Collaborating for Families and Young Children: Part C and CAPTA in South Carolina OSEP National Early Childhood Meeting February 9, 2005 Kristie Musick.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborating for Families and Young Children: Part C and CAPTA in South Carolina OSEP National Early Childhood Meeting February 9, 2005 Kristie Musick University of South Carolina

Part C Lead Agency Lead Agency for Part C is the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) BabyNet, South Carolina’s Early Intervention System, is housed in the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, Division of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Need

Primary responsibility for implementation of CAPTA lies within the South Carolina Department of Social Services, through the delivery of Child Protective/Preventive Services, Adoption Services, Foster Care, and Managed Treatment Services.

BabyNet Interagency Memorandum of Agreement All Part C Participating Agencies will: Participate in the Child Find system,which is a system to locate, evaluate, assess and identify children who may be eligible for Part C supports and services.

BabyNet Interagency Memorandum of Agreement The South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) will provide and assure: Referral, consistent with the provisions of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), of infants and toddlers under the age of 3 years; Referral of children suspected of having a disability or developmental delay in accordance with Part C of IDEA;

BabyNet Interagency Memorandum of Agreement The South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) will provide and assure: Development and implementation of joint procedures with BabyNet to ensure coordinated referral of children under CAPTA and IDEA; and Programs and supports in the areas of family preservation and child welfare.

Collaborative Activities Process and form for referral of children from DSS to Part C/BabyNet Process and tool for developmental screening of children referred to Part C/BabyNet Development of training modules for inservice and preservice DSS personnel: –Child Protective/Preventive Services –Foster Care –Adoption Services –Managed Treatment Services

Process and form for referral of children from DSS to Part C/BabyNet DSS BabyNet Referral form Completed by all types of DSS Children’s Caseworkers Accompanied by –With parental consent, a completed Parent Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) Response Form, and –Documentation of court order establishing source of guardianship of child

Process and form for referral of children from DSS to Part C/BabyNet Upon receipt by BabyNet System Point of Entry the BabyNet Intake Coordinator initiates the 45-day process: –Orientation and Intake visit –Establish Part C eligibility –Curriculum-based Assessment for IFSP planning –Meeting to develop Initial IFSP

The IFSP Team Members of the initial and annual IFSP Team would include: –The BabyNet Intake Coordinator –The DSS Caseworker –The biological parent(s) unless termination of parental rights has occurred –The foster parent(s) when child is so placed

Collaboration, Communication, and Coordination In cases of foster placement, the BabyNet Service Coordinator will ensure all communication is shared with both the DSS Caseworker and the foster parent (s). The DSS Caseworker will ensure that this communication is shared with the biological parent (s).

Process and tool for developmental screening of children referred to Part C/BabyNet Consensus reached to use the Parent Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) Chosen on basis of accuracy, accessibility, and endorsement by wide range of professional associations Response Form completed by DSS Caseworker as part of DSS intake procedures Response Form scored by BabyNet Intake Coordinator as part of BabyNet intake procedures

PEDS Accuracy Data Accuracy –Sensitivity: 74% to 80% –Specificity: 70% to 80% –Inter-rater Reliability: 80% to 100% across categories –Test-retest Reliability: 80% to 100% –Validity: 70% or greater across all areas Accessibility –Self-administered or Interview –Reading level: Grade 5 –Languages: English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Available for licensing in Somali, Hmung, and Malaysian Endorsements –American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Neurology, American Nurses Association, Head Start, Council for Exceptional Children, National Association for the Education of Young Children and others

Development of training modules for BabyNet and DSS personnel, pre- and in-service Within BabyNet: –BabyNet System Managers –BabyNet Intake Coordinators –BabyNet Service Coordinators Within Department of Social Services: –Adoption Services –Child Protective/Preventive Services –Foster Care –Managed Treatment Services

Joint Technical Assistance Efforts Joint training with BabyNet and DSS staff Identification of different strategies for personnel in service and preservice Topics identified thus far: –Basics of Part C & CAPTA –Developmental Red Flags –Use of the Parent Evaluation of Developmental Status screening tool

Current Collaborative Activities Incorporation of issues raised with IDEA Reauthorization Finalization of policies and procedures within and between the agencies Merger of TA content within and between the agencies Development of blended TA implementation schedule Research to add TA components to support training of personnel in the emotional and social development of young children