South African Partners in Learning Forum 2012
This is where you want to be… In Morocco at the Middle East Africa Partners in Learning Forum Having an experience of a lifetime
This is how you get there… Enter the South African Partners in Learning Forum Come up with a project that uses technology to enhance teaching and learning 2. Complete the PowerPoint entry template 3. Upload it to the South African Partners in Learning Forum on the Partners in Learning Network by 12 March 2012
Get to attend the South African Basic Education Conference Be one of 20 finalists selected to present your project Finalists will be announced a week after entries close Finalists will all be flown to Durban (if they don’t live in KZN) to attend the South African Partners in Learning Forum (Sunday 1 April) Each finalist will produce a poster describing the project At least three judges will spend 20 minutes each interviewing each finalist
Be one of the winners! Scores from judges are allocated according to the rubric A coordinating judge assesses all entries and moderates scores if required Winners are selected in the following categories Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom Collaboration Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking Innovation in Challenging Contexts Cutting Edge Use of Technology Overall best projects will get to go to the regional Forum
Frequently asked questions Do I have to select my category? No – often the best projects score well in a range of categories. The judges will place your entry in the category they believe it fits best. Who gets to go to the MEA Partners in Learning Forum? Can a pair or small group enter a project? Yes – but please be aware that you may have to share the prizes between the group. The five best projects overall will go to the next level. This may mean that the runner up of one category may go to Morocco – but not the winner of another category.
So what are the judges looking for? Structure of the project (4) Was it a long term task? Did students plan their own work? Direct their own learning? Were the assessment criteria known upfront? Design of the learning environment (8) Does the activity/ project plan to develop 21st centaury skills? Has the teacher used a sound pedagogical approach? Does the activity include creative / innovative teaching practices? Evidence of Learning (8) Is there proof that the project was implemented? (learner samples, video clips, photos) Does the student work demonstrate different 21st centaury skills? Are the learners engaged in a range of tasks – including creative uses of ICT?
The rubric simplified…. Collaboration (16) Are learners required to work with others? Do the learners share responsibility for tasks/ product? Do the learners make substantive decisions together? Knowledge building and critical thinking (16) Does the task require knowledge building (interpretation, analysis, synthesis or evaluation)? Is knowledge building the main requirement? Is the learning inter-disciplinary/ cross curricular Extended learning beyond the classroom (16) Are the learners working on a real-world problem? Does the project involve implementation in the real-world? Is the main requirement of the project problem solving?
And finally… Use of ICT for Learning (16) Is ICT used to support knowledge building, collaboration or learning beyond the classroom Does technology enable opportunities that would not have been possible without it? Have tools been used imaginatively to support learning? Teacher as innovator/ change agent (16) Has the teacher significantly changed the learning process through the use of ICT? Has the teacher provided opportunities for learners to lead their own learning? Has the teacher facilitated engaging approaches to learning?
Some more questions to consider… Can I enter a project that is not yet complete? Yes - You will have to show your project plan and evidence of the activities you have already completed. If you are a winner in the South African Forum there will be some more time to complete your project. Does a project have to be innovative in the sense that no one has ever done anything like it ever before? How can a junior primary project compete with a high school project? Judges will take into account the age and abilities of the learners. They realise that what is ground breaking, new and challenging for a six year old will be quite different to what extends a matric learner. No – many winners are exceptional teachers who have created great learning experiences for their learners. This may involve doing something that is ground-breaking in their context – but not something that is unique.
Are you already doing something you can enter? Did you do something last year that you can enter this year? Can you turn a simple lesson into something more innovative? Can you tweak your project to score maximum points on the rubric? If you don’t enter you DEFINITELY WILL NOT win! Megan Rademeyer