Pride Reporting Initiatives Beta Pilot Program Launch
Reminder of Goals & Progress Simplify the reporting process Make reporting align to management actions Have some kind of standard reporting system to build a common vocabulary Reporting system must have some consistent standard and frameworks that go from campaign-level to cohort to region to Rare (3Cs) to avoid duplication of work Frequency of reporting may vary from weekly data points, to monthly, to quarterly based on how often data really changes Align to the Rare and Departmental BSC as much as possible to reduce complexity Clarified the 3C language on existing Weekly Flash Reports Removed RarePlanet supporters from the Pride Scorecard Agreed to continue to use the 3Cs framework Agreed to focus on linking to the BSC Agreed to dramatically reduce the size of the Weekly Flash Report Agreed to focus on a monthly reporting structure Regional meetings create draft actionable metrics Designing data export features from RarePlanet Alpha version of Weekly Flash Reports and Pride Scorecards complete Generally align on piloting process
Original Project Roadmap Consensus System– does not meet our reporting and project management We need a standard template for core activities We want some regional flexibility Clear Requirements Core defined Openness to additional features Charter a Team Clear Scope: well defined, tangible, actionable Clear Roles: advisory group + deciders + doer Clear Ownership: to VPs Current Phase Team Meeting Confirmed roles Confirmed requirements Developed design principals Confirmed timelines Development Rapid prototype Validation meeting Improvement Test (multi-users) Review and Decide Launch Support Imbedded instructions in tool Manual TBD – integrated into CM training TBD – continuous improvement TBD - Improvements
Today’s Focus: Piloting Process Weekly Flash Reports & Monthly Pride Scorecards Key Proposed Changes to the Weekly Flash Report Much shorter Revised language around compliance with campaign agreements Focus on project status vs. monthly goals Only asks next steps overall (not by 3Cs) Links to Prideforce comments Key Proposed Changes to the Pride Scorecard Tighter alignment to the DBSC – completing Pride Scorecard creates an input to DBSC PPMs are expected to complete a monthly report Mix of checklist and scoring Each question is intended to drive specific actions All inputs can be easily exported to Excel Things that Stay the Same Main tool for data collection is still RarePlanet We will still do partner surveys and support visit reports that link to Pride Scorecard Regions will still have their own cohort-level reporting system
Ideal Reporting Process Campaign Manager(s) PPM Cohort Director Vice President Work Plan + RarePlanet Weekly Calls / Support Visits Project Management Issues Technical Issues Weekly Flash Reports Pride Scorecard Cohort Tracking Tool Regular Meetings Pride Scorecard Cohort Tracking Tool CPP / Cohort Issues Data Flows Via RarePlanet Results Shared with QMI, Dale, LT, Board
How This System Supports Cohort Reports Weekly Flash Reports Campaign Milestones Pride Scorecard Prideforce Fully Exportable from RarePlanet to Excel (In development November) Exports TBD Manual (For Now) input into cohort management tools / Report Recommend posting these to monthly accessible space
Why Pilot What is Pilot? Key Benefits Serving as a tentative model for future experiment or development: a pilot project. Serving or leading as guide. Source: Understand how the process mechanics may work Correct any misunderstandings Generate list of key training / support needs Identify key supporting activities Test understanding of process, definitions, actions Allow PPMs/Cohort Directors to use it in a practice mode Enable comparing / contrasting outcomes with the old system Ensure participation
Who Pilots Essential that key stakeholders are involved Who What How Much Time 1 PPM per Region Attend orientation call Use the form 2x over 2 months Complete regular reporting criteria Provide feedback Be patient! About 10 - 15 hours of incremental time 1 Cohort Director per Region Review and discuss the reports with PPM Attend feedback calls Attend session on how reporting drives action Work with Keith / Daniel on improvements About 10 hours of incremental time Training Director Organize a meeting of PPMs to help list actions ~ 8 hours VP Attend meetings Determine if we should launch ~ 6 hours
Pilot Process About Two Months What the Pilot Looks Like Pilot Process About Two Months Test Revise Review & Decide Build System Test Regional Pilot What questions need clarification What is missing or duplicative How do these new criteria change: PPM & Rare behaviors CF activities Implementation partner activities Is this system better, or just different Prototype Midcourse corrections - tweak Team Review How different are results Have we met our design goals Is this system better, or just different 1. Feedback: Great! Next Step: Design & launch Generated Metrics Process to Date 2. Feedback: Small Issues Next Step: Revise, Design & launch Set Objective 3. Feedback: Big Issues Next Step: Revise, Test Design & launch 4. Feedback: Failure Next Step: Revamp project
The purpose of the reporting system is to support behaviors that will Barrier Removal Strategy What tools are needed to overcome barrier to adoption and make this successful? The purpose of the reporting system is to support behaviors that will improve campaigns. What is needed to support sustained behavior change? Supporting Activity Potential Outcomes Recommend that the PPMs / TMT Provide feedback on: What actions are being driven by the report What changes need to be made to make sure these actions are viable, e.g.: Better training for PPMs Clearer escalation to Cohort Director or VP Local partner engagement activities CM training Vice Presidents should map out their desired reporting and outcomes Training materials Better instructions on RarePlanet Clearer roles and responsibilities
Each region decides when this should occur Proposed Timeline for Pilot Activity Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 28 Dec 5 Dec 12 Dec 19 Dec 26 Jan 2 Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 30 Feb 6 Complete Beta model Agree on pilot Train new PPM PPMs begin Note – many staff / partners on vacation ? Reports due 1 2 3 4 Contig- ency Team fixes / clarifies issues TMT – BR Meeting Each region decides when this should occur Report out on the finding Exact dates Region by Region
How the pilot reflects regional feedback
CHINA Proposal for New Ideas Measure Description Data source or Process Frequency of data capture Capacity CM ability to train campaign team LAP satisfaction with CM performance Training CM provided to campaign team LAP director or supervisor feedback on CM performance CM report on RP LAP survey Quarterly Constituency LAP adoption of Pride methodology % of (threat-causing) Target Audiences changing attitude LAP adopts Pride methodology to apply within organization Of the target audience (e.g. fishers) what percentage of them do we expect to change their attitidu through the BR solution Survey End of campaign Conservation Scientifically Rigorous Conservation Result Monitoring Plan Implementation of monitoring plan The quality of the monitoring plan Status of the conservation monitoring plan implementation PPM evaluation on monitoring monitoring data collection uploaded on RP Planning phase Quarterly (depending on the indicator)
PEP Proposal for New Ideas
Guad Proposal for New Ideas - Capacity Groups CM/LAP Go Beyond Involve/train others on Campaign Barrier Removal Management Communication Negotiation Skills Conservation vision Project Management CM/LAP are proactive High attendance to meetings/events Number of Barriers VS Number of successful solutions Weekly communication Conflict resolution Betters understanding of conservation Good project management CM/LAP gain support and funds Train others on Campaign processes Great management of Barrier removal Strategies Clear Communication Excellent negotiator Separates important/strategic from urgent (prioritize) CM/LAP Replicate campaign There is evidence on how others are involved Effectively communicates campaign progress Number of problems VS successful solutions Work Plan and other documents are submitted on time CM develop his/her professional skills outside of Rare training Teamwork is reflected Listening, asking and growing skills Rare Planet Milestones are on time CM/LAP shows initiative CM involve LAP and train others on his/her team CM feels comfortable in front of big audiences Well organized CM/LAP strategic vision goes beyond campaign Number of persons from LAP involved on campaign Multitasking skills Number of Pride and BR activities developed Adaptive Management CM/LAP implement numerous activities on campaign Social Mkt activities are applied
Guad Proposal for New Ideas - Constituency Partners supporting campaign Social outreach Replication / Adaptation interest Number of partner organizations involve A group of volunteers is supporting the campaign Number of interest expressions on campaign replication Number or activities other groups do to support the campaign Number of people that agree to support campaign BR strategies Number of organizations that want a campaign (as a product of watching or participating on a ongoing campaign) Number or successes in terms of BR (i.e. ARAs signed) Number of persons that act on favor of BR strategies Relationship management with local partners Percentage of audiences attending to Pride events Number of organizations and people participating on the campaign Resilience (Diversity of groups supporting the campaign) Organizations that have embraced the campaign and support campaign activities Number of people involved on the campaign Number or partners collaborating with the campaign Number of agreements achieved with partners Could measure this against a plan? Number of donors supporting the campaign Could also be total $ (cash and inkind) raised
Guad Proposal for New Ideas - Conservation Brainstorming ideas of conservation metrics Proxies (sub results) Follow up on biological indicators measurement Follow up on LAP to be monitoring CR indicators Communicate with monitoring partners Follow up on BROP development
Bogor Finding There is still big gap between Departmental Balance Score Card and Pride Score Card also between Pride Score Card and Individual Balance Score Card. Pride balance score card mainly assess progress based on subjectivity of the PPM and lacking verifiers that justify the assessment. Current Pride balance scorecard is mainly based on coincident performance metric and does not yet reflect the actual condition of the campaign, we will need to have some additional lagging and leading performance metric. A good performance metric should at least meet three criteria, i.e. simple, accurate and reliable, while some of current performance metric (Pride balance scorecard) are less accurate and reliable.
Bogor - Capacity Original Pride BSC as found on Rare Planet Proposed Change or Modification Measurement method Type of performance metric Note CAPACITY Grades on assignments (university grade form) PPM score on key deliverable: Project plan, work plan, creative brief, key marketing element (logo, slogan), final report, marketing mix Weekly during pride phase Lagging Partner’s assessment of CM Capacity (Partner survey) Supervisor’s assessment on CM capacity, administered by PPM - Pre-pride - Planning phase - Implementation phase - Final phase Not self administer survey and specific to supervisor because the supervisor works closely with the CM Ability to demonstrate and/or teach at least two pride tools (Miradi, Survey Pro, ORID, FGD, Consensus workshop) to team members in the IP / stakeholder / local leader Quarterly Leading Source: Monitoring trip, CM report, supervisor report Timeliness of past 4 campaign deliverable (milestone) Note to Daniel: why ‘past 4 campaign deliverable’ Weekly (flash report) Keep this performance metric Draft project plan submitted at least one week before module 3 launch Before Phase 2 university Post survey completed one week prior to module 4 launch Before phase 3 university Additional from existing Partner satisfaction Can be found in Strategic Pillars on DBSC Partner satisfaction index rating Region’s assessment of progress toward capacity goals (weekly flash report) Removed It’s already covered by above measurement
Bogor - Constituency CONSTITUENCY Region’s assessment of progress toward constituency goals (weekly flash report) Number of campaign media distributed (K) Weekly (flash report) Leading Number of agreement, endorsement or involvement achieved (A) Weekly (flash report) or quarterly Number of local innovators identified (P) Assessment of BC (support visit report) Number of identified people showing behavior change (depend on each cohort/campaign’s BC objective) Lagging It can be measured from Weekly flash report, but the report format should provide option such as: > 10 people (good) 10-30 people (very good) > 30 people (excellent) Number of key influencer involve in campaign -> at least one key influencer/ village Quarterly Assessment of IC (support visit report) Percentage of target audience exposed to interpersonal communication campaign activity (K)
Bogor – Conservation CONSERVATION Region’s assessment of progress toward conservation goals (weekly flash report) Number of identified people showing behavior change (depend on each cohort/campaign’s BC objective) Weekly (flash report) Leading Likeliness of target audience to change behavior Weekly (flash report) or quarterly PPM’s assessment of Quality Deliverables (milestones page) Number of key influencer involve in campaign -> at least one key influencer/ village Quarterly Source: Monitoring trip, CM report, supervisor report. The report format should provide option such as: > 10 people (good) 10-30 people (very good) > 30 people (excellent) Region’s assessment of BR progress (weekly flash report) Progress status toward plan as shown in the approved BROP
Meeting with Amielle Good to align with BSC and RBSC Focus on modifying: “Assessment Towards Progress on Conservation Goals” to: Assessment Towards Progress on Biological Monitoring Plan Assessment Towards Progress on Threat Reduction Plan These should be assessed by the relevant expert within the region Amielle can help develop a template She suggest we document the “extras” that campaigns do: Help develop Bright Spots/Signature campaigns Help highlight other sources of success We should do the fundraising DBSC as a capacity measure / constituency measure?