“Wild About Learning” Jackson Park Elementary
Goal #1: Cultivate positive, constructive relationships with members of the Jackson Park Elementary School community to minimize the potential disruption caused by a change in administrative leadership. Goal #2: Build a foundation for continuous improvement by identifying Jackson Park Elementary School strengths and targeted areas for growth as identified by the Jackson Park Elementary School community. Goal #3: Create a shared vision for the future of Jackson Park Elementary that sustains our strengths and addresses our identified areas for needed growth and improvement.
All students can and will be successful in school. We will do whatever it takes for our students to experience success and become productive citizens. Effectiveness starts with “I” but is perfected with “WE”
We are a FAMILY The Kids Technology We are a community that cares What makes Jackson Park Special
Communication Schedules (Teacher input and Ta’s assigned to a grade level) Consistency of school wide programs Leadership opportunities and having a say
Communication Morale/Gossip School Wide Behavior Plan
Openness Consistent Trusting Approachable A Communicator Flexible BE SUPPORTIVE!!!!!!!!!!
Be here mentally and physically Be on task, on time, prepared and courteous Be professional
Address at the grade level (Roles) Remain professional Continue to put students first “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” or “Don’t air your dirty laundry.”