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Student Interest Take a look at the student interest sheets One side is grades K-2 One side is grades 3-5 Divided up by General Interest Areas Miscellaneous section for topics that were hard to categorize Bolded topics are ones that were said over and over Any topics seem of interest to you?

Choosing Your Cluster Topic Think of things you have an interest in You do not have to be an expert in the topic. Instead, pick something that you would like to spend time learning more about. Complete Inspiration survey if you are having a harder time (ask Katie for copies). Refer to the student interest topic sheet for ideas (all facilitators should make sure there is a good amount of student interest in his/her potential cluster)

Choosing Your Cluster Topic As a faculty, we will want to collaborate on potential topics to make sure we are covering the areas that students are interested in. Look outside of the classroom for nonschool-related ideas.

Wall Charts Language Arts, Literature, and the Humanities Physical and Life Sciences The Arts Social Sciences Mathematics Technology Physical Education Industrial Arts/Home Economics Once you have an idea for your cluster, write the topic on a post-it note and stick it on the corresponding wall chart. Remember to pick only one topic! This is a way for us to make sure we are selecting a variety of clusters that students might be interested in.

Developing Your Cluster Think about the 6 Key Questions: What do people with an interest in this topic or area of study do? What products do they create and/or what services do they provide? What methods do they use to carry out their work? What resources and materials are needed to produce high- quality products and services? How and with whom do they communicate the results of their work? What steps need to be taken to have an impact on intended audiences? You do not have to try to answer these questions completely. You just want to keep them in mind as you develop your cluster.

Effective Clusters Elements of Effective Clusters Advanced Content Authentic Methods Product, Service, or Performance Student Driven Authentic Audience Something to think about: to make a cluster a successful cluster, what advanced content, resources, and methods will the cluster require?

Writing Your Cluster Description Shouldn’t specify exactly what students will do Can provide ideas of roles students may take on Avoid using “learn, class, and club” Use verbs that convey action (think about the tasks specifically associated to your topic). Pose questions about potential student interest and involvement Do you like…? Have you ever wondered why…? Do you have an interest in…?

Verbs to Think About Build Transform Make Shape Compose Dispose Describe Draft Paint Display Act Out Assess Develop Direct Evaluate Perform

Writing Your Cluster Description Mention opportunities or possibilities for exploration, while avoiding language that implies too much pre- planning. We may explore…; You might design… Brainstorm catchy cluster names Share your description with others to get feedback; tweak as needed.

Naming Your Cluster Avoid using the word “class” or “club” when naming your cluster Try: Guild Society Organization Institute Task Force A Business Name You want students to know that enrichment clusters are not like traditional classroom experiences. The cluster name can have a lot of impact on the student’s perceptions.

Making Your Cluster Advertisement 1 page power point slide, advertising your cluster. Things to include: cluster title, cluster description, related image or picture Things NOT to include: your name, specific plans for the cluster All slides will be put together into one slideshow to be shown to students.

Making Your Cluster Advertisement Tips and things to think about: Try to make the slide appealing to our Barrow students. This is the only information students will have about the cluster before they select their top choices. Think about colors that look nice together and show up well. Avoid transitions within the slide (make it all show up at once). Try not to make the slides “too busy” with extras.

Hot off the Press! Have you ever wanted to work on a newspaper? Do you like to write, draw, take pictures, or tell stories about real events? Then, come be a reporter, photographer, editor, or layout artist as we spread the news of the school! Investigate a story, write a comic strip, report on a school issue, interview a teacher, create advertisements, the possibilities are endless!

Dates to Remember Cluster Power Point with Course Title and Descriptions due to Katie by the end of the day (email ad and turn in description worksheet) Show Power Point the week of September 13th. Students complete preference forms and teachers turn student choices into Katie by September 17th. Meet with Katie during common planning times on September 24th to go over “getting started” and any last minute concerns. Teachers will receive rosters for their cluster and homeroom by September 27th. Fall Clusters- Starting September 29th Every week for 8 weeks 9-10 AM on Wednesdays One extra cluster after Thanksgiving to get ready for the EC Fair on December 7th

Dates to Remember September 29th- 1st meeting! October 6th October13th November 3rd November 10th November 17th December 1st- To get ready for EC Fair

Cluster Database I Drive, Staff, Enrichment Clusters Folder Everyone’s cluster will be listed. Please add any resources you think you might need for your cluster. Please take a look at the resources that other people need to see if you can help them out. I will add everyone’s cluster as soon as I get them turned in, and then you can go in and add your resources.

Work Time Begin by Exploring the 6 Key Questions. Next, move to the Developing Your Cluster form. Feel free to brainstorm ideas with others. Tweak your cluster description and title. Begin designing your PowerPoint slide. Research possible resources to have on hand.