A Goat on Bald Mountain Case Thomas E. Cecere North Carolina State University Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Signalment/History Castrated male adult mixed-breed goat Complete shed in spring for past several years – hair regrows over the summer Most recent episode – no hair regrowth Progressive ptyalism starting in spring Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Morphologic Diagnosis Salivary gland: Diffuse, severe lymphocytic and eosinophilic sialoadenitis with atrophy and interstitial fibrosis Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Thymoma associated diseases Dry mouth (Sjogren Syndrome), alopecia areata, myesthenia gravis and others in humans Sjogren Syndrome Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, xerostomia Immune-mediated destruction of lacrimal and salivary gland Primary vs. secondary (rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, polymyositis, scleroderma, thymoma) Xerostomia vs. Ptyalism in this case? Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Alopecia Areata Autoimmune skin disease Non-scarring alopecia Lymphocytic targeting of anagen hair bulbs Associated with thymoma in humans Alopecia Universalis Thymoma associated exfoliative dermatitis Cats, rabbits Lymphocytic mural folliculitis Rottenberg S et al. Thymoma- associated exfoliative dermatitis in cats. Vet Pathol Jul;41(4): Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Acknowledgements Keith Linder Kristi Mozzachio NCSU Histology Lab – Sandra Horton Arnaud, Arun, Danielle, Crystal, Midori, Sally Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only
Questions? Presented at SEVPAC 2008 – Permission granted for use on SEVPAC website only