Devotion Sense of belonging to the Society NC
[813] - Means that unite the human instrument with God virtue, goodness, charity pure intention of the divine service familiarity with God in spiritual exercises of devotion sincere zeal for souls for the glory of God, not benefit „These interior gifts are necessary to make those exterior means efficacious for the end which is being sought.“
NC Devotion to the Sacred Heart gratitude and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to celebrate solemnly the feast to renew the consecrations of the Society: -Sacred Heart of Jesus (1872) -Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
NC Sense of belonging and responsibility for the whole Society should be manifested through: knowledge of our spirituality, our history, our saints, our apostolic labors, and our men... Ignatian mobility and flexibility... In helping any region of the Society (NC 411) have at heart the concern for vocations (NC 412)
The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Society of Jesus
GC 31, d.13: Religious life in general... spiritual life is participation in the life of the most holy Trinity... (206)... it involves the whole man and his activities... (207) It does not consist only in individual acts of devotion, but ought to animate and direct our whole life, individual and community, together with all our relations to other persons and things. (207)
GC 31, d.14: Prayer Our entire spiritual life is in Christ Jesus. (211) The Spiritual Exercises of our father St. Ignatius are both the heritage of our spirituality and the school of our prayer. (212) The Exercises.... are a method in the pedagogy of love... of the most pure charity towards God and towards one´s neighbor. (Arrupe: Rooted and grounded in love, 12)
GC 31, d.15: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus GS 22 - Incarnate Word : Christ „thought with a human mind, acted by human choice, and loved with a human heart“ (238) Pius XII, Haurietis Aquas, 1956: Devotion to the Sacred Heart... pays tribute to „that love which God has shown us through Jesus, and is also exercise of the love we have for God and for our fellow-men“ (239)
GC 31, d.15: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus GC 31:... more effectively make the love of Christ, which finds its symbol in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the center of our own spiritual lives, proclaim with greater effect before all men the unfathomable riches of Christ, and foster the primacy of love in the Christian life. (240)
GC 31, d.15: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus To set aside unnecessary accretions and adapt it to contemporary needs, making it more intelligible to the men of our time and more attuned to their sensibilities. (241) Recommendation to Fr. General to encourage studies for that purpose. (242)
GC 32, d.4 - Our mission today... We must find a new language, a new set of symbols, that will enable us to leave our our fallen idols behind us and rediscover the true God... (75)
Adolfo Nicolás, S.J. Letter to the whole Society from 12 April 2010 (Beatification of Bernardo de Hoyos) De Statu, Nairobi, 2012
Pedro Arrupe, S.J. In Him Alone... Our Hope (Dublin, 1983) ▫Consecration prayer, pg. 39 One Jesuit´s Spiritual Journey (St. Louis, 1986) ▫Interview ▫Rooted and Grounded in Love (1981)
La Storta „He had resolved to remain a year, once he became a priest, without saying mass, preparing himself and praying Our Lady to be pleased to put him with her Son. And being one day in a church some miles before arrival in Rome, and making prayer, he sensed such a change in his soul, and he saw so clearly that God the Father was putting him with Christ, his Son...“ (Autobiography, 96)
Ethernal Father, while Ignatius prayed in the Chapel of La Storta, you wished as a special favour to accept the petition which for a long time he had made to you through the intercession of Our Lady: „To be placed with your Son“. You assured him also that you would be his support when you said to him „I will be with you“. You manifested your wish that Jesus, bearer of the Cross, should admit him as his servant, which Jesus accepted, addressing himself to Ignatius with these unforgettable words: „I want you to serve us“. Consecration formula P. Arrupe,1972 (La Storta) 1/4
We, the successors of that handful of men who were the first members of the „Company of Jesus“, repeat in our turn the same request „to be placed with your Son“ and to serve under the Standard of the Cross on which Jesus is nailed by obedience, with side pierced and heart opened as the sign of his love of you, Father, and of all humanity. Consecration formula P. Arrupe,1972 (La Storta) 2/4
We renew the consecration of the Society to the Heart of Jesus and we promise the fullest fidelity, asking for the grace to continue serving you and your Son with the same spirit and the same fervour of Ignatius, and his companions. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary who accepted Ignatius´ petition and before the cross from which Jesus hands over to us the treasures of his open Heart, we say today, through him and in him from the depth of our being: Consecration formula P. Arrupe,1972 (La Storta) 3/4
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my whole will, whatever I have and possess. Thou hast given me all these; To thee, O Lord, I restore them; all are thine; dispose of them in any way according to thy will. Give me thy love and thy grace, for that is enough for me. (On the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Church of Gesù, Rome, 9 June 1972) Consecration formula P. Arrupe,1972 (La Storta) 4/4