University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of NY Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) Presenters: Randy Borst, Director Holly Johnson, Auxiliary.


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University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of NY Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) Presenters: Randy Borst, Director Holly Johnson, Auxiliary Aids and Services Coordinator Kristin Harte, Testing Services Coordinator Revised June 2012

Support approximately 500 students per semester Services: – Access to Textbooks and Other Print Materials Access to Textbooks and Other Print Materials – Accessible on Campus Transportation Accessible on Campus Transportation – Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Devices – Course Test Accommodations Course Test Accommodations – Graduate and Professional Exams Graduate and Professional Exams – Information and Referral Information and Referral – Interpreting Services and CART Interpreting Services and CART – Lecture Notes for Students with Disabilities Lecture Notes for Students with Disabilities – Loaner Equipment and Assistive Computing Stations Loaner Equipment and Assistive Computing Stations – Read & Write Gold Literacy Software Read & Write Gold Literacy Software – Reasonable Accommodations for Student Housing Reasonable Accommodations for Student Housing – Snow Removal Policy Snow Removal Policy – Computing and Information Systems Accessibility Training Computing and Information Systems Accessibility Training – Workforce Recruitment Program Workforce Recruitment Program – Universal Design Yoga Program Universal Design Yoga Program 2

Able-Aide purchased 1995 (prior to current director) Replaced with home-grown web-based database manager 2005 Programmer left university, so by 2010; our database was out of date and had no manual Considered DS proprietary software competitors Considered contracting with Access programmer Saw Clockwork demonstrated at 2010 conference 3

Researched and designed for colleges and universities ClockWork is a complete scheduling and data management software solution designed to meet the specialized needs of counseling and disability departments in universities and colleges 4

It offers: Customizable database forms Over 50 built-in, editable reports Test scheduler with online access for students and course instructors Online availability of accommodation memos/letters addressed directly to course instructors Online note taker service management Direct connection between student appointments and their database records Export of calendar function to MS Outlook (though needs improvements) 5

We went live with database and testing module at beginning of Spring semester: midway through academic year Felt it was important for the staff to be able to learn the new database system for a semester We could devote our energy to working out “kinks” in the customized components to minimize any negative impact on consumers Currently (Summer 2012) adding online modules for notes, tests, and memos 6

Began with desired goals and outcomes then worked backwards Paper prototyping process – Created mockup of forms using large and small Post-its, allows for easy discussion and flexibility Stay in communication with TPro to ensure that plans are possible; limits to customization 7

Install the Clockwork program – Must involve communication and collaboration between TPro and your IT staff Synch with other campus databases, i.e. PeopleSoft Migrate data from existing database (if available) 8

Complete TPro Deliverables documents Communicate directly with TPro designers on customization requests Tweak form designs as needed using built-in editor “Massage” any data that might not fit new fields 9






Graphical and text views Appointments tied to database – Point of Contact for walk-ins or other unscheduled meetings – Tracks cancellations and no-shows Recurring appointments Session notes saved in database record 15

Forms editor allows you to make changes to field controls, design, and layout Ability to control permissions and access to certain info by user Built in reports for commonly needed data, can request custom reports from TPro 16

In the duration of a semester we host about Exams/Quizzes/Finals Heaviest volume days run about exams Our testing center can host up to 17 students at one time. This often leaves us using remote locations on campus 17

Allow multiple proctors to keep live test times and stats Display accommodations related to exams on the proctor’s screen Calculate adjusted accommodated exam time 18

Track brief uncharged breaks and recalculate end time Give a “birds eye view” of current testing status of the students who are seated and waiting to be seated Run reports on how many exams are given in a single (day, week, month, semester, academic year) 19

Track utilization of exam accommodations (how much time is being used… should the student extension be increased?) Provide an online wizard for students to book their own exams Provide a secure online drop box for exams to be submitted 20



Completed deliverables document and sent additional documentation, i.e. snapshots of existing system Had many phone & personal meetings with TPro designers Worked with fellow professionals (staff and faculty) and proctors for their input 23



Installing online components – Students online test booking – Professor exam drop box Card Swipe – Student would swipe in and out for start, finish and breaks 26

Screen-reader accessibility effective but a bit cumbersome Requires alternative access, e.g., text-view calendar Too much navigating with the TAB key; more keyboard shortcuts need to be Developed. Frequent long pauses after tabbing to next control Improvements needed in text calendar, e.g., no “Memo” field Clockwork Admin and Clockwork Reports not screen-reader accessible Help files describe mouse-only processes without describing accessible alternatives (serious shortcoming) 27

More shortcut keys Consistency of shortcut keys throughout the program No redundant terminology More menu items; standard menu items – (e.g.) You are not authorized to write Clockwork reports Being on three menu items and none of it correct Never a mouse-only control on a form designed by TPro 28

Be sure there is one person in office (with at least minimum qualifications with database management) responsible for coordinating process—lots to be done Purchase multiyear tech support from TPro Document conversations with TPro designers and support staff so that everyone is on the same page about customization requests Timing of onsite training must be near go-live date 29

It has been a semester of changes, but as the customizations we requested have been implemented and we learn the program thoroughly, we can see improvements in the areas of: – Data collection – Running detailed reports – Easy to search and track student information – Increased efficiency in testing space planning for high volume times of the semester 30

Randy Borst, Director Accessibility Resources, University at Buffalo 31 Voice: (716)

32  To schedule a free demonstration  Or call Microscience at 800–

Questions? 33