-Rescue Hayden, H 9 Florida
I wrote down the problems I found and chose 1. It was that Smoke went in your eyes when you were stoking the firepit. One I chose Solution
When my family and I built our fire pit we found one problem. Smoke flew into our eyes so we had to sit the opposite direction of where the wind was blowing. I thought I could build glasses that will blow it away, so I built some that did.
-Rescue + = Keep your eyes healthy
These are the questions that need to be answered. They tell me how to build the invention and see if it already has been invented.
these are the answers to the questions I needed to make or build the invention. I looked the answers up and this is what they gave me. I wrote down the place I got it and what the website was.
idea built
Test your invention. I tried my invention with an incense my sister gave me and ….. -Rescue did the job it was built to do. Click on box to see video
Tweak #1- I switched the direction of the batteries because it was blowing in the wrong direction and put the blades in the correct creases. Tweak #2-I carefully pushed the fans out to the side because they hit my head. Tweak #3- changed the design of the - rescue because it was a better way to mount.
Tweak #4-I put protective wrap over the metal bars because they were sharp. Tweak #5-I put a strap on the glasses so they would stay on.
Market your invention to people who might buy it. (required step)
Invention Idea Problem Foam blades One fit all safety glasses Adjustable strap Metal bars Fan support
Product Features 2 high speed foam fans 2 pieces of protective wrap 4 “A A” batteries Pair of one fit all safety glasses 1 adjustable strap
Benefits Sit comfortably by the fire Your eyes be healthier Help keep bugs away from your face Breath less smoke Helps keep cool
Audience People who have a fire pit Fishermen People who have a fire place Woodworkers Firemen