S5 Data Quality Investigation Status John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech LSC/Virgo DetChar Session Baton Rouge, March 21, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

S5 Data Quality Investigation Status John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech LSC/Virgo DetChar Session Baton Rouge, March 21, 2007

Segment overview ● Segments continue to be generated both online and offline ● Analysis groups should remember that flags should be chosen carefully after considering the requirements of the specific analysis. ● Keith Riles maintains the definitive list of segment descriptions at:

Recent Additions/Changes ● SEVERE_LSC_OVERFLOW (clarification) ● ASC_Overflow (clarification) ● POWERMAG, POWERMAINS_GLITCH, POWERMAINS_DISRUPTION ● TCS_GLITCH_LOUD ● TRAIN_LIKELY ● AS_TRIGGER (update) ● SEISMIC_EY_99PCTL_3_10Hz ● more?

LSC ADC Overflows ● PD_Overflow, MASTER_OVERFLOW_LSC – derived from Xn:LSC-MASTER_OVERFLOW – includes overflows not considered dangerous (e.g. Xn:LSC-SPOB) ● SEVERE_LSC_OVERFLOW – only “important” ADCs: ASPD, REFLPD1, POB – V2 generate offline retroactive to start of S5. ● LSC_OVERFLOW: overflows not expected to impact analysis

ASC ADC Overflows ● ASC_Overflow, MASTER_OVERFLOW_ASC – derived from Xn:ASC-MASTER_OVERFLOW – ASC_Overflow generated online - recommended ● We are planning to make a “severe” analog (SEVERE_ASC_OVERFLOW) with e.g. the WFS PDs and any other critical ASC ADC.

Power Mains & Magnetometers ● Evidence has emerged that sever power fluctuations show up in DARM_ERR: magnetic coupling. ● POWERMAG: Laura tabulated segments with multiple LHO magnetometer glitches with kleinewelle significance > 1000 ● Robert got a list of power line disturbances from BPA including 28/31 events from Laura's list. – POWERMAINS_GLITCH: Capacitor charging events, higher frequency, less impact. – POWERMAINS_DISRUPTION: greater impact on LIGO

TCS Glitching (new) ● TCS Lasers skip mode occasionally causing glitches in DARM_ERR ● Shantanu tabulated loud TCS kleineWelle glitches to form the TCS_GLITCH_LOUD segments

SEISMIC_EY_99PCTL_3_10Hz ● Masahiro tabulated segments – High LHO EY 3-10 Hz seismic blrms – Threshold set for ~1% dead-time in each of 4 epochs – Local truck traffic?

Train Likely ● Passage of trains flagged by Jacob Slutsky et al. ● EY Seismic blrms greater than ~3mm/s. ● ±8m time window tuned to inspiral triggers.

AS_TRIGGER ● IFO switches to “Triggered” mode (AS port uses AS_PD5 only) after various PD saturations. – Robust running, maintains lock – Noise floor, calibration unusable ● Still(?) no interlock against science mode during triggered running -> occasional screwup. ● I tabulated AS_TRIGGER segments – Xn:LSC-AS_TRIGL≠0 during science mode – Tabulated from second frames – H1:4s, H2:415s, L1:3792s through ~2/8/2007

● Segment types: – CALIB_DROPOUT_1SAMPLE – CALIB_DROPOUT_1SEC – CALIB_DROPOUT_AWG_STUCK – CALIB_DROPOUT_BN – CALIB_GLITCH_ZG ● Differ in size, length ● Frequency reduced significantly since ~June, 2006 Calibration Line dropouts

Potential New Segments ● Severe ASC – WFS Overflow++ ● Dewar glitches ● Coil overflows ● Enhanced Seismic? ● IFO not Locked – conlog broken ● AutoBurt ● Autoburt – Hourly glitch ● Tidal Servo

Segment Source Classes ● Category A: data that don't exist or are not taken during normal locked Science mode running ● Category B: transients in channels with direct coupling to LSC ● Category C: Noisy IFO auxillary channels ● Category D: Noisy periods based on PEM and other data. ● Category E: Informational and statistical.

Class A Segment Dead Times

Class B Dead Times + = online

Class C Segment Dead Times + = online

Class D Segment Dead Times + = online

Class E Segment Dead Times