North Carolina!!!! By: Audreyana Cook
North Carolinas State Nickname and State Motto North Carolinas state nickname is, Tar Heel State. North Carolinas state motto is, To be rather than to seem.
Origin Of State Name North Carolina was named to honor King Charles.
NCs Name of Residents and Bordering States or Countries NCs bordering states or countries are, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Name for residents are, North Carolinians.
Capital City and Population NCs capital city and other large Cities are Raleigh, and Charlotte. NCs population is 9,
North Carolinas State Flag NCs flag is red, white and blue. The flag has a white star, the letters NC around the star and two yellow scrolls, above and bellow, bearing dates.
North Carolinas state flower, tree, and bird NCs state flower is the Flowering Dog Wood. NCs state tree is the Long Leaf Pine. NCs state bird is the Cardinal.
Other State Symbols Other state symbols are, State Soil- North Carolina Cecil, State Rock- Granite, and State Beverage- Milk.
Agriculture And Industry Faming Tobacco, Poultry, textiles, and furniture.
Geographical Features Neuse River, Roanoke River, Yadkin River, Lake Massachusetts, and Lake Phelps.
North Carolinas state Governor NCs state governor is, Pat M.C. Cory.
North Carolinas famous people Some of NCs famous people are, Billy Graham, Fred Durst, and Brad Pitt and many more.
North Carolinas famous/ historic events Giovanni da Verrazano explores the Carolina coast for France The colonists are forced to return to England due to hardships.
Mount Mitchell Mount Mitchell is the highest point east of the Mississippi River.
A pretty Lake This was a very pleasant spot in which to break our drive between Charlotte and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Cape Hatteras This large park encloses 50 miles of the North Carolina barrier islands, known commonly as the Outer Banks.