AP English Week of Sept. 15
Mastery Review Correct Mastery Review ●Attend to corrections ●Ask questions of Mr. Conrad or of each other ●Be sure you know what you missed Learning Target: I can edit for sentence errors and errors with punctuation.
TFA Review With your table partner, review the questions provided. ●look at passages ●discuss significance ●consider implications for theme, plot, character ●take clear, precise notes on answers - be ready and able to share your understanding and thoughts about the passages and questions Learning Target: I can draw reasonable inferences regarding the author’s choices.
TFA Reduction Use time to work on Reduction ●Add details to Part 2 and 3 ●Add connections you see among the three parts ●Make connections to development and to meaning. ●The one for TFA may be more than a page as you are working in class and writing by hand. ●Reminder - project due tomorrow! If you have questions, do not wait until midnight!
Tuesday Please get out your projects and assemble them. You will be sharing a bit about your books in large group and in small group.
Cards On the card - write the Title and Author neatly at the top. Under it, write the first sentence of your book. At the bottom - list what you categorize your book as Bottom right - give it 1-5 stars. On the back, put your name. Decorate as you wish.
Small group share Identify book and author. Show your novel reduction and explain a couple connections and meanings. Tell what you wrote your Elements of Prose on - how did that go for you? Read the first words and then add a quick 2-5 sentence summary of the book. Finally,tell what you thought of the book Learning Target: I can verbalize my thoughts about a book I read independently.
Large Group Share Each person will identify the book he/she read by title and author. Give 1-2 sentences of what book is about - plot, theme - you choose. Give your recommendation for the book and tell why. Listen for books you might like to read in the future.
AP Rubric Share rubric - discuss content and goals Overview of AP Tests Process for writing Learning Target: I understand the rubric used to evaluate impromptus. I am reviewing my own process for timed writings and evaluating how to go about writing impromptus.
TFA Share discussion question answers. Learning Target - I can articulate my inferences from the novel and explain the reasoning behind them.
Wednesday Agenda ●Unit 1 Test ●Turn in Unit 1 Homework ●Journal 2 ●Discussion of TFA Please put bag, purse, cell phone up front for the duration of the test.
Test Expectations C - Conversation - Please, no talking during the test, even after you are done with your test. H - Help - If you need help, please raise your hand. A - Activity - Learning Target: Students will demonstrate ability to edit for sentence errors and punctuation errors. M - Movement - Stay in assigned seats except to turn in test on front table and pick up journal. You may pick up bag after your test. P - Participation - You must complete the test during class. S - Success - If you do all of these things, you will find success with your assessment☺.
Journal ●The poem for the journal is the source of the title for TFA. ●Complete journal as directed (I will play after all are finished with test) Turn in grammar pages: 1-7, 13 Discuss poem - what you saw. Learning Targets ●I will practice reading and interpreting poetry. ●I will work to explain mood and imagery and how it is used or created.
Thursday Agenda ●Review process for impromptu ●Discuss aspects of the novel ●Share answers for Discussion Questions Learning Targets ●I understand and can apply a process for answering an impromptu ●I can share and defend my inferences from the novel.
TFA Share discussion question answers. Learning Target - I can articulate my inferences from the novel and explain the reasoning behind them.
Impromptu Advice Understand the question. What is being asked? How am I supposed to address the question? Try rephrasing the question into a statement. Look for options or multiple components. Be sure to understand each part of the question. Recognize there is no “simple” question. The simpler it looks, the more to be wary. Know that at the heart of every question is to demonstrate an understanding of the work as a whole. Get at meaning in some way. Make a plan. ●T ake notes. ●Create an outline or web or list or something. ●Jot down the main parts to your answer. When you are being timed, you don’t want panic to take away an idea. ●The better writers inevitably have scribbled all over their question or paper. Dissecting it and thinking on paper about the essence of the question and the essence of the work.
Impromptu Process Cont’d Write. ●Start writing. Don’t worry about a fancy introduction. Begin by showing your selection of the work, knowing what it is about, and applying what you need to talk about to meaning. Attempt to give an answer to the question – show your thoughts on the work in light of the question. ●Show you understand what was asked. ●Write as detailed an answer as you can. ●Save time at the end to look over essay and be sure it reads clearly and cleanly. ●Sometimes you write yourself into a better answer than you started with in your introduction. That’s okay. Try to go back to “tweak” the intro to make it fit.
Final thoughts for your Impromptu Upper Tier Answers ●Answers the question ●Focuses on meaning and intent of the work ●Does both of the above while honoring the complexity of the work ●Reveals mastery of language ●Goes beyond a basic answer, explores the question and the answer. Thinks deeply about the work. ●Lower tier answers misses one of the above, usually #3 and #5 ●Remember Okonkow does nothing Achebe did not decide. Use author’s name frequently in discussing the choices in the book.
Friday Vocabulary - Highlight Chapter 1 Impromptu - Turn in TFA books
IMPROMPTU ●You will have 45 min. ●Use time well. ●Please remain in seats until time is up. ●Think positively! ●Give your best effort. ●Phone is put away in bag or purse. ●All materials are in your bag - out of sight. ●You may pull something out - quietly - when finished Learning Target: I can compose a persuasive and detailed analysis on Things Fall Apart.
Impromptu Expectations C - Conversation - Please, no talking during the impromptu, even after you are done with your test. H - Help - If you need help, please raise your hand. A - Activity - Learning Target: Students will demonstrate ability to compose an analytical essay on Things Fall Apart. M - Movement - Stay in assigned seat until time is up for the impromptu. You may put essay on corner of desk and pull out other work to do. P - Participation - You must complete the impromptu during class. S - Success - If you do all of these things, you will find success with your assessment☺.