ICCP’s Proposal Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals was founded 40 years ago by ACM, IEEE-CS, AITP (then DPMA), CIPS, and several smaller professional associations. It is governed by a board of the representatives from its member associations. ACM’s reps are Don Gotterbarn and Joyce Little. CS2013 Assessment Exams Available to Colleges
ICCP Professional Certifications Certified Computing Professional Certified Data Management Professional Certified Business Intelligence Professional Certified IT Consultant Certified IT Compliance Professional Certified IT Governance Professional ICCP Professional Certifications IS2010 Model Curriculum Assessment Exam
ABET Options for Assessment
18 KAs 159 KUs
18 KAs 159 KUs
18 KAs 159 KUs
18 KAs 159 KUs 3 Tiers 3 Depth Levels 1008 Learning Objectives
1008 Total Learning Objectives 236Tier-1Required 266Tier-280% is sufficient 506ElectivesProgram’s option
1008 Total Learning ObjectivesHow Measured 236Tier-1RequiredStandard core exam 266Tier-280% is sufficient Testlets incorporated 506ElectivesProgram’s option No standard test planned
College Relates Courses to CS2013
How ICCP Delivers IS2010 Exams
How ICCP Plans to Deliver CS2013 Exams
Next Steps 1Form cadre of volunteers for committee 2As a committee, develop standards for tests and items 3Recruit initial 17 item writers, begin building out pool 4Recruit more item writers, as specific KU needs known 5Find 3 alpha test groups, with known but distinct knowledge levels
Meeting Places Seattle Chicago Cleveland
Syllabus for CIS 490 capstone course: Final exam is the standardized IS2010 assessment exam
ISECON paper statistically validating the standardized IS2010 assessment exam –
Familiarity Depth
Usage Depth
Assessment Depth
Glossary correlation statistical correlation between correctly answering an item and overall exam score difficultythe item’s pass rate as a fraction distractorone of an item’s incorrect responses distractor correlation correlation between overall exam pass rate and answering that the given distractor is the correct response examtest itemtest question KAKnowledge Area from CS2013 KUKnowledge Unit from CS2013, associated with a single KA LOLearning Objective from CS2013, associated with a single KU pass ratethe fraction of examinees who correctly answered an item performance statistics difficulty, correlation, and distractor correlations of an item
Glossary (continued) quality An item is a quality item if it has performance statistics that show its correct response has a sufficiently high correlation with success on the exam, its incorrect responses have sufficiently negative correlation with success on the exam, and its level of difficulty is in the appropriate range. scorethe number of items answered correctly on an exam sparse A KU is sparse if not enough quality items exist to test all of its Learning Objectives of the appropriate tier in the desired number of distinct forms. (If we want three forms, then the KU is sparse if there is any LO that is not tested by three distinct quality items.) stemthe part of an item that precedes the responses student’s exam a tier-1 form and collection of testlets such that all the tier-1 and tier-2 LOs in the KUs studied by the given student are tested
Glossary (continued) tier-1 testtier-1 form tested A LO is tested by an item if knowing that the correct response is true and that the distractors are false implies that the learning objective is met at the proper level of depth. testlet a collection of quality items which together test all of the tier-2 LOs in one given KU tier-1 form a collection of quality items which together test all of the tier-1 LOs in all KUs tweakchange the wording of an item’s stem, correct response, or distractor, with the objective of improving the item’s performance
Questions and Answers What is the college’s cost of assessment by examination? –$50 per student to a max of $2,500 How many colleges are assessing so far with the IS exam? –23 colleges and growing What must a student who passes the exam do to become ISA certified? –Present evidence of degree graduation within one year of taking the exam –Sign code of ethics –Pay $250 certification fee –Enter recertification program and begin collecting PD hours
Item Performance Evaluation