Virtual Assessor Quick No marking errors Evidence stored
Why use Needs analysis Tests or exams Remedial coaching specific learner 2 Better teaching Effective testing
What should a teacher do before using this kind of testing Do many tests to get learners used to the testing Develop bank of good questions Resolve problems with the program (will discuss in this story) 3
Try it out – register, try trial tests Our school site 4
My journey Pinelands pays R500 per month for VA (special offer ??) Covers software, bandwidth and telephone support Had 5 sessions of training at school Have spent 6 months testing and making learners familiar with program I am now happy that they are comfortable Am now using it for high stakes tests 5
6 How to use Collect questions daily, add to banks to use whenever Once a week give learners test on work of week before Check who can do and who cannot do Collect data for reports
How to use Answer online –Theory question –Investigation with a calculator, spreadsheet or even online –Piece of text on screen or paper 7
Types of questions 8
9 Single multiple choice True/False Multiple multiple choice Matching columns Fill in Hotspot Common block
Enhance questions Pictures – useful, need to crop, give border, skills in screen capture Link – not used Video – not used 10
Young people like images 11
Multiple choice question 12
Banks of questions Create questions daily In different sections of bank Allocate mark per question Pull into test when ready 13
My bank Note the list + further sections 14
Reports 15
16 Reports Individual learner Question Class Export as CSV Import into Excel – use as required
Reports There is a problem – do not know they work! 17
Test results 18
Export results for use as csv 19 CSV Open with Excel Save, sort, use
Current tests 20
Tests Create test Add questions from your bank with all its sub sections or different banks Tweak test, get it right When test ready, publish it Set when group to write the test – allocate time Set when individual to write the test Close them or open, use for revision 21
Timing and Group 22
Learners Add individually or as group VA staff have added for us Link to a subject / teacher / area Password – often forget, I can help them reset 23
Beware Have someone check and do the test If there is an error you may not pick it up and it is difficult to recalculate the marks when the test is done Maybe print the test for the learners in the beginning but … Works best with IE, not Chrome Learners often forget their passwords 24
25 Presentation given without commission or prejudice With aim of improving effective teaching and making teachers happier Used in corporate world