TDAQ week Lisbon, October HLT Algorithms Planning Discussion Discussion: (suggested timing) Aims for this meeting (2 mins) Milestones (1 min) Review by system: (40 mins) Requirements of Algorithms on Configuration & Steering RegionSelector Calo ID Muon Hypothesis Algorithms Priorities (40 mins) TestBeam Algorithm development & preparation for running Cosmic Running Commisioning with beams Organisation (5 mins) Outcome of meeting & what to show on Monday (5mins) PESA Algorithms Group
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Aims for this meeting 90 mins not long enough to discuss work-plan in detail Many uncertainties, e.g. availability & stability of software, availability of effort Aim to: Review status Agree priorities Agree framework for organising future work
TDAQ week Lisbon, October MileStones 2004 : test-beam (June) & September/October 2006: Cosmic running Nov/Dec 2007: 1 st beam April
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Configuration & Steering Algorithms rely on : Configuration to define, at initialisation, context in which algo. is running (e.g. EMTAU RoI ET>25 GeV) and algorithm parameters (cuts etc.) Steering to guide sequence of reconstruction for a given RoI. Goals: Minimize knowledge the algorithm has to have of steering Easy way for shift operator to select a predefined menu Easy way for experts to add trigger menu items and tweak thresholds for specific algorithms Current Status: Configuartion scattered in many xml files and jobOptions fragments Only single element menus tested so far Already many files, very complicated & confusing (particularly jobOptions) - how will it scale? Algorithms require a fair-size chunk of code to handle seeding, Different seeds have to be handled differently by algorithm Algorithms need to “know” where they will be run in sequence.
TDAQ week Lisbon, October RegionSelector Currently Look Up Tables pre-calculated Plans: Migrating to scheme where LUT are calculated at initialisation
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Calorimeter LVL2: T2Calo - Currently running in Athena offline & in test-bed Plans: Put calibration scheme in place for all levels - have individual calibrations available for each level, not just re-use of offline calib EF: Wrappers exist for: LArCellRec TileRec
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Inner Detector - LVL2 Data Preparation : InDetRecInputByteStream: Unpacking & cluster-formation TrigSiSpacePointTool : space-point formation Track-finding – several different algorithms: IDScan – SCT & Pixels SiTrack – Pixels + 1 layer SCT TrtXK TrtLUT Track fitting: SctKFitter (in IDScan package) internal fitter in SiTrack Vertex reconstruction: WuppVertex Plans: Integrate into test-bed. Initially data-preparation, then IDScan Data preparation currently uses InDetDetDecrOld/InDetDescrManager for geometry – need to migrate to SCT_GeoModel Improved track fitting taking into account material, magnetic field, energy-loss
TDAQ week Lisbon, October InnerDetector - EF EF Wrappers exist for: xKalman++ iPatRec Plans: Integerate RegionSelector so that unpacking + cluster-formation only for data inside RoI Split up into tool-kit
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Muons LVL2: muFast muComb – combination of muon and ID info EF: Moore Combined ID + muon: iPatRec + Moore
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Hypothesis Algorithms Currently LVL2 : T2CaloHypo, ElectronHypo EF: eGammaRec Plans: Add others: muon, B-physics, Tau...
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Current Status - Overview TDR: Offline Athena: e/gamma slice muon slice EF: xKalman++ Test-bed: T2Calo muFast Missing : Complete set of algorithms in Test-bed (and offline) B-Physics triggers LVL2 Jet ETmiss Tests of more complete trigger menus (more than one RoI type) Seeding of EF from LVL2
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Test Beam Priorities Raw Data Convertors: Need definition of raw data as it really will be in test-beam. Status for the different detector? e.g. SCT currently uses pseudo raw data format, won’t be like that from test beam. Suspect this also the case for other detectors. eFormat – are headers etc. correct for test-beam data? Identifiers – definition of identifiers for test-beam? Geometry: Availability & access to geometry info (e.g. when available?, what form?, where?) Impact of geometry differences c.f. ATLAS i.e. hard-coded assumptions about geometry in code? Alignment of one system w.r.t. another Definitions: e.g. beam along +z axis direction? Direction of B-field? Algorithms: Define priority algorithms Preparation: Need simulated data with correct geometry, B-field and, most importantly, correct raw data format
TDAQ week Lisbon, October TestBeam - 2 RegionSelector: One region for each detector? B-field: When B-field map available? TRT not in B-field => only use TRT for e-id, modify track-fitting to ignore trajectory in TRT?
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Preparation for Running Essential to have a stable environment to develop algorithms and test performance Plug in algorithms & generate nTuples offline, measure efficiency & rate Plug in algorithms & test running online Recipes & documentation to allow new developers to ramp up quickly Simulation of misalignment & inefficiency Test Multi-item menus in several selection steps
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Cosmic Running RegionSelector: Special definition of roads? ID: Trajectories not through centre of detector – implications for track reconstruction? How many tracks will go through pixels esp. B-layer? Muon: Calorimeter:
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Commissioning with Beams RegionSelector: Recalculation of LUT for displaced vertex? Widening of roads for displaced vertex/effects of misalignment. Detector Alignment
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Organisation How to Organise work? Many different views of PESA: Trigger Level: LVL2, EF Trigger Element: mu, e, gamma, tau, jet, Etmiss B-physics, B-tag.. Algorithms: (currently in repository) ID: LVL2 : Idscan, SiTrack, TrtXK, TrtLUT, SiTree, WuppVertex EF: xKalman++, iPatRec Calorimeter: LVL2: T2Calo EF : LArClusterRec, TileRec Muon LVL2: muFast EF: Moore Hypothesis: LVL2 : T2CaloHypo, ElectronHypo EF: eGammaRec Detector: ID, Calo, Muon Software Component: Infrastructure: Steering, RegionSelector Track Reconstruction algorithms: IDSCAN, T2Calo, MuFast, TrtXk Other algorithms : e.g. vertex reconstruction, gamma conversion Hypothesis algorithms: e, gamma, mu, J/psi(e,e,), B-jet Menu decision algorithms Environment/Milestone: Test-bed, Test-beam, Cosmic Runs, Single beam, colliding beam...
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Other Input Material
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Electron-slice LVL1 EmTau Roi Define RoI in Calo T2Calo electron/gamma hypothesis Trigger decision Define RoI in TRT TRT pattern recognition combined Si & TRT track fit electron/gamma hypothesis LVL2 trigger decision Define RoI in SCT Si pattern-recognition Si track fitting electron/gamma hypothesis Trigger decision Define RoI in Calorimeter Calorimeter reconstruction electron/gamma hypothesis Trigger decision LVL2 Define RoI in ID ID reconstruction electron/gamma hypothesis Trigger Decision EF
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Slides from Monika
TDAQ week Lisbon, October “Short” Term Algorithms Development Get vertical e/ chain running in robust reliable way –Solve problem of missing tracks in Idscan –Assess TRT track reconstruction –Assess brem recovery implemented in iPatRec –Provide tools to do robustness studies Dead/noisy cells and dead sectors Effect of non-linearity of energy response at LVL2 Mis-calibration Alignment –Use common classes for online/offline E.g. just moving to common classes for LVL2/EF calorimeter reconstruction –Change offline algorithms so they can run in EF E.g. move sub-algorithms to tools so they can be called several times per event
TDAQ week Lisbon, October “Longer” Term Algorithms Development –Provide algorithms to select electrons in trigger framework Implies selections are optimised for all e/ trigger menu items –Add conversion reconstruction code for EF –Improve brem recovery (if possible) –Put calibration scheme in place for all levels Have individual calibrations available for each level, not just re-use of offline calib Quite some ongoing activity in LArg right now to decide on scheme and then to implement it Need something as well for LVL1 –Test the whole complete chain in testbed
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Algorithms for TestBeam Needs (online/offline) –Magnetic fieldmap of Marpurgo magnet and set up the track extrapolations Needed for cluster-track match –Get LVL2 track algorithms running on non-pointing geometry Works already for offline –Set up proper monitoring for e/ selection Implies G4 simulations need to be available by the end of the year, otherwise not enough time left to update and validate the algorithms –In case tracking not yet ready, try to run at least LVL1 / LVL2 calorimeter triggers
TDAQ week Lisbon, October Algorithms for commissioning Set up e/ triggers for non-pointing scenario –Measure energy spectrum in particular from hard brem in cosmic and beam-halo events Problem: how to trigger on them commissioning session Note: shower shapes in calo broader for non-pointing scenario