Rough Patches Ten Dangers in Your Marriage
Don’t live on the Surface Surface issues can be changed and are not permanent. Quitting because of these is not even trying to work on our marriage. Open communication gets the ball rolling. Be kind and honest and tactful when bringing up the little things. Don’t jump to divorce for an over-weight spouse. Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Don’t let Quakes Rattle You Other issues are a little more permanent, and some are unchanging. You can’t change your age difference. You can’t change your ethnicity. But some things you can tweak, like your culture. Make sure your culture fits with God’s culture. The Bible is clear about differences in religion. We are called to not be unequally yoked or to force an unbeliever to stay with us as Christians. Religion and culture will put grave strains on your marriage if you’re not on the same page!
Don’t Let It Grow The biggest issues that cause marriages to fail in divorce are serious and substantial. Most of the time, bad communication is the cause for them getting bigger. Addictions and Abuses can destroy the intimacy and safety of the home and relationship. Get help for your sake and your family’s! Infidelity is number one on the list, and the Bible is clear about it being the only reason for divorce. But divorce is allowed for in that case, not commanded.
Once Upon A Time The Story of Marriage