WHERE BUSINESS MEETS FASHION I Like Your Style(sheet): Enterprise Customization at a Fashion Library
Before Enterprise … Link labeled LIMCat accessible from a link on the college website Opened in a new window
Before Enterprise … Library occupied a small section of the College website Restricted to a 3 column format and style rules Could not add additional pages
Moving off the College website More page space Ability to edit and publish our own content immediately No formatting and style restrictions
Why Enterprise? Catalog and website on one platform Training classes and consultation included in install Facets Fuzzy logic Customizing the page with colors Scroll of book covers Searchable site content
January 2013 – May 2013 MAJOR catalog clean up Decided searchable locations & items Filled out install questionnaire Found matching HTML colors Prepped content and photos Confirmed technical specs Mapped out site design (paper prototype) Coordinated install dates 3 training classes
June 2013 – August consultation calls Attended a Usability Testing class Built “Rooms” Usability testing Isolated areas to tweak Last consultation call was scheduled late and allowed us to beta test Packed last call with customizations Launched & demoed Enterprise at annual Faculty & Staff Convocation
Completed – August 2013
Logo is part of the background and not an image Changed label Changed to one drop down box instead of two Use Custom Lists of New Books, New DVDs and Most Popular
More Customization EVERYTHING searches site content and Books, Ebooks, DVDs Changed label to Site Content Search BOOKS searches all print materials
More Customization Customized facets –Order –Removal Custom button color Due date display Disabled functions for –Holds, payment and federated searching Fuzzy logic set to.7 (scale of.5-1) SCAPARELLI recalls Schiaparelli
Getting to the Site Old links redirected to new pages Linked image & interface explanation Campus Portal SSO link brings users directly to Library Page
Reception to the Site Users love the scroll of new books Design has been received incredibly well Surprised that searching for library materials in box was not intuitive Anticipated confusion and clarified that databases still need to be searched individually Interface explained in bibliographic instruction, research guides and signs
Live but not Finished Accountable for site maintenance, accuracy and updates Scheduling tasks into workflow Creating a style & formatting guide for future content editors Training or facilitating training to future content editors Adding & changing rooms Working around bugs Developing graphic displays of content
Page 1 Year Later
Working Around Bugs Known bug – searching for text that is only available on one page will generate error message Problem when searching Database names
Working Around Bugs Created a child room No longer see the error message when searching for databases Child room
Changes to Come Site is currently text heavy Launching a graphic display of databases by subject for Fall 14 Child rooms
WHERE BUSINESS MEETS FASHION Thank You! Lauren Gavin Technical Services/Reference Librarian Adrian G. Marcuse Library