Data Teaming for Tier 2 Systems of SW-PBIS Chris Borgmeier PhD Portland State University
On-line SW- PBIS Coaching Certificate Fall Term Beginning in September SW-PBIS: Coaching Tier 2
Universal Interventions: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Targeted Group Interventions: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behaviour Intensive Individual Interventions: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behaviour CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~80% of Students ~15% ~5%
SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making Elements of SW-PBIS
Focus on: Efficiency = support several (e.g. small group/targeted) students at one time using few resources ◦ limited assessment & individualization ◦ school-wide programming Effectiveness = attaining desired student outcomes ◦ Using Research-based interventions with FIDELITY ◦ Early identification & intervention ◦ Progress Monitoring & data-based decision making for individual student & system Scaling = develop a system with capacity to have meaningful impact in school (serve 10% of total school enrollment) Tier 2 Systems
System = more than an intervention 4 Questions for Implementing a Tier 2 System 1)Are you implementing a continuum of research- based intervention(s) with fidelity? 2)Is there a screening process to ensure early identification of students at-risk? 3)Are you using sensitive progress monitoring tools to inform decision making related to student progress and system efficacy? 4)Are you implementing at a scale that is making a meaningful impact (10 % of student population)? Tier 2 System v. an intervention
Tier 2 Assessment & Intervention Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Intensive Targeted Student Referral Data (ODRs) “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Modified CICO Match to Function Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data Non-Responder Preliminary FBA Screening Progress Monitoring
CICO-SWIS IN OREGON SchoolsStudents Elem MS37688 HS228 Pre-8 th 7133 Others242 TOTAL
79% 86% 71% 72% 90%
Additional Resources (book & video) thru Guilford Press & Publications
Download HS-BEP Handbook from Variation of CICO/BEP adapted for High School – focused on Academic Seminar High School Behavior Education Program/ CICO Variation
Student Referred for CICO CICO Plan/ Initial Meeting Teach/Role Play Skills CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Exit Program Bi-weekly Progress Monitoring Meeting Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in Revise Program BASIC CYCLE Check In Check Out (CICO)
Intervention is continuously available Rapid access to intervention (72 hr) Very low effort by teachers Consistent with school-wide expectations Implemented by all staff/faculty in a school Flexible intervention based on assessment ◦ Functional Assessment Adequate resources (admin, team) ◦ weekly meeting, plus 10 hours a week Student chooses to participate Continuous monitoring for decision-making Major Features of Targeted Interventions
CICO: Implementation Checks SYSTEM ◦ Person assigned with FTE to coordinate & manage daily implementation of CICO ◦ Bi-weekly team meetings for student referral/ identification for CICO & progress monitoring ◦ Materials & incentives readily available ◦ Staff-wide buy-in, commitment & training in roles, responsibilities related to CICO Regular updates to staff on student data & implementation
CICO: Implementation Checks PRACTICES ◦ Reliable daily am check-in & pm check-out ◦ Students earn rewards for success (daily at first) ◦ Not punitive
CICO: Implementation Checks DATA ◦ Daily collection of point card data ◦ Regular review of graphic student data for decision making (at least every 2 weeks) ◦ Regular student referral for early identification of at-risk students
Data Collection Focus on Efficiency Generic point card ◦ Expectations linked to School-wide rules ◦ Limited individualization ◦ We do not want to spend time tailoring the point card at this level of intervention
Generic Point Card No time spent individualizing
Team Task: 1. Take a few minutes to complete the BEP-FIM as a Self Assessment. 2 = In Place 1 = Partially In Place 0 = Not in Place 2. Identify actions necessary to address areas to improve CICO implementation
Teaming Structures & Processes Screening Decision Rules Progress Monitoring
Individual PBIS Efficient Teaming Process ◦ Clear roles, procedures & responsibilities Intervention Focused ◦ Linked to Continuum of Interventions (Tier 1 2 3) ◦ Try the easy things first (Tier 2 Interventions) ◦ …then Tier 3 (FBA/BSP) Data focused & Early Identification ◦ Progress Monitoring ◦ Student Identification through Systematic Screening
RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) From Tier 2 to Tier 3 FBA Team Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal SWPBIS Team Tier II Tier I Tier III Trust the System -- Tier 2 Process Maximizing # of minutes/ student
Student Screening & Identification Emphasize early identification
Universal Screening Before the 1 st Day of School Review Data from last year ◦ Your school data ◦ And data on incoming students (if available) Identify students who had Behavior Support Plans in place per IEP (or otherwise) ◦ Prepare to implement BSP with necessary modifications from beginning of the school year Identify returning students with more than 5 referrals last year who might benefit from behavioral support to begin the year
Previous Years Discipline data Who had FBA/BSP’s last year? Which students moved on? Which are returning this year? Who needs to be on our radar from Day 1? Decision Rule Can we get data for our incoming class & new students?
Continuing Screening through the Year I-PBS team reviews student referral data every 2 weeks at each meeting ◦ Many referrals might also go directly to the CICO manager Develop Decision Rules for continuing Student Identification through the year ◦ Example: Students receiving 3 rd referral or 2 nd in a month
Tier 2 Continuum of Interventions
Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Intensive Targeted “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Modified CICO Matched to Function Intervention Assessment
What constitutes a Tier 2 Intervention? ◦ EFFICIENCY & MAXIMIZING RESOURCES ◦ An intervention that: Serves multiple students at one time (15-25 student at once) More efficient use of resources that 1 student at a time Students can get started with almost immediately upon referral Requires almost no legwork from referring staff to begin implementation of the intervention with a student All school staff know about, understand their role with, and know the referral process for ◦ SYSTEMS NOTE: Resources Required: If program is not self-sufficient… and requires significant organization by referring staff… it’s not a Tier 2/ targeted intervention Questions about Tier 2 Interventions Systems Considerations
CICO from Basic to Advanced Start with Basic CICO ◦ Should work for the majority of at-risk students ◦ Complete CICO Fidelity Assessment Once implementing CICO with fidelity & using data for decision making ◦ Data for student identification ◦ Data for student progress monitoring to ID responders/borderline/non-responders Start adding variations of CICO
CICO: Advanced Applications Small Modifications or “Tweaks”
Additional Tier 2 Interventions Remember focus on Efficiency in Progress Monitoring Meeting ◦ Minutes per Student Tweak or Small CICO Modification Alternate Tier 2 Intervention (Function-based) Escalate to Tier 3 Student Centered team Trust the Process ◦ Most difficult thing = not talking about a student before it’s time
Tier 2 Assessment & Intervention Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Intensive Targeted Student Referral Data (ODRs) “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data
Small Changes “Tweaks” In Progress Monitoring meetings – always weighing Minutes/Kid ◦ Tweaks to the plan for Borderline Responders should only take a couple of “minutes” ◦ Look at initial CICO data ◦ Not an extensive discussion Should have a menu of quick changes/ “tweaks”: ◦ Change CICO mentor ◦ Change incentives ◦ Change/individualize goals ◦ More frequent check-ins -- “adding hair”
Borderline Responder Last 3 weeks of 16 days over 80%, but last 8 days -- 3 of 8 days over 80% “just missing”… but downward trend Good Candidate for a Small Change/ “Tweak” In 2 minutes or less - Which change is most likely to work for this student? Change (a) CICO mentor, (b) incentives, (c) individualize goals OR (d) more frequent check-ins
Borderline Responder Look at Initial CICO data Quick Check: Anything we can do about Period 3?
Ready to Make Quick Changes Readiness – what needs to be ready to make these ‘quick’ changes? ◦ Change/individualize goals Need alternate point card readily available to individualize ◦ Change CICO mentor ◦ Add Mid-Day Check-in & incentive ◦ Change incentives Individualize incentives for the student ◦ More frequent check-ins With teacher? With CICO Specialist? Need an adjusted point card?
Individualized Point Card Fill in more specific behaviors
Individualized Point Card RobbieOct. 14 th 20--
More Frequent Check-Ins “CICO Hair Club for Kids” Teacher gives more frequent feedback by applying hair – then uses hair to inform overall score for period Another Alternative – Create alternate card which breaks day into smaller intervals
Team Work Time What ‘tweaks’ do you want to develop to be ready for borderline responders? ◦ Adapt existing materials and/or Develop new materials required to make ‘tweaks’ readily available and accessible? ◦ Remember in the meeting, decisions regarding small intervention changes or ‘tweaks’ should occur in less then 2 minutes of discussion…. “Ready to Go” intervention options/ “tweaks” will make this as easy as possible
Non-Responders Modified (Function-Based) CICO
Tier 2 Assessment & Intervention Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Intensive Targeted Student Referral Data (ODRs) “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Modified CICO Matched to Function Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data Non-Responder Preliminary FBA
Typical Reasons CICO may not be working for an individual student 1) Low fidelity of implementation 2) The student needs more instruction on how to use the program 3) The rewards are not powerful or desirable for the student 4) The program does not match the function of the problem behavior 5) The student requires more intensive, individualized support Address Implementation Issue Individualize Tier 2 Escalate to Tier 3 Support
Behavioral Explanations for “Why” Don’t forget - From student’s perspective, problem behavior serves a purpose, such as… ◦ Gaining attention ◦ Gaining access to activities or tangible items ◦ Avoiding or escaping from something student finds unpleasant (e.g. difficult or undesired tasks)
Using Function of Behavior to Inform CICO Modifications Individual Student Planning ◦ Can use “Function of Behavior” to match students to appropriate version of CICO ◦ Function-Based Assessment might include: Data from ODRs “Possible Motivation” Or Preliminary/Brief FBA
Minor – “Uh-Oh”
Preliminary FBA Use existing data for preliminary FBA ◦ ODR data Identify function/motivation Identify antecedents – time/location/persons involved, etc. ◦ CICO data Identify antecedents – time/location
Non-Responder Preliminary FBA Does this tell us anything about when/ where/ who is involved (antecedents)?
Preliminary FBA Discipline Referral Summaries ◦ Suspensions, detentions, office referrals ◦ Look for patterns Triggers/Antecedents Day of the week, Time of Day, Location, Students Involved Behavior Consequences/Function Possible Motivation, Disciplinary Action, Administrative Decision
Student Referral Report - SWIS DateStaffTimeLocation Prolem Behavior Motivation Others Involved Admin Decision 102/08/ :15PMPlygdAgg/Fight Unknown mot Peers Out-sch susp 201/28/ :30PMClassDisresptAvoid TaskTeacherDetention 301/10/ :30AMClassDisresptAvoid TaskTeacherDetention 412/18/ :30AMClassDisresptAvoid TaskTeacherDetention 512/08/ :00AMClassDisresptAvoid TaskPeerDetention 612/08/ :15AMClassDisresptAvoid TaskTeacherParent 711/20/ :30PMClassDisresptAvoid TaskTeacherParent Does this tell us anything about the function of student behavior? How about when/ where/ who (Antecedents)?
Advanced Applications of CICO Function-Based Modifications of CICO
Breaks Are Better Function = Escape Task (elem) Justin Boyd University of Oregon
Logic Guiding Breaks are Better Children may benefit from taking small, appropriate breaks If breaks are available, students may: ◦ Engage in less escape-maintained problem behavior ◦ Request breaks less often than escape-maintained problem behavior occurred Increased reinforcement for: ◦ Asking for assistance ◦ Taking a break appropriately
CICO Modification Elementary Escape Academic Task Explicitly teach an alternative/replacement behavior (i.e., break requests) Promote self-management by teaching students to “keep track” of their breaks Establish & Teach teachers (and students) how this will look in the classroom Make it feasible and sustainable for classroom teachers to implement
Breaks are Better Modifications Prior to intervention: ◦ Child & teacher identify appropriate “break” activities ◦ Student is taught: How to request a break How to take a break How to return to work Points earned for: ◦ Meeting academic-specific expectations ◦ Asking for break appropriately or not needing a break ◦ Weekly point total tied to reinforcers
Sample Break Options & Rewards Break Options Move to separate desk for quiet activity Quiet activity at desk Drawing Doodle on notebook Stretch in backroom Run errand for teacher Weekly Rewards Computer time Extra Recess Coupon for bonus points on assignments Coupons for buddy work Coupon to make assignment shorter or easier Library pass
Breaks are Better Card
Taking a Break in the Classroom
ABC: Academic Behavior CICO Function = Escape Task (MS) Jessica Turtura University of Oregon
Logic Guiding ABC Students benefit from organizational structure More frequent and tangible reinforcement for: ◦ Recording assignments ◦ Completing in-class work & participating ◦ Asking for help ◦ Completing homework Parental structure for homework completion: ◦ Parents are aware of assignments ◦ Parents check for completion
Academic focused CICO (Escape Tasks) Middle School Morning Check-in – Students check-in with counselor – All homework completed? Prepared for the school day with all necessary materials? – Opportunity to complete unfinished homework and to gather materials Daily point card and Homework tracker – Receive feedback each period about behavior during class (participation, staying on- task, completing work) – Record assignments on homework tracker Afternoon Check-out – Check-out with counselor – Review point card and homework tracker – Does student know what is due tomorrow? Have all materials needed to complete assignments? Home Component – Parents review daily feedback with student – Sign card to indicate if student has completed all homework
ABC Modifications Prior to intervention – coordinator meets w/ parents Morning Check-In: Assess & give bonus pts for: ◦ Materials Ready & Homework Completed Afternoon check-out: Check Tracker Expectations focus on Academic Behaviors + Add’l Expectation of completing Tracker Parent signature with focus on Homework Completion
ABC Point Card -- Front
ABC Point Card -- Back
Non-Responders Escalate to Tier 3
Tier 2 Assessment & Intervention Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Intensive Targeted Student Referral Data (ODRs) Refer to Tier 3 team: Practical FBA “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Modified CICO Matched to Function Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data Non-Responder Preliminary FBA Individualized Behavior Support Plan
Borderline Responders: Problem Solving FBA Team Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal SWPBIS Team Tier II Tier I Tier III
Screening Coordinator Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator Tier 3 Intervention Coordinator Facilitator Process Monitor Notetaker > 1 hour meeting Review Tasks
Non-Responder After multiple interventions, including match to function-based CICO Tweak ABC CICO RTI Time to move to Tier 3 Support
Individual PBIS Team Tier 2/3 Progress Monitoring (Systems & Students) Team Members: Administrator Behavior Specialists -e.g. SPSY, SPED CICO Coordinator -e.g. counselor, IA Meets every 2 wks min. Student 1 FBA/BSP team Administrator Behavior Specialist Student Centered team Meeting 1 Permissions Coordinate Assessment (FBA) Meeting 2 Review Assessment& Finalize Implementation Plan Meeting 3 Monitor Student Progress & Review/Modify Plan Meetings Ongoing as needed to Monitor Student Progress & Review/Modify Plan
Individual PBIS Team Tier 2/3 Progress Monitoring (Systems & Students) Team Members: Administrator Behavior Specialists -e.g. SPSY, SPED CICO Coordinator -e.g. counselor, IA Meets every 2 wks min. Student 1 FBA/BSP team Administrator Behavior Specialist Student Centered team Student 2 FBA/BSP team Administrator Behavior Specialist Student Centered team Student 3 FBA/BSP team Administrator Behavior Specialist Student Centered team Student 4 FBA/BSP team Administrator Behavior Specialist Student Centered team
A Proactive Approach to Behavior Support Planning Majority of problem behaviors that teams encounter do not require comprehensive FBA-BSP (Loman & Horner, in press) Using simplified FBA-BSP procedures that “match” the level and intensity of problem behavior Provide FBS at the first signs of persistent problem behavior Complex FBA: Behaviors and Maintaining Functions Vary, and are not Easily Defined and/or Identified Basic FBA: Behaviors and Maintaining Functions are Easily Defined and Identified
District Behavior Support Specialist Support Teams building behavior support plans from Assessment information Train 1-2 people per school to conduct “basic” FBA/BSP Train and coach PBIS at all three tiers
Building Capacity for Function- Based Support Basic FBA2BSP Training Series of minute trainings (each training spaced about 2 weeks apart) ◦ Session 1: Basics of Behavior ◦ Session 2: FBA Interview ◦ Session 3: FBA Observation ◦ Session 4: Function-Based Intervention ◦ Session 5: Behavior Support Planning ◦ Session 6: Implementation Planning ◦ Session 7: Evaluation Plan & Monitoring
Format of Basic FBA to BSP Training Sessions Checks for Understanding Comments/ Questions Tasks Key Points Objectives Review Activities