Improving ATM Security via Facial Recognition CPSC510 James Maxlow November 25 th, 2002
Proposal Cameras in use at automatic teller machines should take still images of users A facial recognition scheme should be added to the software used to verify users at ATMs This scheme should match a picture of the user at the ATM with a picture of the account holder in the bank’s database 2 of 11
Reasoning ATM fraud costs U.S. banks an average of $15,000 each year… hundreds of millions in total This cost is borne by bank customers Current ATM validation schemes are limited to access cards and PINs Card theft, PIN theft and cracking, stealing of account information by bank employees all contribute to fraud schemes 3 of 11
Algorithm Take customer’s picture(s) when account is opened and allow user to set non- verified transaction limits At ATM, use access card and PIN to pre- verify user Take user’s picture, attempt to match it to database image(s) If match is successful, allow transaction If match is unsuccessful, limit available transactions 4 of 11
Can ATMs Support This? Most current generation ATMs run Windows CE, 2000, XP Embedded, or Linux – these machines can run facial recognition software locally ATM Bank Computer 1: Image, account no, PIN 2: Account no, PIN 3: Bank-held customer image 4: Processing 5: User verified 5 of 11
Can ATMs Support This? Older ATMs run DOS or OS/2 – these machines can offload the processing to the bank’s computers ATM Bank Computer 1: Image, account no, PIN 2: Image, account no, PIN 4: User verified message 5: User verified message 3: Processing 6 of 11
Is Facial Recognition Reliable? Matching a user image with any image in a database… facial evaluation… is still problematic – digital airport screenings, public surveillance cameras, etc. have high error rates But this isn’t a problem here! We must only match a user image with one known image from a database… facial verification… this technique has low error rates under good conditions (3% - 10%) 7 of 11
What Variables Affect Verification? 1. Lighting 2. Angle of view 3. Extreme facial expressions 4. Facial hair 5. Glasses Please follow these guidelines to help us verify your identity: Face the camera, holding still until you hear the beep Maintain a normal facial expression If you are wearing glasses, please remove them 8 of 11
What Is The Best Verification? Local Feature Analysis This method analyzes the geometric relationships between facial features In some versions it builds a 3-D topography of the user’s face and uses this topography for later comparisons 9 of 11
What Would I Actually Do? Find open-source LFA recognition programs Write an ATM black box module Create two databases of images Tweak and test recognition programs with ATM module and images Rewrite ATM module into client/server version with encryption to emulate ATM/bank interactions Add USB camera control to client 10 of 11
Summary Access card / PIN provides insufficient ATM security Adding facial verification to the process can greatly decrease fraudulent transactions Current ATMs have the power to perform verification locally given a software change I will create a simulated system using a custom ATM black box and an open-source LFA recognition program 11 of 11