…but what about your PEOPLE? it’s imperative to optimize every aspect of your business. You can tweak your equipment to the highest levels of dependability and performance In today’s economy,
Full-scale Job AnalysisFull-scale Job Analysis Workshops and Reports Workshops and Reports Task Analysis Focus GroupsTask Analysis Focus Groups and Verification and Verification Training and Process NeedsTraining and Process Needs Analyses Analyses Employee Training DevelopmentEmployee Training Development and Implementation and Implementation AudiTask Research …provides occupational and project analysis based on the DACUM method:
…bringing expert workers together to list specific tasks that are essential to successful job performance or effective implementation of business and industrial processes. Employee Training and Process Analysis based on the Fast, Cost-effective DACUM Process Products and Services
What Is DACUM? A fast, effective and low-cost focus group approach to analyzing jobs or processes in terms of the actions that must be taken to thoroughly complete that job or process. An acronym for Developing A Curriculum, DACUM is a recognized, respected, and highly adaptable job and process analysis method, pioneered by Ohio State University in Columbus.
Eight to twelve expert workers “brainstorm” to list the Duties required of the worker, and then provide a detailed outline of the various Tasks that must be performed to complete each Duty. Each chart also records necessary equipment, skills and knowledge, terminology, worker attitudes, and other data related to performing the job safely and efficiently. What Is DACUM?
DACUM Chart: Homeowner (example) TASKS DUTIES refers to the general categories of activities for which a worker is responsible. In a typical DACUM chart, an average of 8 – 12 Duties are listed down the left side of the chart.
DACUM Chart: Homeowner (example) TASKS DUTY A: Maintain Grounds DUTY B: Manage Expenses DUTY C: Maintain HVAC Duty Statements are very short, usually consisting only of an active verb and a noun.
DUTIES DACUM Chart: Homeowner (example) A-1: Mow the lawn A-2: Trim trees and hedges A-3: Dispose of cuttings, leaves A-4: Fertilize all vegetation A-5: Apply pesticides DUTY A: Maintain Grounds TASK STATEMENTS consist of generally- related activities, each of which can be performed as an assignable, stand-alone task, with a beginning, middle, and end. Task Statements are normally expressed as a noun, a present-tense, action verb, and one or two qualifying adjectives.
A-1: Mow the lawn A-2: Trim trees and hedges A-3: Dispose of cuttings, leaves A-4: Fertilize all vegetation A-5: Apply pesticides DUTY A: Maintain Grounds DUTIES DACUM Chart: Homeowner (example) B-1: Maintain a monthly budget B-2: Record extra expenses B-3: File purchase receipts B-4: Develop, maintain spreadsheet B-5: Manage bank accounts DUTY B: Manage Expenses Workshop panelists brainstorm all the Tasks within each Duty and then prioritize them. The average DACUM chart contains 75 – 125 Tasks.
A-1: Mow the lawn B-1: Maintain a monthly budget A-2: Trim trees and hedges B-2: Record extra expenses A-3: Dispose of cuttings, leaves B-3: File purchase receipts A-4: Fertilize all vegetation B-4: Develop, maintain spreadsheet A-5: Apply pesticides B-5: Manage bank accounts DUTY A: Maintain Grounds DUTY B: Manage Expenses TASKS DUTIES DACUM Chart: Homeowner (example) C-1: Create service schedule C-2: Maintain service records C-3: Maintain fluids, pressures C-4: Clean ductwork DUTY C: Maintain HVAC D-5: E-5: F-5: D-5: E-5: F-5: D-1:D-2:D-3:D-4: DUTY D: D-1:D-2:D-3:D-4: DUTY D: D-1: E-1: F-1: D-2: E-2: F-2: D-3: E-3: F-3: D-4: E-4: F-4: DUTY D: DUTY E: DUTY F: D-5: E-5: F-5:
The final DACUM Chart provides a complete “snapshot” of the job being analyzed... and serves as a map for breaking down each Task Statement into the STEPS required to complete the Task.
Participants are also asked to brainstorm and come to consensus on the successful worker’s a.Tools and Equipment b.Worker Attributes, Traits, and Attitudes c.Necessary Certifica- tions or Professional Qualifications d.Future Industry Trends or Concerns e.Basic Glossary of Terms, Acronyms
DACUMDACUM is an ideal procedure for creating or updating work flow or quality assurance documentation, job descriptions, and other best practices for your business. is an ideal procedure for creating or updating work flow or quality assurance documentation, job descriptions, and other best practices for your business. The best results require the preparation and guidance of a CERTIFIED DACUM FACILITATOR fromAudiTask!
SCIDSCID (Systematic Curriculum and Instructional Development) is the DACUM follow-up procedure, integrating the focus group data into process documentation …or developing it into instructional materials for employee training.
SCIDSCID Every Task under each Duty is further broken down into individual Steps, which can then be written into the informational materials as an action narrative outlining methods of delivering and reinforc- ing content, measuring learner retention or performance, and improving the various methods of content delivery.
Conclusio n What Does This Mean For YOUR Business?
Well-trained employees are your most important asset! To maintain competitiveness in a global economy, your business plan must include employee training based on primary researchemployee training based on primary research regular professional development, andregular professional development, and strategic cross-trainingstrategic cross-training Conclusio n
Let AudiTask help you to ~ Let AudiTask help you to ~ Find and fix training gaps Find and fix training gaps Optimize safety training and awarenessOptimize safety training and awareness Create training materials appropriate toCreate training materials appropriate to all three learning styles all three learning styles Conclusio n Well-trained employees are your most important asset!
What’s in it for YOU? Create new jobs methodically Create new jobs methodically Implement ongoing, systematic cross-Implement ongoing, systematic cross- training training Continually analyze and improve trainingContinually analyze and improve training materials and methods materials and methods Let AudiTask help you to ~ Let AudiTask help you to ~ DACUM can build or improve your work processes!
Let AudiTask help you to ~ Let AudiTask help you to ~ supervision and managementsupervision and management stress management stress management presentation skills presentation skills What’s in it for YOU? DACUM can build or improve your work processes! Create company-specific training in
Let AudiTask help you to ~ Let AudiTask help you to ~ planning and organizational skillsplanning and organizational skills sexual harassment training sexual harassment training conflict management conflict management customer service customer service What’s in it for YOU? DACUM can build or improve your work processes! Create company-specific training in
focuses more than 40 years experience -- in project management, occupational analysis, and employee training curriculum research, development, and implementation -- on your company’s human performance challenges.
Creating company- and job-specific training in: Stress management Stress management Presentation skills Presentation skills Planning / organizational skills Planning / organizational skills Conflict management Conflict management Customer service Customer service Supervisory / management Supervisory / management
Why not contact us NOW – Let us work with you to develop occupational and project analysis information and strategies, task verification focus groups and surveys; training needs analyses, and complete curriculum research, development and delivery.
Michael Jones Facilitator (254) Michael Jones Facilitator (254) Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Central Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Central All rights reserved © 01/11/10