Board of Directors President: John Brubaker Vice President: Pat Layton, Department Head, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson Treasurer/Membership: Colette Degarady, The Nature Conservancy Secretary: Alex Gregg, National Park Service Members-at-Large: Sudie Daves - Biologist, NRCS Helen Legree Floyd –Nursery Industry Travis Rogers - Dow AgroSciences Brett Moule, SCDNR David Bourgeois, Mead Westvaco Bill Hulslander, National Park Service Laurie Reid, SC Forestry Commission Robin Mackie, USFS Diverse assemblage of board members representing different partners in the state.
SC EPPC Committees Early Detection Rapid Response Education/Outreach and Web Site Updates Invasive Plant Mapping Data Coordination Chinese Privet Control Task Force Kudzu Control Task Force SC Invasive Species Plant List
Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Warning system –Interagency coordination –Rapid assessment –Rapid response USDA website
Worst Invasive Plant in Southeast Federally Noxious Weed SC Statewide Cogongrass survey, May –Sponsored by SC-EPPC – –More than 100 volunteers search across the state Cogongrass
SC Invasive Data Coordinator Contract position using pooled partner funds Will assemble and organize invasive plant data across the state Will train agency staff on entering data into EDDMapS
Invasive species list List found on SC EPPC website and within brochure Organized by severity, region, type of plant Recently updated
Kudzu Coalition (non-chemical)
Betsy Brabson Coordinator, SC BV Task Force t: f: Downloadable brochure
SC EPPC to host SE-EPPC Symposium 2009! May Georgetown, South Carolina –Great coastal location, near Charleston and Myrtle Beach A number of invasive species in various habitats available for in-field training sessions