshops– DMS
US 1 Project - Using 511 Obstacles/Solutions * Obstalces: Keeping information real time ° Dual Entries into our Travel Information Management System (TIMS) with conflicting information * Solutions: Working with field forces/contractor ahead of time and define expectations and provide training. ° Working with field forces/contractor ahead of time and define expectations and provide training. ° Better Quality Control
Successes: –easily accessible –communication/defining of expectations –advanced marketing –training Lessons learned: –begin communication earlier –include all stakeholders –requirement of contractor US 1 Project - What we’ve learned
511 is an excellent resource, however, a resource is only as good as the data. –Communication with all partners Identify all resources –Keep information current Training –Include all info related to closures/WZ Static Dynamic –Develop plan for QC –Marketing Things to keep in mind
I-40 Rebuild
Overview: –4 lane divided roadway –Rebuild I-40 damaged due to hurricanes –Only corridor west through NC mountains –Heavy tourist audience Project goals –Rebuild Interstate as quickly as possible with minimal interruption providing real time information to the public Timeline –Project Began: March 2005 –Completion Date: September 2006 incentives/heavy liquidated damages
Current Projects