Carolina Region Pony Clubs February 25, 2012
Agenda Who are we? Money, taxes and accounting Paperwork Teen struggles Difficult members/parents Using members to teach Organizing a mounted and unmounted schedule Rallies Online entry Hunter Seat Equitation and Western Recruiting Fund raising Open forum
USPC Our Mission: The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.
USPC Our Mission: The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.
USPC Our Core Values: Horsemanship with respect to healthcare, nutrition, stable management, handling and riding a mount safely, correctly and with confidence Organized teamwork including cooperation, communication, responsibility, leadership, mentoring, teaching and fostering a supportive yet competitive environment Respect for the horse and self through horsemanship; for land through land conservation; and for others through service and teamwork Service by providing an opportunity for members, parents, and others to support the Pony Club program locally, regionally and nationally through volunteerism Education at an individual pace to achieve personal goals and expand knowledge through teaching others
Paperwork Membership – Copy goes to Brian Morris with regional dues Include a Membership dues form – Original goes to USPC with national dues Ratings – Online – we get the notification – Paper – send a copy to Brian
Paperwork Rallies – Read the Prize List carefully for all requirements – Member forms Member summary Activity release Adult code of conduct Volunteer form Coggins Letter of Intent – for those interested in champs Stall and/or pinney deposit – Team forms Team summary Chaperone form Coaching form – All forms must be sent to the secretary by the DC or RA
Paperwork Clinics and Camps – Read the notice carefully for all requirements – Member forms Member summary Activity release Adult code of conduct Volunteer form Coggins Stall and/or pinney deposit – All forms must be sent to the secretary by the member (or parent)
Difficult Members / Parents Motivation Personalities Policies Adult Code of Conduct Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
Individual Motivators Worthwhile contribution See progress Worthy leadership Worthy organization Appreciation Feeling “in” on things Work that is interesting and challenging
Five Levels of Conflict Information Methodology Priorities Goals Values Facts Data I want to do it my way Does it matter? Personal Club Requires strong leader Tact is critical
Resolving Conflict Don’t avoid the conflict – it will only tend to worsen Take responsibility for your actions Save the relationship – don’t win the argument Focus on the facts Look for solutions that allow everyone to win Avoid negative trigger words
Using Members to Teach Financial considerations Leadership Learning We remember 10% of what we read, but 95% of what we teach
Rallies Volunteers are KEY – we have jobs for non- horse people as well as those with horse knowledge Unauthorized Assistance
Online Entry – Phase 1 Database created with rally, camp, clinic data On our website, member (parent) enters all information, including name, club, address, division, champs intent, extras (meals, shirts, camping, etc.), volunteers – based on available selections for that rally, clinic or camp Member is sent to paypal to make payment (optional) – Account is not required – Cost is 2.2% plus $0.30 per transaction Information is sent to DC/RA and secretary
Online Entry – Phase 1 Member closing date is before club closing date Member gives signed activity release, code of conduct (adult and member), coggins, check (if required) to DC/RA DC/RA forms teams, updates divisions, returns spreadsheet to secretary DC/RA mails chaperone form, coaching form, coggins, signed releases, checks to secretary
Online Entry – Phase 2 Member signs in to register Member database checked, and divisions available to member are based on rating/age DC/RA signs on to check member entries and create teams, update entries DC/RA submits remaining payment using club checking account or debit card Coggins and other forms can be scanned and ed or sent via mail – these forms can be stored for reuse all year
Hunter Seat Equitation / Western Why add new disciplines? – What is Pony Club, and what do we do well? – Finances How can a club incorporate new disciplines? – Look for intersections Trail Dressage Hunter Seat Equitation/Show Jumping Hunter Seat Equitation/Riding on the Flat
Recruiting Name recognition New marketing materials Logo
Fund Raising Annual directory – sell advertising Hunter pace Sell chocolates – at shows, etc. Pooper scooper Horse shows SHOW program Belk dollar days