SOCI3055A STUDIES IN ADDICTIONS March 6, 2007 INTERVENTIONS Prevention & Enforcement
Overview Readings Lyman, M., G. Potter (2003). “Foreign Drug-Trafficking Organizations” in Drugs in Society. Causes, Concepts and Control. Ohio: Anderson Publishing Company. pp Cote, F., G. Godin, S. Mercure, L. Noel, M. Alary (2006). “Preventing HIV transmission among marginalized injection drug users: New insights from a Quebec City based research”. International Journal of Drug Policy. 17. pp Davis, C. (2006). Risks Associated with Tobacco Use in Youth Aged Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
Class outline 1. Overview 2. Group project papers 3. Prevention 4. Return book review assignment 5. Enforcement 6. Film: “Damage Done: The Drug War Odyssey”.
(2) Group Project Papers
(3) Prevention Youth focus DARE program
Suppose you are a uniformed police officer going into the classroom to give DARE training. What key messages do you want to relay? What barriers may you come up against?
Types of Prevention Universal Sandy’s Law – Bill-43
WARNING: Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause both defects and brain damage to your baby FAS-INFO
Types of Prevention (Continued) Universal Selective outreach screening referral brief interventions
TWEAK Test Tolerance: How many drinks does it take to make you feel high? (Record number of drinks) Worry: Have close friends or relatives worried or complained about your drinking in the past year? Eye-Opener: Do you sometimes have a drink in the morning when you first get up? Amnesia (Blackouts): Has a friend or family member ever told you about things you said or did while you were drinking that you could not remember? Cut Down: Do you sometimes feel the need to cut down on your drinking?
T-ACE 1. Tolerance = How many drinks does it take to make you feel high? less than or equal to 2 drinks /OR/ more than 2 drinks 2. Annoyance = Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? No /OR/ Yes 3. Cut down = Have you felt you ought to cut down on your drinking? No /OR/ Yes 4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? No /OR/ Yes
Brief intervention Elements of successful interventions: Feedback Responsibility Advice Menu Empathy Self-efficacy (Yahne and Miller)
Types of Prevention (Continued) Universal Selective Indicated
"contributing to fewer birth complications, decreased postnatal diagnoses and shorter hospital lengths of stay. In addition, BTC children had better maternal health ratings, fewer health concerns, fewer separations from their mothers and fewer developmental concerns as expressed by mothers.... Mothers reported significant knowledge, attitudinal and behaviour changes related to parenting skills, which affect the mother– infant attachment.... Mothers reported less use of inappropriate discipline, more mother–child activities, and increased positive feelings about parenting.... BTC children made substantial growth during the evaluation periods and continued developmentally-appropriate progress could be anticipated.”
(4) Enforcement
Goals of Policing (drug trafficking and use) 1. Reduce gang violence associated with drug trafficking and prevent the emergence of powerful organized criminal groups; 2. control the street crimes committed by drug users; 3. improve the health and economic and social well- being of drug users; 4. restore the quality of life in urban communities by ending street-level drug dealing; 5. help to prevent children from experimenting with drugs; and 6. protect the integrity of criminal justice institutions.
Proportions of crimes associated with alcohol and other drugs in Canada Proportions of crimes associated with alcohol and other drugs in Canada (Pernanen et al, 2002) Use of alcohol and illicit drugs: A great proportion of inmates in both federal and provincial prisons report using illicit drugs when not incarcerated. Use and dependency as they relate to volume of crimes committed: Alcohol and drug users, particularly dependent users, report higher volumes of crimes committed. Intoxication at the time of committing a crime: More than half of offenders entering federal custody report having been under the influence of a psychoactive substance when they committed the most serious crime on their current sentence. Crimes reportedly committed to obtain alcohol or illicit drugs: A significant proportion of crimes are reported to have been committed in order to obtain psychoactive substances for personal use.
Cynthia’s Story A final thought to leave you with… CAUSES CONSEQUENCES INTERVENTIONS Harm reduction Treatment Prevention Enforcement
5. Film: “Damage Done: The Drug War Odyssey”.