© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Improving Reproductive Health in Burundi by engaging men and boys - Abatangamuco CARE Burundi
Contextual data Rate of contraceptive use (modern methods) :<10% Fertility rate: children/woman: 6, 8 Children mortality (0-59 months): 180 / World rank (children mortality): 10/189 Institutional Delivery :56,2% Maternal mortality: 800 /
we asked ourselves these three questions: Does everyone in Burundi have access to the RH services? Does everyone in Burundi have knowledge of them? Does everyone in Burundi have knowledge and access make use of the services? The answers to all three questions are, of course, NO
What the government has done so far? The government is contributing to the MDG (Goals 4 &5) Goal 4: Reduce child mortality: The government decrees in 2005 the free medical cares for the children less than five years Goal 5: Improve maternal health: The government decrees the free childbirth, free medical of various illnesses for the pregnant women The government needs other partners to help in providing SRH services. The coverage is still minimal.
What prevents women in Burundi from accessing good reproductive health ? social determinants: -Traditional practices and mentalities; - Woman’s status in our patriarchal system -Religious beliefs; -Cultural practices; -Negative consequences of the war/conflict ; -Government policy unclear, easy to misinterpret; -Rumors about the consequences of using FP
What CARE BURUNDI believes In addition to: -Women’s capacity, competencies and access to quality services that guarantee their physical integrity -Women have access to economic opportunities that respond to their basic needs -Legal framework is I put in place and institutions at all levels are functioning in good governance and collaborate to promote women’s rights. -Our theory of change focus on addressing Socio- cultural practices and beliefs that promote gender equity through the ABATANGAMUCO approach
Why the ABATANGAMUCO approach in RH ? - - Abatangamuco : Programs working on RH failed to bring change. The statistics showed the statu quo Through its Abatangamuco approach, CARE Burundi work with inspired men who had made personal commitments to changing their behaviors in order to improve relations with their spouses, they share personal stories of positive change and encourage others to reflect on and question the beliefs and practices that prevent women’s empowerment; in particular violence. They attack sensitive and taboo issues in the community.
Results Network of 430 Abatangamuco is in place in Seven of seventeen provinces of Burundi Participating in national advocacy initiatives Weekly radio programme on behavior change Growing national recognition Partnership with Local Administration Education of young couples on sharing decision making in resources managing, sexual relations and reproductive health
Life story of positive change Protais and his wife Imelde were married for 25 years; Before Protais joined the Abatangamuco, he was always biting her wife, having sexual relation by force; But now they decide everything together, and Imelde testify how the sexual relation are now pleasure full. Protais accompany her wife when they go to receive contraceptives, education and information on SR. (Google ABATANGAMUCO)